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I'm pinning my hopes on the fact that all Mitch has to do to quiet the talk is to put out a simple statement that Cal is our coach and that he looks forward to (and expects) a deeper run in 2025.

He doesn't need anything else to make that happen. Just a statement.

But it's still crickets. And that gives me hope.
The last truly enjoyable Cal season was 2017. Loved watching Fox, Bam, and Monk. Probably the last team with true swagger here. Monk strutting around the perimeter ready to pull up and snipe you at any moment. Bam patrolling the paint.

That team wasn’t elite but it was really really close.

Every team since has had a glaring hole or two, and poor overall construction to make a deep run. WCC always used to talk about team building. Cal forgot how to do that. Instead it’s just been a hodge podge of talent.

UConn is a “team”. Houston is a “team”. Watching their games this weekend, they play as a unit. Pretty enjoyable to watch actually. And I know Houston almost got beat, but they are a bunch of dogs.
So 3/5 of the supposed worst years in UK history we finished top 12? Do I have that right?

Anyone but here man, shew!
We were 25-6 and ranked 6th in the nation.
Which begs the question why did you point guard just quit?

Our starting PG quitting and letting Tyrese Maxey run the team was one of the better signs for the 19-20 team.
In November yes. In March right before the last regular season game? I don’t think so even wearing my bluest of blue tinted glasses
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-in the end, at kentucky nothing matters but the ncaa tournament.

I get it. So BiPolar regular to post season it’s as if Cal sabotaged which is crazy.

Just given the coaching landscape I can’t say anyone but Cal because I see where our true starting point in a coaching search is and it doesn’t include Wright, Drew, Donovan, Oats or Beard.

So from there it’s Pearl, Shaka, Musselman, Lloyd(best case here), or (ducks) Pitino based on a WayneDougan suggestion.
Hagans didn’t just quit. He almost/did get into a fist fight with Maxey in the locker room. He also refused to pass the ball to Richards that game (UT). Even when Richards was open or calling for it. He got suspended for that ordeal. Hence the Florida absence.
Man, it really sucked when Hagans quit. Was awful having Quickley and Maxey get those minutes. What happened to those two losers anyway?
The man has lost 52 games since 2020. I don't give a shit if we ended each year as the overall number 1 seed and every game was played in rupp for the tournament. He has consistently shit the bed in the only arena that it matters and lost to some horrendous teams along the way.

He ran his mouth about BCG and tubby but he's worse in a similar span. He's gd lucky Anthony Davis saved his ass.

Also, he's pretty terrible in every other aspect outside of general coaching too.

Move on.

Edit : we gonna hang some top 12 2021 banners in October gang?
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Man, it really sucked when Hagans quit. Was awful having Quickley and Maxey get those minutes. What happened to those two losers anyway?

Better question, why were Quade and hagans getting pt over IQ?

The dragon over literally anyone with a pulse?

If you think that UK team was going any further than a sweet 16 given how the man has coached in the tournament since the 2015 final four, you're wrong.
Also who could forget the “gotta keep something in your shoeboxx”. Shit from Hagans? Dude was flashing rolls of hundreds. Bad look for UK, Bad look for him. What a headcase.
-in the end, at kentucky nothing matters but the ncaa tournament.
That's not true. Discounting the regular season is another load of malarkey from Cal, imo.

Cal just bizarrely started sucking at his job during COVID. A lot of people did. Most have actual consequences in life and eventually stopped wearing sweatpants on Tuesday mornings, pouring scotch in the cheerios, and lost the pandemic muffin top.

Not him. Nope. He's got his wife wearing jerseys at senior day and his fruitloop son supervising the burning of Rome from the sidelines.
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They used the retirement excuse but I'm pretty sure Adolph Rupp got run for lack of tournament success and he was still winning SEC championships all of his last 4 years but not making the Final Four his last six seasons, especially after the Issel, Casey, Pratt team that finished the season ranked #1 was too much. We have a higher standard here.
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As a founding rider on the bitch bus- it's still not really a celebratory parting of ways (if thats even the outcome). I think even the most outspoken critics still bought back in for this season, with this particular group.

Definitely more of "it shouldve never come to this" rather than the all out glee we had when Gilispie was canned. At least then we seemingly were confident we knew the future had to be brighter. This time its pretty much a toss up on how it will all go.

That search was also during some peak GYERO times as well which made it even more entertaining- but that was obviously before the thread began this slow death.

We're in the ultimate, "We'll see..." situation I guess.
Not a single person in the world can say, with a straight face, that they wouldn't phone it in if they had zero accountability from their bosses and were going to continued to get paid exorbitant amounts. A lot of us would lie to ourselves and say we wouldn't get complacent and no, we'd prove we were worth the money! But that's a lie, and deep down, I think we all know it. Cal probably told himself that same lie, and unfortunately for us, did it as head coach of the team we live and die with. Is Cal a different coach today if he didn't get that lifetime contract? Maybe, maybe covid broke something in him and despite what we've always heard, he kind of sucks at paying the players after all. If you cut him loose, maybe accountability at another gig sparks his fire again and he succeeds. Maybe. But I can't think of a single reason for UK to keep him with circumstances being what they are.

Despite my irritations with his coaching decisions up til that Bruce Weber loss, I really did enjoy the hell out of the Cal tenure. Like everyone else, duh. If you're Barnhart, how can you sell donors on the theory that guy will be back next year, when we have 5 years of proof he won't be? I just don't see it. So he takes all his recruits, whatever. In the transfer portal era, that has never been less of a consideration, IMO.

As gutless as Barnhart is, he has to see the writing on the wall. And the threat to his job if he keeps the guy.
Considering the fact that Cal stated how he "wished Brad was on his staff" at one point during this season, I wouldn't put it past him to be so tone deaf to attempt to do that very thing this offseason if he returns.
Wasn’t that supposedly part of why Tubby decided to leave? Mitch demanded staff changes and he offered Saul.

It’s like bizarro world Deja vu.
Better question, why were Quade and hagans getting pt over IQ?

The dragon over literally anyone with a pulse?

If you think that UK team was going any further than a sweet 16 given how the man has coached in the tournament since the 2015 final four, you're wrong.
I disagree with your last point. I will obviously concede to your point that Cal could have gotten a lot more out of that team than he did. But I think it's fair to say Wildcat friends can disagree on the trajectory of that team.

That said, what happened five seasons ago should have no bearing on where we are today. Cal has continued to show no ability to improve - especially as the game has changed due to the portal.
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Sadly, our Don has reached this part of his life.
I get it. So BiPolar regular to post season it’s as if Cal sabotaged which is crazy.

Just given the coaching landscape I can’t say anyone but Cal because I see where our true starting point in a coaching search is and it doesn’t include Wright, Drew, Donovan, Oats or Beard.

So from there it’s Pearl, Shaka, Musselman, Lloyd(best case here), or (ducks) Pitino based on a WayneDougan suggestion.

-he didn't sabotage... he just doesn't adjust anymore. He admitted he does not scout opponents... that alone is a fireable offense.

-proof is in the pudding and his pudding is shit for the last 5+ years.

-he's gotta go... he's washed.

-also... this is another illustration that if you're going to be a condescending prick, you better back it up... otherwise there is no good will to offset miserable performance.
That's not true. Discounting the regular season is just another load of mularkey from Cal, imo.

Cal just bizarrely started sucking at his job during COVID. A lot of people did. Most have actual consequences in life and eventually stopped wearing sweatpants on Tuesday mornings, pouring scotch in the cheerios, and lost the pandemic muffin top.

Not him. Nope. He's got his wife wearing jerseys at senior day and his fruitloop son supervising the burning of Rome from the sidelines.

-I hear you, and the regular season matters... but if he had performed to seed the last 4-5 years he wouldn't be getting run out of town on a rail (fingers crossed).
I'm furious just at the thought of this, because it sounds completely on-brand for Mitch...
Well, they haven't even met yet. So how would a source on the basketball side know what is going to happen at a meeting that hasn't happened yet?

At this point, I expect him to be back, though. Sigh.

Sure, Lucy. You promise not to pull the ball away this time, right?
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