Glad Anth is here to tell us all about war and mental health. That's a relief.
Seems to me Boat is missing the point as usual. The criticism isn't with the bragging. It's with the humblebragging. If you want to talk about how much of a badass you are, just say it outright. You've earned it. Don't frame it with false modesty.
Originally posted by UKRob 73:
That would be a good time, a wedding in New Orleans. They would HAVE to get married in new Orleans, that's the rule. You get married in the girls home town, where she was born and raised.


No doubt. Plus, it's random bucket-list item of mind to take part in one of those 2nd line wedding/funeral parades. Those things are AWESOME.
If you're a fan of Larry David, check out this awesome article/profile on Vulture, which came out yesterday in New York Magazine. Really long read, but worth it.

Most of it based on his new Broadway Play (that he's writing & also starring in), but lots of good Seinfeld/Curb stuff, too.

Damn, I want to see his play about as bad as any non-sporting event I can ever think of...may be worth a special trip. 18 week run from Feb to early June. Can't imagine it not being awesome.

Also a link to his Letterman appearance on the page, which is of course, pretty funny.


This post was edited on 1/27 9:22 AM by B.B.d.K.

Larry David: Everyone's Favorite Curmudgeon
Originally posted by wcc31:
Seems to me Boat is missing the point as usual. The criticism isn't with the bragging. It's with the humblebragging. If you want to talk about how much of a badass you are, just say it outright. You've earned it. Don't frame it with false modesty.
Exactly. He's not missing the point, he's proving it.

I'm the first to give a standing tear-filled ovation to a veteran but to act like b/c they were badasses in war they're just immune to any criticism is silly.
Tuesday Shorts:

- PTI shouldn't catch ish for his babe's New Orleans posts.

- How good has Marcus Pee been of late? It's nice having those low maintenance guys off the bench.

- Have enjoyed how many more steals we're getting this year. Aaron, especially, seems to be playing the passing lanes more.

- Cousins or Okafor- who was better as a freshman?

- Well, guess we'll find out just how good Virginia is here soon, their next four: Duke, @ UNC, UofL, @ NC State

- Can't be long until some bigtime program scoops up Archie Miller. Dude is a stud.

- I have snow blue balls right now. Where y'at, Winter 2015????
Originally posted by UKRob 73:
Sorry Chase, not going to get in a pissing match with you. I don't think our troops, and our freedom is anything to joke about.
Nothing could be more false. There are no sacred cows in GYERO. And someone in the military can be a hero for their service, and be an asshole too. It's not a mutually exclusive thing.
Old school GYERO....

Chad posting about his affection for snow and or snow days followed by 73 berating him for wanting snow, telling him to grow up, etc.
Meh, Rob is just stupid -- I don't feel like he really misses the point as much that he's just plain dumb. Not really his fault.

Pope, however, is a freaking Radiologist and '73 is one of the smartest all-around dudes I've ever met, so they stand out more in this topic to me with their combined 35 years of schooling and 17 degrees.
Originally posted by wcc31:

- I have snow blue balls right now. Where y'at, Winter 2015????
Oldest had a snow day yesterday. Got the call at 5:30 that it was a 2 hour delay, fine, I get it. Then a call at 8:00 changing it to closed- despite the fact there had been NO additional snow, and really not much to begin with.

But I'm sure you already knew that being as you have teacher friends on Facebook.

Speaking of which- the next civil war in this country is going to be between Working Mom Running Around Trying To Figure Out Last Minute Childcare and Teacher Mom Bragging About Snow Days At Home With Their Kids on Facebook.
Nobody is making fun of PTI(pti)'s non-fiancé, mostly laughing at Rob -- it's funny anytime he attacks anyone, including me.

Plus, anytime PTI(pti) (who gives more shit & judgements to everyone than anybody) gets shit it's funny...I won't apologize for that.

I like when any of my close friends get shit in GYERO, just like they love it when *I* get shit on in GYERO. That's GYERO, at least it used to be.
Speaking of missing the point, just read the latest Forde Minutes (I know- my fault) and he's talking about how ugly UK games are, pretty much pinning it on us. Does he really think we want to play in these slowdown hackfests? Hell no. We'd love to get out and run. We have to deal with these stupid zones and shotclock counters.
Vanderpump Rules is a fantastic show. Guys are just as nuts and vain as the chicks, IMO. But Stassi takes the cake. Reality HOF-worthy crazy. The pictures of her floating around before all her plastic surgeries/makeover are hilarious. What a cow.


You ******s keep watching your Bachelor and Real World, though.
Originally posted by IsRichieGonnaStart:
Old school GYERO....

Chad posting about his affection for snow and or snow days followed by 73 berating him for wanting snow, telling him to grow up, etc.

Definitely one of GYERO's recurring/yearly arguments, of which we have so many.

Be funny to see our top 25 or so 'regular' arguments, and see how many times we've had the EXACT same conversation over the years.
Forde isnt missing the point either, he's just trying to recreate an entirely different one. And there really arent any similarities between UVA and UK's style of play. Watching UVA crawl their way to wins is stomach turning. Think if Cal went into his cute little "slow play" bullshit for an entire game.

College basketball is pretty much shit right now. They could learn a few things from NBA officials. Such as calling fouls.
Only chance we'll get, IMO, to play "our" game is going to be in one of the first 2 rounds of the tourney, unless we play a "Cinderella" in the Sweet 16 or beyond.

All of our conference games are gonna be ugly. Teams will take the approach of trying to ugly up a possible upset, or having a "close" game with UK on their resume.

Our 1st and 2nd round games are going to be against teams that will know they're outmatched but also know they're supposed to lose, so might as well play the style that they normally do, and hopefully that means we play someone who wants to run.

Once we get to the 2nd weekend, any team we play will be playing for the upset and we're probably back to teams changing how they play to ugly it up against us again- thanks to micro managing coaches who figure they can change their team's identity with a week to prepare.

I'm certainly no college basketball, but that's the way I see it.
Originally posted by wcc31:
Speaking of missing the point, just read the latest Forde Minutes (I know- my fault) and he's talking about how ugly UK games are, pretty much pinning it on us. Does he really think we want to play in these slowdown hackfests? Hell no. We'd love to get out and run. We have to deal with these stupid zones and shotclock counters.
But these dumb teams don't realize that they're playing into our hands by running the shot clock down because they're banking on scoring in a more limited set of possessions against our halfcourt defense vs. our transition defense, which I feel is still pretty lousy.

Still digging my heels in on this take. I'll concede it once some team out there proves me wrong. Where's Strokin' Bandit? He's the only one with me on this.
Not missing the point, I'm making my own.

Not saying that vets deserve to be immune from criticism, but I'm inclined to give them a pass.

This whole brag vs humblebrag argument is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Can pretty much guarantee those SF guys give no f#cks what a bunch of civilian clowns like you think of them. The only thing that matters to them is their reputation in the teams and those circles.
Combo of things..

Our defense is so extraordinary that teams don't get a shot off until way late in the shot clock shortening the game. This is by design. Martin teed off on one of his players postgame saying they game planned around not driving in the first or second opportunity and to be patient.

Because of this we get less possessions.

Also, when Cal has one of his really good teams he patently likes to
build a solid double digit lead playing fast followed by going into grind mode early. He's saying... You can't score on us enough with minimal possessions to beat us. Did in the title game in 12 against Kansas.

Frustrating at times but that's his philosophy.

It'll be fun when we play Arkansas. They aren't changing the way they play for one game. Carolina wanted to run and we ran them out of Rupp.

Also, with Forde.... Read everything he writes with tented glasses. He flat out despises Cal and has an agenda. Used to bother me. Supposedly things were bad when Cal was at Memphis and then when Cal took the UK job Forde reached out to clear the air and Cal blew him off.
Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:

Still digging my heels in on this take. I'll concede it once some team out there proves me wrong. Where's Strokin' Bandit? He's the only one with me on this.
No kidding.

To me it's like this:

When you slow the game down, limit the # of possessions both ways... talent disparity is minimalized. When you keep the ball away from the better team and limit their chances to score, the lesser team can keep it closer.

When you speed up the game and have more possessions, it exposes the talent disparity and overall skill shines through. Our transition D sucks because they never get challenged on the break. Who wants to poke the bear?

Snowmagedden = False, at least in Manhattan. I'm actually more freaked out about the shooting Sunday in the Home Depot on 23rd street that I occasion. Some dude who'd been fired walks in, shoots his former manager in the chest 3 times, the shoots himself.

Sad, crazy, scary.
Mark Fox doing a typical Mark Fox job down at UGA this year. He's a really good cool to actually see him build a good team/program.

He's been close a few years (heading into the next season), but been burnt by guys leaving early, often in multiples.

Got a really nice core of guards in Gaines, Mann, and Frazier (who dropped 37 the other night) who will all assumedly be around again next year to go with his usual revolving stable of no-name/rugged dudes down low.

Also, somehow Marcus Thornton is still there.

This post was edited on 1/27 10:06 AM by B.B.d.K.
I hate that forde gets me all riled up because I KNOW it's exactly what he wants. College basketball is bad right now but college basketball *journalism* would be a dinosaur without Kentucky fans, so it's all just to grab views. I get it. But he such a smug little piece of shit that my blood boils when I read his articles. The man is a coward, pure and simple. He is terrified of ruining his relationship with UL and god I'm just gonna head over to Twitter and berate the man. F*ck getting blocked I don't care anymore.
Originally posted by drxman1:

Can pretty much guarantee those SF guys give no f#cks what a bunch of civilian clowns like you think of them. The only thing that matters to them is their reputation in the teams and those circles.
Every one of us is eternally grateful for the sacrifice/service that all veterans have given to this country. The book was written in a way that he did care what we all thought and IMHO it would have been a better read with some humility thrown in. Still looking forward to seeing the movie as I am sure it is great.
Originally posted by Geese Feeder:

Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:

Still digging my heels in on this take. I'll concede it once some team out there proves me wrong. Where's Strokin' Bandit? He's the only one with me on this.
No kidding.

To me it's like this:

When you slow the game down, limit the # of possessions both ways... talent disparity is minimalized. When you keep the ball away from the better team and limit their chances to score, the lesser team can keep it closer.

When you speed up the game and have more possessions, it exposes the talent disparity and overall skill shines through. Our transition D sucks because they never get challenged on the break. Who wants to poke the bear?

No different than Football. We'd never beat a team like Oregon or Ohio St in a shootout, their talent would eventually overwhelm with so many opportunities...we'd have to have long-sustained drives, control the clock/field, and...

Simple really. Look at the games we score 70 or more points in. How close was the game ??? (Not very). Ok, now look when teams slowed it down (say 64 or less) and see how close the games where (two overtime games was a direct result of limiting possessions). The only games we had a chance to lose (being in a game is not the same), I mean when I actually feared a loss, was when teams uglied it up, slowed it down, and made it a war. Now, if a team had / has the depth, athletes, good shooters, then maybe running (if that is the teams strength), like a Indiana, Duke, Gonzaga, maybe Notre Dame, they should not change and do something different than what they do best. I guess what I am saying, for 90% of college teams, slowing it down is their best chance, but those few teams who can not play as effective slowing it down, or have shooters, depth, and athletes, playing THEIR game is the best chance. Could you imagine a team like Notre Dame playing slow and trying to beat us ?? No. One side can say "Virginia can slow it down and beat us.", the other side can say "Duke or Notre Dame can play their game and hit threes, play fast and beat us." MOST teams can not play fast and win.
Originally posted by CClarkUK:
Forde isnt missing the point either, he's just trying to recreate an entirely different one. And there really arent any similarities between UVA and UK's style of play. Watching UVA crawl their way to wins is stomach turning. Think if Cal went into his cute little "slow play" bullshit for an entire game.

College basketball is pretty much shit right now. They could learn a few things from NBA officials. Such as calling fouls.
Amazing too me that pretty much over the same time period, college basketball went from a fun high scoring entertaining sport to being a sludgefest with hacking defenses allowed to hinder offense & scoring......while at the same time college football has exploded with fun high scoring hurry up no huddle shotgun spread offense pretty much the standard across the country.

Why have college football coaches allowed and embraced the changing of their game and their rules to favor up tempo big play high scoring.....but at the same time college basketball coaches have let their game devolved to be the worst of the 1980's Big East?
Great stuff so far this AM, Adrian. What are some other things that make you horny?
Originally posted by catsfanbgky:
Simple really. Look at the games we score 70 or more points in. How close was the game ??? (Not very). Ok, now look when teams slowed it down (say 64 or less) and see how close the games where (two overtime games was a direct result of limiting possessions). The only games we had a chance to lose (being in a game is not the same), I mean when I actually feared a loss, was when teams uglied it up, slowed it down, and made it a war. Now, if a team had / has the depth, athletes, good shooters, then maybe running (if that is the teams strength), like a Indiana, Duke, Gonzaga, maybe Notre Dame, they should not change and do something different than what they do best. I guess what I am saying, for 90% of college teams, slowing it down is their best chance, but those few teams who can not play as effective slowing it down, or have shooters, depth, and athletes, playing THEIR game is the best chance. Could you imagine a team like Notre Dame playing slow and trying to beat us ?? No. One side can say "Virginia can slow it down and beat us.", the other side can say "Duke or Notre Dame can play their game and hit threes, play fast and beat us." MOST teams can not play fast and win.
Ole Miss?
Well, yeah, if a team hits circus shots, plays out of their ass, then I guess any style will do. I thought we where talking a teams normal modus operandi. If UK played Ole Miss again the next night, you really think it goes to ot ?
Originally posted by B Rax:
Great stuff so far this AM, Adrian.

Lots of College Basketball, The Arts, some GYEROonGYERO Smack, some good thread histoy, Porn....I'll get my food take in eventually, and that's pretty much a perfect day in GYERO.

It's why I'm the best & most versatile poster on catpaw.
- I've been impressed with BBdK's effort so far today. Dude still has some left on his fastball.

- Who is more annoying?

Rapid-text Guy (can't ever just send one 2-3 sentence text, instead hits you with 5 fragmented texts in 30 seconds)


Group Text Guy (involves you in multiple group texts that never die)
Originally posted by drxman1:
Not missing the point, I'm making my own.

Not saying that vets deserve to be immune from criticism, but I'm inclined to give them a pass.

This whole brag vs humblebrag argument is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Can pretty much guarantee those SF guys give no f#cks what a bunch of civilian clowns like you think of them. The only thing that matters to them is their reputation in the teams and those circles.
Giving them a pass is making them immune from criticism, especially when you berate "civilian clowns" when they give an opinion you disagree with.

Again, I don't think anyone has said anything other than he was a bad ass soldier. But being a bad ass soldier has zero to do with whether or not bragging about being a bad ass soldier is annoying.

You can be a great soldier and be a terrible person. You can be a great soldier and a great person. Just because someone served in the military doesn't make the infallible. And "civilian clowns" commenting on someone's personality does not make them unpatriotic or ungrateful.