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It was, at least for me. I mean, it was our 9th trip there in in the last 5 years -- all sorts of other equally silly (to most people) things I'd love to/will do there. We've marked off a majority of the 'must do' things there, multiple times -- was actually probably our most enjoyable trip to date.

Assume Paris, San Francisco, or even Vegas is the same way, once you're able to actually relax and enjoy it, rather than running around trying to see/do as many things as possible in a very limited amount of time (which is also fun, just in a different way)
Wait, 30-something, driven, career-oriented, beautiful, classy, intelligent women don't always settle for half priced chicken tenders and happy hour draft beer? WTF?

WHY HAS NOBODY TOLD ME THIS BEFORE???! :angry::angry::angry:

20-something :)

She can order whatever she wants. I'm not surprised that my Old Fashioneds are $9 a pop, though.
I'll crush a happy hour well Bourbon/Diet, Gin/Vodka Tonic, etc all/air if I'm out with the boys, but I'm suspect of any real cocktail that costs single digits.

Contro take for a Kentuckian, but Manhattan > Old Fashioned. Don't really love either, although will enjoy in the proper setting. Rather just drink something good straight w/ an ice cube or two.
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There's a new snobby craft beer and bourbon joint close to downtown called Barrel Proof. They have Weller for 5 bucks. WTF? Slam dunk, imo.

But if you're going for wine, liquor, or a mixed drink, 10+ is just the norm.
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Quit changing the topic. Krazykats said he had never even HEARD that Steph was top 3. That's how this started.


Hate me all you want, justifiably so if GYERO is all you know of me, but my dumbass post last night sparked a great day of posting by the people that carry this thread.

That makes for great reading and less of my posts. So in the oddest of ways I do contribute by giving GYERO a platform to flat out clown my dumbass or to simply "bring it" which happened this morning.

-That said I agree the argument to have Steph in your top 3 is legit.

Am I the only one on the @TheShowKiller bandwagon with UK football? I actually think we'll be decent this year.
Got my Goose for the DrewBarkerExpress!

That entire junior class has been humbled, they will make "the leap" this season. Dawson was a cancer that has been removed.

The schedule is more manageable than people think. State is going to take a huge step down, USC and Mizzou will be "meh", and if we don't beat Vandy then just stamp "lame duck" on Stoops' forehead. UL is even winnable, yeah I said it.

LBers and secondary are better, DL is pretty concerning but whatever.

Damn, it's going to be sad when I have to toss wcc's dog tags in the C'Wealth urinals, but by then SAE will be ready to take over, a la Merlin.

Preemptive pumps to the rest of you.
Showkiller's UK football takes


I'm excited for this season....except that I have zero faith in Drew Barker. In college, the qb position is overly important to a teams success. Sorrynotsorry, but I think he'll be terrible.

Pizza School sounds awesome, especially if it's only 1 day or less. Isn't that the entire point of traveling? To experience things you couldn't elsewhere??

Any self respecting bar also isn't going to have cheap swill on the menu, either. Common sense and solid business practice.

"yes, I'll have the fighting cock 2 year.....and my lovely gal would like a Charles Shaw Pinot, June vintage. Here's a ten spot. Keep the change."

Took me awhile to appreciate him, but I'm all wildcatadam into Jason Isbell right now. He's so mellow that it took me a while. But damn, what a wordsmith that dude is. Can't wait to see him in October.

Had a doctor lady I was hanging with for a bit that has a.....errr.....CARRIES...a Prada purse. 5 grand. :boom::bomb:o_O Poor wcc. He's only begun to tap into the complete lack of sensibility in the female race.
Regular Weller. They had some 12 year for $9. That price went up too, but I can't remember how much. Bottom line, people have discovered it and it's no longer cheap or available.
I'll crush a happy hour well Bourbon/Diet, Gin/Vodka Tonic, etc all/air if I'm out with the boys, but I'm suspect of any real cocktail that costs single digits.

Contro take for a Kentuckian, but Manhattan > Old Fashioned. Don't really love either, although will enjoy in the proper setting. Rather just drink something good straight w/ an ice cube or two.

Liked your initial post, only to come back and see that you've desecrated the state of KY with an abhorrent take on the edit.

Lol at some (most) of these numbers.

...and people still question/judger why these dudes are in a hurry to get to the NBA.

-Like I said, I drink an Old Fashioned from time to time --- but usually don't need or desire a sugar cube in my bourbon, pretty much as simple as that.

How is preferring a great bourbon on the rocks (or neat) to an Old Fashioned desecrating the state of Kentucky? Answer: It isn't.
I'm not a big fan of vermouth, so I don't care much for Manhattan's. I'd much rather go neat or rocks with a quality bourbon, but I do love an Old Fashioned (original recipe). Weller is a great bourbon too, and if you can find Weller 12 it's about as good a bourbon value as you can find.

I think UK FB wins 7 games this year. We go 3-1 OOC, and pick up 4 conference wins vs MSU, Mizzou, Vandy, and USC. Our offense is going to be much improved, and our D will struggle against the run but will lock down in the redzone and show improvement in preventing TD's.
Love manhattans, but it can't be underestimated how much a proper cherry lets you know the quality you are getting. If yours looks like this you're good to go


If you have one with a bright red cherry that goes on top of a sundae then its shit.
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If you cannot stop the run you have zero chance of being a moderately successful team. Having a dope ass secondary means didly poo if SEC team X is going to repeatedly pound it down our throat.

Finished the 3 seasons of Peaky Blinders -- took me awhile, but I love it. The actors/characters are all pretty fascinating, and the soundtrack is dope AF.

Pretty tough to follow, found myself reading online recaps more than any show I can remember. All the different political movements/groups, etc, from that era can be pretty complicated for a non history ball, and sometimes the accents are a little tough in certain moments.

Great show.

Found watching with subtitles makes it a lot easier to follow. Tom Hardy and Cilian Murphey crush it in S3. Love the music, too. It's all around one of the best shows going.
Local Feed on Water St. in Georgetown has a nice bar if you like snobby, handcrafted cocktails (which I do).
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-Pizza School sounds awesome.

-This chick and puppy have WCC all out sorts. 2 days of complete shit takes.

-Young adopted dog>>>>dealing with a straight up pup. Bite the bullet and just deal with 2 weeks of hell in crate training. Long run it's the best. Also hit the PetSmart pet training course. I mean, if you want a dog that will listen to you and shit where he is supposed.

-FB team wins 5 games. UL stomps us.

-Brown water + 2 rocks.

-We never go all day tourist shit. It's vacation, I'm going to sleep in a little, go work out, grab lunch then do something that afternoon. If I feel like I need to cram stuff in to see everything, I'll either not do it or come back.

-$5000 purse? Hey I'm all for lux items but that's nuts. Thankfully WS is more into moderate items in bulk.

-Props to graniteman for hooking up 2 slabs I'm going to retro to my BGE side tables. Best internet buddy to come along in years. TS.
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"Whatever," indeed. DL is overrated. Pressuring the QB and stopping the run are nice-to-haves, but not integral. We should have no problem disguising that weakness.
In developing my optimistic outlook for UK football I take certain creative liberties...kinda like how Iron Eagle was based on a true story, or at least the true fact that Libya and the USA were not "pals"...the rest is, well, let's say open to interpretation. #getpumped there a quartzman or crown moldingman? Been researching doing crown molding myself. I'm handy and patient enough to do it but for every 3-4 informative websites there's 1 here's where we f'd up and had to bulldoze the house one. there a quartzman or crown moldingman? Been researching doing crown molding myself. I'm handy and patient enough to do it but for every 3-4 informative websites there's 1 here's where we f'd up and had to bulldoze the house one.

Just get a miter saw, a tape measure and some finishing nails. I'm not even handy, and I've done this.
-Basic crown molding, sure, knock yourself out. 2,3, or 4 piece? Get a trim guy.

-Malcolm Gladwell's podcast on Wilt Chamberlain not shooting granny style free throws and the whole granny style free throw idea was pretty good. Worth a listen.

-Gave up UK football after the UL debacle. No idea what the schedule looks like but I'm pretty sure they win 4 or 5 games (maybe 6 OMG) and look like dogshit the rest.
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