Bad situation but I hope the new story from Sullivan is true that it was instigated by the EKU guys.
This post was edited on 1/27 6:32 PM by cawoodsct
Tim Sullivan tweeting that multiple eku students say eku player initiated fight. Couple that with the guys twitter, where he admits to throwing bottles at nerlens car.
There is your story. Typical, div 3 player, gets butt hurt when div 1 player comes into HIS town. Looks like he bit off more than he could chew this time.
Ha. Looks like I nailed it. Eku students at the bar, said eku football players screaming and chanting at UK players, about this being their town. Per Tim Sullivan. Don't have to be a detective to smell this one from a mile away
-WTF are these guys doing in Richmond, KY when they have all the women in Lexington at their disposal??

-Hospital I work in is in Worcester. Still snowing, close to 3 ft now at least. Have some absolutely absurd pictures of snow drifts and folks snowed in, buried, trying to dig selves out, etc. Can't wait to dive into all that when I get out tomorrow at 7AM. :/
Yep you go to Richmond thats on you should be a part of UK 101 or whatever that terrible class was.
-Even in Louisville everyone knew a weekend or night out in Richmond as an outsider was a dicey move. Stay the hell out of that place. Had about 6 friends go there and always backed out when I was supposed to visit.

-Bar fights is the next step. Other than the obviously staged Vince Marrow stuff the program has just had a cloud floating around it since "Hey Matt... we're just getting started, Bro."
Originally posted by wildcat1973:
The Hammer. Be careful cyclists.
I'm pretty immune to traffic but I hate River Rd, try to tell MCF and Dad to stay the hell off of it. Too much for me. Give me the back country roads with no traffic all day.
How unlucky do you have to be to have an accident where you hit freaking Darryl Isaacs? That insurer is going to get that claim, shake their head and just write a check for the policy limit.

I just finished online Traffic School. I need to quit being a scofflaw. I cannot just pick and choose which traffic laws to obey.
Richmond bar scene is loaded with trash... Haven for Hilljacks from dry counties. Unfortunately we had to go to Richmond in college for alcohol/bar and pretty much it was 50/50 gonna be some kind of drama/near fight. Once found myself in the middle of a few EKU football players fighting a few of our basketball players because we'd beat them in Basketball

The only positive was Sutters had zero problem letting in under 21 sloots..

This post was edited on 1/27 8:09 PM by K-GAR
Glad Drew Barkers high school buddy weighed in on the fight, clearly our players were innocent bystanders just out for a chill night on the town.
Yep not a cycler but my dads the same way. Stick to the paths.

Grants seat gets hot next year with potentially pearl fielding a tourney team. Interesting next hire they have the $ for a homerun. Greg Marshall take it? Fertile recruiting ground big money etc.
Originally posted by gattongrad09:
Yep you go to Richmond thats on you should be a part of UK 101 or whatever that terrible class was.
No kidding - the first time I went to Richmond in my freshman year at UK some dude got murdered 10 yards from my car. They had it all taped off and the detective on the scene told me he "didn't care how drunk, stoned or whatever I was, get my car and get out of there". I took that to heart and never went out in Richmond again (mainly because "The Dog" and the rest of the bar scene was overrated).
People that know more than us have apparently made it clear Marshall will only leave for a blueblood
Must say I'm excited to see Buddy Garrity on Justified

Went to Richmond one time. Sutters. That was enough.

Hit up OBC tonight, menu was interesting. Shrimp and grits was pretty Wodie.
You fags just could not handle Richmond. i lived downtown in a apartment without windows that was less than 100 steps from the bars. Unfortunately all the bars I frequented are closed now. Only GDI queers hit up Slutters and O 'Reiley's. Glad they tore that places down. RIP Tazwell's.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I've never had a bad time in Richmond. Trashy as all hell but a great time 19-year-old wcc31. I hooked up every single time I rolled down there.

I'm shocked our freshmen football players are dumbasses who get into bar fights. Totally different than all the college football players (or college aged dudes period) I've come across through the years.
No reason to bring it up but I will. I want zero part of marshall. I am Vogel or bust. To attenmpt to recreate what we have we need someone who has experience with the egos we will recriut to sustain.

But again, enjoy the ride wildcat friends.