Ha, Geese. The lass won't go there with me because she has no patience for waiting without reservations and I get lost almost every time trying to find the joint. On Friday it was a group of fellas and we rolled in late after happy hour around 9:00 and only had to wait 10 minutes or so for a table.

Wodie... Game has a much better layout. Still gets packed though.
I'm almost afraid if I venture deep into Germantown, I may never be seen again.

Most confusing place on planet earth, I still don't even understand where it is despite driving through 100 times, studying maps, etc, etc.

Driving around in circles down there is bigtime fun, though.

Hell, we even had an Uber with GPS get lost down there with ABH last year, he tried to take a shortcut through there to get to Eastern Pkwy (I assume)...we drove around in circles for 20 minutes before finally getting 'out'. Took us an hour to get home from LaBamba. We ended up at the same 'No Outlet' 3 times over about a 20 minute span.

It was pretty hilarious, actually. Should have recorded ABH harassing this poor driver, it was epic. I was more sympathetic b/c it's happened to me personally so many times.


This post was edited on 1/26 12:51 PM by B.B.d.K.
Got to know Germantown pretty well in high school. Basically had to recognize 3 streets, Barrett, Oak, and Schiller. I think at some point all the roads connect with one of those.

I really love the part of town. Between Germantown and Audubon Park cops, I think we averaged getting pulled over twice a month.
Originally posted by Wodie Sloot:
We've become pros at the "gluten free" stuff after our neighbor's daughter's bout with UC. Make your own taco seasoning (it's easy and tastes better).

I'll email you some other stuff.
UC = ? Ulcerative colitis?
The gf(we) literally wash the 3 dogs 2-3x/week. I feel like that is so much overkill and a pain in the ass. These rascals don't even get on the furniture or bed either. The backyard is turfed in so they aren't rolling in dirt or anything. Jesus lady, let them be dogs.

Speaking of dogs, anyone want to adopt a Brazilian Mastiff? Super sweet, cool dog but we've already got 150lbs. of dog between the other two and now "we're " fostering the mastiff which brings the total to 270lbs of dogs.
Originally posted by CClarkUK:
Got to know Germantown pretty well in high school. Basically had to recognize 3 streets, Barrett, Oak, and Schiller. I think at some point all the roads connect with one of those.

I really love the part of town. Between Germantown and Audubon Park cops, I think we averaged getting pulled over twice a month.
I know how to Cut down Goss or Burnett to eventually hit Logan and get to the Highlands...and know how to get to Breckenridge St. from Barrett (to get to CBI/Hammerheads)...if I try anything else ----> Bermuda Triangle.
Originally posted by iheartrambo:

The gf(we) literally wash the 3 dogs 2-3x/week. I feel like that is so much overkill and a pain in the ass. These rascals don't even get on the furniture or bed either. The backyard is turfed in so they aren't rolling in dirt or anything. Jesus lady, let them be dogs.

Speaking of dogs, anyone want to adopt a Brazilian Mastiff? Super sweet, cool dog but we've already got 150lbs. of dog between the other two and now "we're " fostering the mastiff which brings the total to 270lbs of dogs.
Are they rescues? I bet they're resuces. Did you rescue them or was it the other way around?

I guess since we've been around it I kind of understand and since the people we cook for are really close to us we accommodate BUT that's just shitty to come to a party and think the food is going to be fine for you.

WS eats a diet for certain reasons but she'll offer to make something specifically that will accommodate her diet. Not expect the people to tailor a diet for them.

Willy S. - We've been making a pretty wodie taco/fajita setup recently that will do.

Homemade taco seasoning on grilled skirt steak and grilled chicken
Grilled onions and peppers w/ salt, pepper, garlic and evoo
tortillas for the non-weirdos, lettoce for the weirdos
re-fried black beans
cauliflower rice
Originally posted by Beavis606:
The U is probably for upscale. Upscale Colitis. Upscale Celiac.
That made me chuckle, probably describes WS, but in reality Ulcerative Colitis is really a pretty nasty disease. Very high risk of developing colon cancer or primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Many patients opt for a total proctocolectomy, which is not without issues.
Originally posted by drxman1:
Originally posted by Beavis606:
The U is probably for upscale. Upscale Colitis. Upscale Celiac.
That made me chuckle, probably describes WS, but in reality Ulcerative Colitis is really a pretty nasty disease. Very high risk of developing colon cancer or primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Many patients opt for a total proctocolectomy, which is not without issues.
Bah, the risks of developing CRC and/or PSC are elevated compared to the general population, but I wouldn't consider them "very high risks."

The total proctocolectomy is eventually needed in about 20-30% of people with UC, but the newer biologic meds may lower that rate.
Originally posted by Beavis606:
The U is probably for upscale. Upscale Colitis. Upscale Celiac.

Without going too deep into a friends daughters personal life, it wasn't just gluten free, it was a very specific diet for the issues. Yes, it's a terrible terrible issue. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Originally posted by anthonys735:

Originally posted by Beavis606:
The U is probably for upscale. Upscale Colitis. Upscale Celiac.

Without going too deep into a friends daughters personal life, it wasn't just gluten free, it was a very specific diet for the issues. Yes, it's a terrible terrible issue. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
They're free to try whatever diets they want, but I hope they also have enough sense to treat her UC with proper medications as well.
There's a Pic Pac at around 22nd and Market, right down the street from Myers Barber Shop, where I've been getting my haircuts since the 80s.
Originally posted by BeaveUKGT:

Bah, the risks of developing CRC and/or PSC are elevated compared to the general population, but I wouldn't consider them "very high risks."

The total proctocolectomy is eventually needed in about 20-30% of people with UC, but the newer biologic meds may lower that rate.
I don't know the extent and involvement of her UC (not a great dinner conversation), but being diagnosed at an early age is not a favorable prognostic factor.
Originally posted by anthonys735:
They tried everything diets, LOTS of meds, etc. Ultimately it was all pretty ineffective.
Unfortunately that's not terribly unusual - and a reason why some end up needing their colon removed. Have they tried the biologic meds like Remicade or Humira? They have the best success rates, but still far from perfect. There's also an even newer med that affects lymphocyte trafficking called Entyvio. If she has failed several of the other ones, it's worth a try.
Originally posted by drxman1:
Originally posted by BeaveUKGT:

Bah, the risks of developing CRC and/or PSC are elevated compared to the general population, but I wouldn't consider them "very high risks."

The total proctocolectomy is eventually needed in about 20-30% of people with UC, but the newer biologic meds may lower that rate.
I don't know the extent and involvement of her UC (not a great dinner conversation), but being diagnosed at an early age is not a favorable prognostic factor.
True. Unfortunately the rates of diagnosis for teens and pre-teens are increasing.
Originally posted by BeaveUKGT:
Originally posted by anthonys735:
They tried everything diets, LOTS of meds, etc. Ultimately it was all pretty ineffective.
Unfortunately that's not terribly unusual - and a reason why some end up needing their colon removed. Have they tried the biologic meds like Remicade or Humira? They have the best success rates, but still far from perfect. There's also an even newer med that affects lymphocyte trafficking called Entyvio. If she has failed several of the other ones, it's worth a try.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

I'm almost afraid if I venture deep into Germantown, I may never be seen again.

Most confusing place on planet earth, I still don't even understand where it is despite driving through 100 times, studying maps, etc, etc.

Driving around in circles down there is bigtime fun, though.

Hell, we even had an Uber with GPS get lost down there with ABH last year, he tried to take a shortcut through there to get to Eastern Pkwy (I assume)...we drove around in circles for 20 minutes before finally getting 'out'. Took us an hour to get home from LaBamba. We ended up at the same 'No Outlet' 3 times over about a 20 minute span.

It was pretty hilarious, actually. Should have recorded ABH harassing this poor driver, it was epic. I was more sympathetic b/c it's happened to me personally so many times.

This post was edited on 1/26 12:51 PM by B.B.d.K.
Lived in area forever. Love it. Hate it. The worst part to me all the cross streets in the neighborhood. They've mostly been 2-way stops forever, and you literally cannot see because of all the parked cars. Felt like I was just rolling the dice a lot of time. They've made more 4 way stops.

Love the transformation recently. Its origin was more the blue collar immigrants. In the 80's and 90s it really turned into a lot of slumlord stuff. Criminal element, vacant properties. A ton of revitalization now, and has that "cool" vibe about it, like an extension of NuLu more than the Highlands. Plenty of hipsters and alt type folks over there, buying first homes, fixing it up, being real active in community. So many cool little hole in the wall places.

I'm sure other cities are similar, but Louisville is fascinating with how it seems broken up into so many unique neighborhoods with their own distinct feel.
Originally posted by anthonys735:

Originally posted by BeaveUKGT:
Originally posted by anthonys735:
They tried everything diets, LOTS of meds, etc. Ultimately it was all pretty ineffective.
Unfortunately that's not terribly unusual - and a reason why some end up needing their colon removed. Have they tried the biologic meds like Remicade or Humira? They have the best success rates, but still far from perfect. There's also an even newer med that affects lymphocyte trafficking called Entyvio. If she has failed several of the other ones, it's worth a try.
Yeah, if she failed Remicade and/or Humira, then she has a very tough case. Entyvio is very new (just out in 2014) and worth looking into, if her doctor hasn't already brought it up. Mention it to her if you think of it. Do you know what doctor she sees?

{Sorry GYERO for derailing the day's thread, but it's an area of interest of mine - I attend an annual medical conference on UC and Crohn's disease}
Again, this is a friends daughter so I'll just refrain from expanding much more on it in gyero but yeah it was a long ordeal over a couple years a bunch of doctors in two different big hospitals and hopefully she's on the road to recovery now.
Originally posted by anthonys735:
Again, this is a friends daughter so I'll just refrain from expanding much more on it in gyero but yeah it was a long ordeal over a couple years a bunch of doctors in two different big hospitals and hopefully she's on the road to recovery now.
Understood. If you want to email me offline, let me know. If they'd like to email me, let me know that too. I have Crohn's disease and my brother has UC, so I'm familiar with the conditions and always willing to try to help out others. I'm actually sitting in a room at the gastroenterology dept at UCSD hospital right this minute for some tests - and I'm on their wifi. I'm also a volunteer test subject for some research studies (DNA, tissue samples, blood samples, etc). The lead doctor here is the foremost clinical researcher in the world for UC and Crohn's medications. I've been attending an annual conference for about 8 years now.
CB-they gonna make you stay in house the next few days? Military did that to us for hurricane warnings. Everyone else ordered to evacuate, but got stuck on the ride out team once. That sucked.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

If you can, post a screenshot of your neighbor's medical records, not sure how Beave is supposed to solve this on GYERO without the full picture.
You're just mad because I don't know any treatments for your horrible taste in movies and music.
Just messing with you, of course. But if you doubt my not-a-doctor expertise in UC and Crohn's disease, feel free to ask the international panel of experts who heard my case presentation and decided I didn't have Crohn's disease (I felt I did; my doctor at the time, who was Dr. Crohn's nephews, wasn't sure, so he presented me at a conference to get their opinion). Long story short, additional testing I requested showed I was right and they were wrong. Now I get invited back every year to the conference for free.
I haven't gotten a chance to see the movie yet, but I'm nearly finished reading American Sniper. I have zero doubt that Chris Kyle was an absolute bad ass. I am grateful to have soldiers of his caliber fighting on our side, and I think his attitude regarding war itself is pretty necessary for the guys who do the actual killing; but I have had about as much bragging, humble-bragging, and false modesty as I can take.

You literally can't read one single page without reading some variation of...

I'm a SEAL and SEALS get in fights a lot. Other people start them but we always finish them.

I shot two guys with one bullet from six million yards. People say it was the greatest shot ever taken, and statistically they are correct, and I am probably the best ever, but I don't like to brag about it.

When I entered the house, one guy tried to act tough. He started it, but I put him down.

My buddies in the platoon started calling me Legend. I didn't think I deserved it, but maybe I did.

I swear to God, it's like if Doc had been the greatest sniper in US history.

You think I'm bad, you've obviously never met any SF guys.

Just say "Thank you" and move along.
Navy Seal/military/badass reading material always sounds cool, but I have yet to read one that doesn't put me to sleep with all the acronyms.

It was 0600, and I grabbed my SCUD, hopped in the back of the ATV, waved a goodbye to my CO, made a call with the SAT phone, loaded by BDU with BVDs and DVDs, dropped an SBD in my MPs face, hightailed it back to the MH, NGROd a pack of smokes from the PX, and got set for a little RnR.
