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Man, hearing Billy talk about all of the things that people downplay in regards to his ability to return has me convinced he'd crush.

I'm curious how people make comments like Billy not being in college since most recruits started playing, etc. Let me tell you something, they watch the NBA and the Bulls will forever be a draw for Jordan alone, they know who he is.

I especially honed in on his answer about "If you were asked what would you say" where he went into detail about focusing on this group and "finishing out the year". Never once explicitly said "No" outright and left a huge crack in the door based on his answer.

I think he'd get along fine with Mitch.
Wouldn’t a follow up question be, “well Billy, if they did reach out to you would you listen?”
Billy... come on, buddy. Third time is the charm. Don't break my heart again.

I bet Mitch has Drew higher on the due to the timing issues and that rebuilding a roster would be a lot easier for Drew. He could bring recruits and transfers from Baylor. Billy would be starting from scratch with a tremendously late start and it would have to be portal heavy for him next year and the portal seems to be underwhelming this year.

If we don’t have a coach by next week though, it’s possible he’s waiting on him then.

I’m intrigued by Beard being mentioned today as an option a tier down from the big 3. Surprising Mitch would entertain him but he’s been mentioned today as a possibility.
If that’s the case, then he probably was open to Oats as well but Oats wasn’t interested.
College players watch more NBA than college I’ll bet money. They all sure as hell know who he is. He’d absolutely slay it here.

Let the Hurley saga play itself out, then ask Donovan.

An 8-10 year run with Billy D and a title would be a nice final chapter for him anyway. 1 more title ties him for 4th all time, 2 ties him for 3rd with Rupp.

He’s unlikely to do anything historic in the NBA, obviously he could win a title but there are 9 active coaches alone with a title BUT it would put him with Larry Brown as the only two coaches to win one of each.

Just thinking of what he may be pondering historically.
I’m intrigued by Beard being mentioned today as an option a tier down from the big 3. Surprising Mitch would entertain him but he’s been mentioned today as a possibility.
If that’s the case, then he probably was open to Oats as well but Oats wasn’t interested.

Don’t give me hope! I can’t control myself.
If it's not Hurley, I hope he demands enough of a raise from UConn, to bankrupt them.
That's why you make an absurd offer; like 13 million a year, for 8 years, with no buyout. UConn's only possible response would be, "Well, we can give you 7.25 million, and you'll get to keep the house in Jersey City..." That's it. That's all they can do.

You MAKE him turn that down, or, as you said, bankrupt UConn...

THAT is how you let the rest of the country know that, when it comes down to it, Kentucky basketball can swing it's nuts anywhere and anytime it ****ing WANTS to. You might keep him, but we're going to MAKE you pay a lot more money for him.
My issue with Drew is that he’s not definitively leaps and bounds better coach than Oats, Pearl, Beard and to a lesser extent … Barnes & Golden…heck, an invigorated Cal… in your own conference. Perhaps he is, but Kentucky should not bank on ‘perhaps’ scenarios.

Hurley is.
Donovan is.
Plus the Debo vibes.
[IMG alt="UCfor3"][/IMG]


JoinedAug 26, 2011Messages1,575Reaction Score9,531
My brother had to move his family to Kentucky for a job. A good job. Lasted a year. They all hated it so much he gave his notice and was back in CT in a year. Some of the stories about the people, places, general culture were just wow. Just a different world and not in a good way.

If anybody had any doubts about Uconn not being that hateable.

  • Haha
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Coaches wives need to learn, pardon my "old-school" attitude; to just STFU. Nobody CARES. Just spend the millions your husband is earning, bake cookies for the players, and then beat it/make yourself scarce...

(I KNOW that I'm exceeding my post limit on here, by quite a lot, but I'm hoping, given the circumstances, that people will endure it)
She has shut up for 15 years. While her roomate/husband has ran off at the mouth. Always supporting him. She loves Kentucky and UK and actually means it. She had a right to tell the fans goodbye.

You had strung together a few good posts and and blew it.
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