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Sorry, my impression from your interview last summer on Sports Card Nonsense was you had Levis as an exclusive and sold those rights. I just re-listened and it sounded like you did sell the rights you had so the manufacturer could have exclusive rights.

I’m a collector and obviously don’t know how this side of the hobby works, but is it possible that the offer wasn’t passed along because they didn’t want to hurt the chances of working out a deal with a manufacturer or another store coming in for a signing.

Again, no clue how this works, but it seems there might be an answer other than just deciding Antonio didn’t need the money.
It’s not Cal or Antigua’s decision. Stoops doesn’t try to control players. It’s Antonio’s. He is a grown man. They didn’t relay the offer. While later on the kid is looking for 5-10k deals to get by.

You’re mistaken about the SCN interview. We had an agreement for 1500 autographs from Will after the draft. FANATICS wanted to do a 4-5 million dollar deal with Will. But only if it was exclusive and he didn’t owe anybody autos. So to help Will out I agreed for his agency to buy out my deal. I would have much preferred do my deal since he went to the Titans(close to my store).

As far as why? You would have to ask them. As far as if Reeves would have liked $100,000? I would think so when they are our trying to find NIL deals that were much smaller.

Our best player BY FAR who sacrificed and came back deserves to make some $ too.
It’s not Cal or Antigua’s decision. Stoops doesn’t try to control players. It’s Antonio’s. He is a grown man. They didn’t relay the offer. While later on the kid is looking for 5-10k deals to get by.

You’re mistaken about the SCN interview. We had an agreement for 1500 autographs from Will after the draft. FANATICS wanted to do a 4-5 million dollar deal with Will. But only if it was exclusive and he didn’t owe anybody autos. So to help Will out I agreed for his agency to buy out my deal. I would have much preferred do my deal since he went to the Titans(close to my store).

As far as why? You would have to ask them. As far as if Reeves would have liked $100,000? I would think so when they are our trying to find NIL deals that were much smaller.

Our best player BY FAR who sacrificed and came back deserves to make some $ too.
I agree Reeves deserves to make money. But you’re talking about how you signed over your rights otherwise Levis could have lost a 4-5 million dollar a year contract after he was drafted. You were gracious enough to do it, but Cal doesn’t know that would happen again.

I’m sure you mean well with these contracts, but I hope there’s more substance than a business deal they didn’t want to take if you want to go on KSR and act like Cal doesn’t care about the players.
I agree Reeves deserves to make money. But you’re talking about how you signed over your rights otherwise Levis could have lost a 4-5 million dollar a year contract after he was drafted. You were gracious enough to do it, but Cal doesn’t know that would happen again.

I’m sure you mean well with these contracts, but I hope there’s more substance than a business deal they didn’t want to take if you want to go on KSR and act like Cal doesn’t care about the players.
All Reeves had to do was sign 8x10’s. All I was trying to do was give UK a fighting chance to keep him. You just gotta actually know the details. At some point, my reputation speaks for itself. Believe me or don’t. No big deal either way.

If for any reason Cal is still the coach next season I would pray there is a statewide movement to boycott all games. Word of mouth, or even an advertised request for no ticket sales until we have a new coach.

Hit them as hard as possible financially in other ways in addition to NIL.

Maybe this is a Captain Obvious idea; I hope so…
I think so, don’t travel would be my advice. He already complained about the fans being why they lost at Rupp so don’t go.
Tom Banjo today over his morning coffee:

“Winds in the east, mist coming in.
Like somethin’ is brewin’ and bout to begin.

Can’t put my finger on what lies in store,
But I fear what’s to happen all happened before…”
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If Mitch is actually making the call 100% then he’s about to cement his legacy for better or worse with this hire.

He’s been a damn good AD for all the “other” sports but he’s REALLY effed up with the Joker and BCG hires, I mean all time bad hires, and Cal is looking like it won’t be the ride off into the sunset type legacy at this point.

I think if Cal comes back for another shitty year he won’t ever get that come back home to UK in 10 years, maybe so maybe not. Would be a bummer if he didn’t and we ended up like a broke up couple that sees each other all the time, same friends group, even work in the same industry but blocked each other on all social and text shows, don’t acknowledge each other in public and people are scared to bring one up around the other…

So if Mitch bungles this, surely it would be his last hire here minus a 2-3 year place holder waiting for the “right” guy to come in and take the job.
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We are going to get a UCOON, UNC, UT, DUKE Final 4 aren't we?

-Are we gonna have Billy G situation? Seems like there's one unfolding. Cal MIA, radio silence everywhere, BBN placed in a hold pattern. Someone needs to get Alan Cutler and those ridiculous cowboy boots ready for the chase. Is there an inanimate object on live stream we can stare at for a few days?

-Untenable 🤮

-It's not older, it's continuity as well. You can't just keep turning over 75% of your roster every year. It's also modern basketball, and I get the new offensive style, but our D was just lazy. That wasn't youth or turnover. Cal has always been a great defensive coach. Watching that slow honk running us off screens 1000 times was about as frustrated as I've ever been. After the 5-6th one you'd think someone would throw a shoulder or 2.

-One weird aspect is how he's approached NIL. We have more exposure than anyone. Guys doing national ads. Walk ons and managers getting deals. Why on Earth is he soft selling that shit? This dude has been paying players for 30+ years.

-The whole thing is broken, if you ask me.

-I trust guys like BBdk and WCC but Pearl would REALLY worry me. I don't think he's got the coaching chops to get 9. He would OWN the marketing and availability side though. Playing KD Johnson as much as he has this season just scares the shit out of me. I guess he's a buzzer beater from playing in a title without his best player though.

-The only positive from giving Cal one last ride is not making an important hire on a limited timeline. Though, UL had 2 years to find their guy and seem to be scrambling and probably end up with Will Wade.
If you’re interested in human anthropology and how homosapiens won the day, Sapiens is a super interesting, very good book so far that really makes you think about how we got here(cities/agricultural society vs nomads/Hunter gatherer), why we went that route and how normal decisions can literally affect humankind.
Hurley is probably my number 1. Seems to have figured out how to get top recruits AND work the portal; plus he builds teams over years.

I actually think that (continuity) is at the heart of the fanbase's issue with Cal. I hated losing to UNC in '95, but we knew we had almost everybody coming back plus some additional studs like Mercer and Anderson. So there usually was a silver lining at the end of the year. But with Cal, it's a complete crap shoot from one year to the next. Are you going to get Bam, Monk, and Fox or are you going to get BJ Boston and Askew? And with an extra year of eligibility and NIL, it seems only logical to

Even if Cal tried to get some continuity I'd feel better. Like if he put on a charm offensive and NIL push to keep Edwards, Reed, Z and DJ. But I think he hates it. I think he partially viewed Reeves as a guy who might keep him from landing the next 5-star 3.

Lastly, and I don't care who knows this. If Hurley and the other top guys mentioned don't accept, just throw Ricky P a 2-year deal. F it. Better than Cal. I said what I said.
Hurley has signed a whole bunch of four stars and just a single 5 star player since he has been at UConn

This is because he can actually coach.

That shit coach YouTube nailed how bad the defensive posture of our players is ready. He crushed Dillingham.
- This year was Cal's make or break year, and he failed miserably. What's the excuse going to be when he flames out in the round of 32? "Oh, he won one game, progress! We need to rerack again."

False, that last chance was this season. The amount of apathy and anger as we drop OOC games, struggle in marquee matchups and roll in with near double digit losses by March will make the heated Internet battles with Tubby's Superfriends look like the Potsdam Agreement .

- Already lathering up my hatred for Mitch when he bungles this ordeal. If the ball is really in his court and he can move on from a coach he and the entire athletic department has zero relationship with and a track record like we've seen the past 5 seasons and doesn't take it, he's a eunuch.

- Why would any halfway decent assistant sign up to board the Titanic? More importantly, why would that be an ultimatum for him to return, Cal doesn't listen to his assistants anyway.

- Next years roster, assuming Reed is gone, is barren with guards/shooters. So the most valuable position in March is again a deficiency. And while Perry can snipe, Cal's disdain for local kids will keep his ass firmly on the bench for large chunks of the game.

- Best thing the Internet has produced in quite some time. Bonus points for looking and sounding like Sam Kinison from 'Back to School'.

- Shogun on FX is fantastic and Hiroyuki Sanada kills any role he's in. Closed caption is a must tho. Any history buffs, check out Manhunt on AppleTV as well.

- 70's this week -> time for a gradual facelift at the Nation - new lava rock, plant a few hydrangea's, upgrade landscape lighting, new sound system, pressure wash the deck and new paint. Cover off the pool in two weeks 🥳
They'd never do it considering what they're trying to get away from, but Will Wade would be the best/scariest hire for UofL, imo.

-Regarding the defense, I'm all in on Cal leaving -- but sometimes the players do deserve some, or even much, of the blame. Being out of position and running around like wild animals was a problem the entire season. Cal didn't just forget or quit coaching defense, it's the most important thing to him. Is that Coaching? I mean yeah, but sometimes all the coaching in the world can't fix freshman not being disciplined defenders. This group, as fun and lovable as they were offensively, just seemed hopeless on that end.

^ but that's just one small thing in a sea of shit that's been building for a long ass time. If it's not one thing, it's 50 others. Fixed the offense/style we've been dreaming of for example, and it mattered basically none. It's just over.
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- I've started seeing some takes similar to UCL about how much the tournament sucks, but I think it's been pretty solid (Kentucky's performance notwithstanding). There have been some games we'll remember 15 years from now, some great stories, etc. I don't mind a chalky regionals. Some of those matchups this weekend are killers. And because it's a bit chalky, we won't get another epic Florida Atlantic/SDSU semifinal tilt. I'm good with how it's shaking down.

- I could be talked into probably a dozen different coaches. And the problem is that because every coach but one ends the season with a loss, it's easy for the warts to show up on each of them, too. I watched that Baylor/Clemson game specifically through the lens of "would I want Drew coaching Kentucky?", and I was left underwhelmed. But deep down, I KNOW he would do a great job here. It's just an easy time of year to put everyone under a really intense microscope.

- If there aren't any slam dunks among the rising generation of coaches, give Kelvin a five-year contract (with no clause for his son replacing him) and let him try to get a title here before he hangs it up. You know he'd bring in some dogs and they would be out for blood.
Brady's offer being questioned on HOB because he's "known as a blowhard" 😲

That guy goukcats is the biggest water head on rivals. If you say anything that puts Barnhart in a bad light he goes ape shit.
Did anth say "scrambling and end up with Will Wade," like that's a bad thing?

Indeed he did.

Wade would *crush* it at Louisville. He's 42, won everywhere he's been, is completely unapologetic and unafraid to get down and dirty.......he's my "long shot" candidate for the UK job. That guy is great.
Did anth say "scrambling and end up with Will Wade," like that's a bad thing?

Indeed he did.

Wade would *crush* it at Louisville. He's 42, won everywhere he's been, is completely unapologetic and unafraid to get down and dirty.......he's my "long shot" candidate for the UK job. That guy is great.
My biggest issue with Wade are his child-bearing hips. Fix those and I'm in.
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