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Not to distract from everything going on but after a whirlwind high yesterday today I’m now sitting in the pediatric ER with my 4 year old at this point basically waiting for an official Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis.

So if anyone knows someone in a similar situation for advice or words of encouragement it would certainly be appreciated.
UConn fans have shot up to the top of my list of most hated fans. I get it. You're on a hot streak. Try not to behave like "new money" They're probably already ordering gold plated faucets, bear skin rugs, and tanning beds by the gross...
UConn fans have shot up to the top of my list of most hated fans. I get it. You're on a hot streak. Try not to behave like "new money" They're probably already ordering gold plated faucets, bear skin rugs, and tanning beds by the gross...
I've heard ''UNC and UK need to stop counting titles before segregation. Those don't count''. Probably 5 times today. They are the undisputed kings of cherry picking stats. So much ''past 25 years'' ''Modern Era'' BS from them. Not to mention they're your typical New Englanders. Kentucky is a desolate, wasteland, where we fight the civil war every day. And lynch black people on weekends. They're my most hated fanbase too. Them and Tenneesee.
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She has shut up for 15 years. While her roomate/husband has ran off at the mouth. Always supporting him. She loves Kentucky and UK and actually means it. She had a right to tell the fans goodbye.

You had strung together a few good posts and and blew it.
I wasn't talking about Ellen Calipari. Not at all. My post had nothing to do with her. I was talking about all of the posts and media conversations about Hurley's wife. I can see how my post was misconstrued. It was just a matter of timing, sincerely.
Not to distract from everything going on but after a whirlwind high yesterday today I’m now sitting in the pediatric ER with my 4 year old at this point basically waiting for an official Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis.

So if anyone knows someone in a similar situation for advice or words of encouragement it would certainly be appreciated.
Technology and medicine has come a long way in diabetes. Prayers that’s not what it is
Any time someone brings up the segregation just bring up the three point line, shot clock, NIL, freshman not playing, scholarship limits, PEDs, AAU, etc etc. when does it start for them?

When do their current titles stop counting? Once the 4 point line is introduced, or we go to two super conferences, or move to quarters and change number of fouls or aliens start playing?

It’s a silly argument.
So if anyone knows someone in a similar situation for advice or words of encouragement it would certainly be appreciated.

I got a couple:

1) That prick Jay Cutler had Type 1. Didn't slow him down a bit once he got on insulin and then he married Kristin Cavallari. And as we know, Cavallari >>>> Calipari.

2) I also do a Murph on Memorial Day every year with this dude who is Type 1. He crushes the Murph and is built like a Greek God.
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Any time someone brings up the segregation just bring up the three point line, shot clock, NIL, freshman not playing, scholarship limits, PEDs, AAU, etc etc. when does it start for them?

When do their current titles stop counting? Once the 4 point line is introduced, or we go to two super conferences, or move to quarters and change number of fouls or aliens start playing?

It’s a silly argument.
You restart history every 25 yrs. Duh. Anything that happened before will be regarded as mostly stories from an oppressed time. It works
UCONN is now a legit threat to KY in the NC category. You have to go after their HC in a big way. If he accepts then you just let them know their real place in the pecking order plus got their coach who unlike Cal very likely gets KY much closer to UCLA. If he stays you at least inflicted enough financial damage that would have to eat into their NIL pockets potentially making them a weaker threat. Big moment for this program.
- Drew would crush it here. Pretty much has the exact philosophy that everyone has been clamoring for. Mix of freshman and transfers, knows X and Os, and doesn’t put himself/players over the program.

- UConn boosters I know are scared AF. Sunday/Monday they were laughing off any chance Hurley leaves. Definitely changed their tune.

- Think the delay with Cal/Arkansas announcement was in part that Cal reached out to players and recruits…and didn’t get the “we’ll follow you” guarantees he was expecting. Dragged it on to scramble and make his pitch until the last minute.

- I’ve been as critical of Mitch as anyone…but he played this exactly right. Made it clear Cal wasn’t welcome back, but didn’t force the issue in case there was a legal dispute.

“Cal negotiated behind our back”

“Well so did UK before I left!”

- Thought there was no way that Cal was so blinded about public perception of him…but then you see Brad, and it makes sense.

Honestly never seen anyone so oblivious to reality.

- I miss the days where we all just watched a damn door for 13 hours straight to confirm who the next coach would be.
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Not to distract from everything going on but after a whirlwind high yesterday today I’m now sitting in the pediatric ER with my 4 year old at this point basically waiting for an official Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis.

So if anyone knows someone in a similar situation for advice or words of encouragement it would certainly be appreciated.

A few things, and this post shouldn’t go against my count limit…

1- I felt helpless and broken when I went thru this and my son was 7 and just reading your post I can tell maybe you feel the same but seriously it will be ok.

2- They have so much technology now that your 4year old will be able to live like every kid out there. We have our guy who is now 14 on a G5 Pump and a Dexcom which transmits to our phone and we can manage and see his status from 1000’s of miles away.

3- I originally thought this would make life impossible and my kid would be so different. It hasn’t, he eats just like every other kid and plays just as hard and oddly is in tune with his body better than most because he detects when he is high/low on his own at this point which to me is an amazing thing at 14. He also understands diet etc and it’s pushed him into a cooking route because he enjoys learning what’s good and bad for him which has motivated my cooking ambition too.

4- JDRF is a real and great community. I am not as involved now as my son is into his friends and girls but when he was younger he loved it. 1 example of how cool they are which is nerdy but in Halloween he didn’t want to trick or treat knowing he couldn’t have the candy anyway. Well they run a program and he can cash in his candy for video games etc.

5- I’m just an idiot here, but if you ever want to reach out I’ll pass my info to ya and be here 24/7 because in real life it isn’t always easy and there will come a day your kid will cry and hate diabetes and your wife will struggle in those times and you’ll have to be strong because it can be hard.

But I mean this, it isn’t the diagnosis it used to be and your child will grow up and still live a wonderful life.

I’m dead serious about being here for ya. I needed others and had support as well and the process gave me a whole different perspective on life.

Prayers for your family cricket.
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The first time I stopped and thought wait a minute. I’ll take any coach who can coach more than man to man and not be condescending to BBN. So I’ll ride with just about any coach. With that said, we don’t need some crazy long term deal either.

Drew LOVES him some zone. We’ll get to watch the shit out of that.
Going to be so nice when a coach makes a real adjustment in game.

At 32-30, in the title game, Hurley called one of the best TO’s I’ve seen this year. Purdue cuts it to 2. Quickly gets TO. Sets up a play for an easy bucket. Goes on a 11-2 run. That was where the competitive game ended.

He’s going to win a lot more with this philosophy.

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Drew LOVES him some zone. We’ll get to watch the shit out of that.

Strategically from a coaches perspective wouldn’t zone in this 3 or layup era be smart?

A nice 3/2 or 1/3/1 protects so much and removes the defensive liability from pick action that crushes everyone against shooters.

- Listening to Deener on the way in, barf face, and while discussing UK possible coaches and who scares them. 1- Hurley, 2- Donovan and 3- Beard.

Drew doesn’t, and doesn’t bring excitement at all to the rivalry because if he wins he’ll be ho hum, and that I agree with.

But my man Beard!

Signs Signs everywhere is Signs!

- Hurley strikes me as a realest and being real he had a 6 man group last year that ran its 2 year course which was a legendary run. But if Clingan goes pro as he should then his players, recruits and any portal players he brings in won’t even come close to comparing.

That’s not a knock, but realizing it in time could help him say UK is the place I need to be to maintain that level of success.
Hurley is one of -if not THE - best in the biz out of a timeout. There is an entire on-line playbook of his out of timeout sets.

For the nerds, it's usually just some misdirection out of weakside/unbalanced stagger screens. Get a shot for the hot hand, slip the screen for a layup, window dressing on one side for a backdoor on the weakside, etc. It's great stuff. Whether it's him or one of his assistants, they are good for about 6-8 points per game immediately out of the huddle.

Every(basketball)thing that the media loves about Bill Self, Hurley is just as good at or better. Once he accepts Mitch's offer he can have some of those dorks over for some Merrick Inn ribs and beer and then his legend status will be cemented forever.
-Someone compared Baylor to Vandy. False. Baylor is like... well Baylor. I'm not sure there's a comparable. Football focused school in a football focused state while playing in a great basketball conference. 1 NCAAT appearance before he got there. He took over after the coach covered up a murder, right? Now they're a Nationally respected power. He won a flipping title at Baylor. And for all the "fluke bubble shit" UK finished 9-16 that season. Lol. There are no fluke titles. Ask Mark Few. On top of that just beat out the favorite Duke and UK for the # 1 recruit. Yeah, he had a bunch of 10 loss season back trying to get that piece of shit program out of the shitter.

-Shit, it's Masters week. Wow. I've been so consumed with this coaching search. Need to look at some gambol.

"...and that's whats goin on at August."

-The Real Josh Allen got a 5 year $150 million dollar deal. 88M guaranteed. From a no star WR to generational wealth. Couldn't happen to a more deserving dude. Good for him. Bam and Allen seem like 2 of the most deserving pros ever.

-"It's something unpredictable... but in the end it's right... I hope you had the time of your life!!"

-Kentucky Fans ran John Calipari out of town. Lol. He had a 9.5M dollar per year LIFETIME contract. At that rate he can't handle a little heat from losing to f*cking Oakland? F*ck you Jay Williams.

-Man, I love coaching searches. What a ride.
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I’m not sold on Drew having the personality to take on this job. It’s kinda hard to get excited about this hire, but that’s mainly because Hurley is out there killing it right now AND he has a personality that is built for this program and its fans. I definitely hope I’m wrong, but I feel like Drew is more of a Tubby-style hire. He’s….safe.
COUNTERPOINT: You don't like cheese.
Yeah, he had a bunch of 10 loss season back trying to get that piece of shit program out of the shitter.

I'm not against Drew coming here but this simply isn't true. He's been there 21 some odd years and lost 10+ games 6 out of the last 10 seasons and 8 out of the last 12. The program was 10 years in by the time he set those records. Also has 1 final four in those 21 years.

My big concern is that he looked like Cal from 2010 to 2015 during his 2019 to 2021 run and looks more like the guy we got rid of every other season.

Maybe coming here elevates him? I don't know. But usually we tend to do better with the fire bellied fellas and he doesn't strike me as one.

Ill be glad to eat crow over this.
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I don't like zone that much in this era of basketball for 2 big reasons:

1. The whole idea of zone offense is to draw 2 to the ball for the kick out or extra pass. Without the 3 point line, I couldn't imagine running anything other than zone. With the advent of the 3 point shot and with shooters today more deadeye than ever, you can't be a team that relies primarily on zone. It's a special circumstance D.

2. You give up a lot of offensive rebounds (especially in an odd front zone). I think the best rebounding team won the tourney this year. They extended possessions by getting offensive boards and then limited teams to one and done on the other end. Playing zone makes defenses scramble for the long rebounds because as stated in #1, lots of 3s are being taken. Long shots = long rebounds.

Just my take. You need to run zone some, but to be a Jim Boeheim type in this day and age is not advised.
-Kentucky Fans ran John Calipari out of town. Lol. He had a 9.5M dollar per year LIFETIME contract. At that rate he can't handle a little heat from losing to f*cking Oakland? F*ck you Jay Williams.
Nothing exposes just how clueless national media are about your favorite program until the time comes for them to very confidently speak as if they are an expert on it.
Nothing exposes just how clueless national media are about your favorite program until the time comes for them to very confidently speak as if they are an expert on it.
Actually, 99% of the national media has taken our side. Most of them crushing Cal. Just the drooling idiots of the GameDay crew are opposed.
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On the Baylor board, one guy said…

“they aren’t going to like Drew’s culture of joy

Not sure what that means, but I’m concerned. We just got rid of dream culture, we can’t afford more underachieving hippy shit.
Baylor isn’t going to like being a doormat for the next 50 years either.

I don't like zone that much in this era of basketball for 2 big reasons:

1. The whole idea of zone offense is to draw 2 to the ball for the kick out or extra pass. Without the 3 point line, I couldn't imagine running anything other than zone. With the advent of the 3 point shot and with shooters today more deadeye than ever, you can't be a team that relies primarily on zone. It's a special circumstance D.

2. You give up a lot of offensive rebounds (especially in an odd front zone). I think the best rebounding team won the tourney this year. They extended possessions by getting offensive boards and then limited teams to one and done on the other end. Playing zone makes defenses scramble for the long rebounds because as stated in #1, lots of 3s are being taken. Long shots = long rebounds.

Just my take. You need to run zone some, but to be a Jim Boeheim type in this day and age is not advised.
100%- should be used to change the flow of a game. At times, you need man, zone etc.
You can’t be so so sure in your single way to handle things.

The 3-2 St. Peter’s threw on Wheeler late cost us the game. It was done at just the right time.
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