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Kind of sad Anth's abandoning the rolled jean look, always made me chuckle.

Zack Braf wasn't my favorite on Scrubs, hell he wasn't even top 5, but I don't dislike him. #TeamCox

Don't have my new clubs, but do have new wedges. Got the Callaway Mack-daddy 56 and 60...the faces are huge.

Somehow missed Bill Clinton on campus today, lol.
Have to agree about recent Sturgill. He's dope, but he's also the 'Future' (Hendrix) of country music...if it's not a cover that you already know the words to, good luck figuring out what he's saying half of the time.

The sheep of the "new" (old) country music outlaws are pretty funny to me, imo. Basically, if you intentionally try to sound like you have no money and/or professional production/mastering, and your music sounds like it was made in the 60s with a $500 budget in a garage, = you are LEGIT, and REAL music!!!!:fire::fire::fire: Also having a marginal-to-bad actual singing voice apparently lends extra credibility.

It also has to be sleepy, rainy day, depressing music, otherwise it's also terrible and not "real"

Ok, got it.

(I like Sturgill, btw)
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I find it dubious that the Democrats are suddenly going to have a magic bullet for Trump when the Republicans threw everything at him short of challenging him to a trial by combat and all it did was galvanize his support. He is winning by larger margins now than at any point in the campaign. President Trump just has a feeling of inevitability. We are a nation of Homer Simpsons.
No one gives a shit about your opinion or reading of a wiki page about anything to do with the state of Kentucky. Move to Tar Heel country as soon as possible you pos.

Get shit right once in your life and I won't have to constantly brow beat your gluten free ass.
Have to agree about recent Sturgill. He's dope, but he's also the 'Future' (Hendrix) of country music...if it's not a cover that you already know the words to, good luck figuring out what he's saying half of the time.

The sheep of the "new" (old) country music outlaws are pretty funny to me, imo. Basically, if you intentionally try to sound like you have no money and/or professional production/mastering, and your music sounds like it was made in the 60s with a $500 budget in a garage, = you are LEGIT, and REAL music!!!!:fire::fire::fire: Also having a marginal-to-bad actual singing voice apparently lends extra credibility.

It also has to be sleepy, rainy day, depressing music, otherwise it's also terrible and not "real"

Ok, got it.

(I like Sturgill, btw)

Predictable and necessary reaction to how pop and soul-less mainstream country has become. A musicball like yourself should get that. Learn 1991.
Zero doubt pti doesn't even pay for the original hem, if applicable.

I honestly don't even know what this means. People hem their jeans?? Never even considered it. 34x32 at the moment.

Sturgill is incredibly talented. The vast majority of mainstream music nowadays, regardless of genre, is over marketed, producer constructed nonsense. Huge difference.
So after 8 years of frothing at the mouth over Barack Obama, the Republican Party gives us Donald F***ing Trump as the answer to what ails us. Christ. I mean, you had 8 GD years to get your act together, folks. I am dumbfounded.
Bill Simmons had Chis Sacca on his podcast recently and he predicted that Mark Cuban would be our next president. Not only did I think "well, that makes sense"... in light of the options we've been given this year it didn't sound so bad.

Strange times we are living in, indeed.


Seems plausible.
And yet so many of you assholes bow up and criticize anyone who doesn't exercise their right to vote. Gimme somebody worth a damn, and i may actually show up and cast.
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Seriously? In jeans??

Levis 527 slim boot cut. Honestly had no clue you could buy jeans that immediately had to be tailored. Didn't realize that was a thing. As long as they look good, then wodie.
No problem with tailored jeans. I understand the gravity of being disproportionate just wanted to point out the GYERO nature of that statement.

Jeans can GGP. There, said it. Bring it on haters

Chauncey? Also, the presumptive nominee for the Republican party used an article from the National Enquirer, yes the bat-boy folks, to help pin the final nail in his opponents coffin. A bald faced, no proof lie of an article made it's way into mainstream politics. What's worse, the fact that the Donald won the republican party or that it all but guarantees Hillary's presidency?
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Not an issue. Just assumed everyone bought theirs right off the rack and ready to roll. I guess this is too simpleton for nelson.
I don't see any reason to spend that much on jeans only to have to tight roll them or constantly be stepping on them making the bottoms look like shit. I'm a tweener too when it comes to jeans and 8-10 bucks a pair to keep them looking good and fitting better is worth it. Team Anth on this, not that I carry any weight around here but I "get it"
Maybe he just wants a cheeseburger or whatever you get at the end of the game. Leave me, I mean him, definitely him, alone.
Some of you are a lost cause. You can spend all the $$$ you want in clothes, but there just isn't much to work with.

5/4/16. Lord help me get thru this nerdgasm of a day. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU lololol. GD nerds.

Trump = :joy::joy:. Just truly amazing.

I don't have the MLB package. Haven't seen a single Reds game all year. #profit

Justin Verlander put a ring on Kate Upton. Bought high. Sold low. Idiot. He's worse than chief.
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