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Cardinals making a splash (cough...) this off-season. Heavy fastball throwers Lance Lynn (2nd stint), and Kyle Gibson. Then today signing Sonny Gray, whom I would guess they're counting on to be the ace of the staff.

Meh... We'll see. I think Gray is injury prone, and a little "light in the ass"

Lynn and Gibson eat innings, but they're not likely to win many games w/o pretty decent run support. Neither is a legit 2nd starter at this point.

Braves need a leftfielder and two elite starting pitchers. Not holding my breadth.
* I never put anything past the Cardinals, because they're one of those teams where everyone seems to get better just by virtue of playing in St Louis, but their starting rotation actually looks pretty awful next season.

* I'm still completely dumbfounded by the Vince Marrow situation. Had no clue there was anyone who thought any less of him other than being a total badass. Blew me away. I can't remember another coach at UK in my lifetime that was beyond reproach to the extent of Vince.

* Matt Jones' explanation of Saturday night just makes too much sense. A&M guy more or less makes the offer (although it's not fully approved by the board), Stoops says he'll take it but needs to get his ducks in a row first, and his list of needs is never really met (assistants coming along), so it falls thru.

* Wishing Ray Davis nothing but the best at the next level. I think he's got a really good chance to be very special in the NFL, and very few people will have deserved it more.

* The internet has completely robbed us of the Black Friday chaos videos. People standing in 7 degree temps at 3am, fatasses sprinting thru the Wal Mart door at the speed of a Special Olympic hurdler, full on riots breaking out over limited quantity items......#'merica.

* This game tonight it going to be fun AF.

* Book list this week....

- San Fransicko (Michael Schelleberger)
- Bravo Company (Ben Kesling) **shoutout Sayre School**
- Bad Blood (John Carreyrou)

* I've just come to the realization I'm a non-fiction guy. Always have been. Pretty rare I ever really get into a fiction book and enjoy it. Most of the time I get halfway thru, don't have any idea what's happening, nor do I give a s*** about any of the characters.

Non-fiction it is.

* 70-something parents --> they ask for my Christmas Wish List earlier and earlier every year, and every year they explain to me how backed up UPS gets, and that if you don't put in your order by late November/early December there's no way it's getting to you on time.


So, if you haven't bought all your Christmas gifts yet, just give up and start planning ahead now for 2024. Words of wisdom.

* Lot of hate going on in the country right now. First, Black Lives Mattered and we had to stop the hate against the blacks, then of course we expanded that to protect BIPOCs (black & indigenous people of color). Then, AAPI hate was on the rise -- Asian American and Pacific Islander (gotta be extra careful to help out all those Pacific Islanders). And who can forget that drastic rise in violence against the trans community, and better yet the entire LGBTQIA2-S+ community at large? Now we're seeing a catastrophic rise in violence against Muslim Americans, and of course against Jewish Americans. Check social media -- it's literally EVERYWHERE.

So, if you're keeping score at home, 97% of Americans (anyone who is black, a person of color, indigenous, asian, pacific islander, lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, two spirit, allied, jewish, or muslim) need to be protected from the historic rise in hate and violence against their respective communities. Stay safe out there.

* Had a tough time finding a dog sitter for this weekend, as we really need someone to stay in our home with our dogs. We've paid up to $100/day for that service. That truly shocks me. As a married man who lives with two rowdy ass dogs in a fairly small house, if ANYONE needs me to stay at their place for a few days, particularly if you're going to pay me hundreds of dollars, I'm all freakin in. Just for the peace and quiet, if nothing else.

Just an FYI: I would reserve the right to eat whatever I want, drink light beers without passive aggressive comment, masturbate freely in the open, and work from home in my pajamas. That's my rules.

Seriously can't believe this isn't easier to find someone.

You are the ring bearer in the Fellowship of the Miserable.

Nobody is "settling" for mediocrity. There has been a TON a bitching by us all over the last 2 seasons of underperforming expectations. But with all of us not happy with 7-5 the last 2 seasons, it's still MILES better than the river of shit that UK football has ALWAYS been since Bear Bryant left with the exception of 2 probation marred Curci years, 2 Hall of Fame Bowl seasons under Claiborne, one 6-6 Marty Moore Peach Bowl finale, 2 Mumme seasons, 1 Guy Morriss probation year, and the last 4 years of Brooks. That 12 total seasons from 1957-2015. Stoops is in his 8th straight bowl game.

I'm not happy with 6-6/7-5 any more than anyone else, but it sure beats anything Charley Bradshaw, John Ray, Bill Curry, or Joker ever did.

They are absolutely settling for mediocrity....see the contract extensions, the resurrected Stoops lovefest for beating UL, the chance to play in another bowl game for being mediocre (people see the 7 wins...not the consistent losing seasons in the SEC)

You're really bringing up coaches from 30+ years ago? Are you that desperate? It isn't a good look.

I have followed this program for as long or longer than most on here, and the young pups are easily bought with the glitz and glamour of suites, ribbon lights, social media, the chance to rub elbows b/c of their NIL ties, etc. They have very little to no blood spilled, and simply want the season to end and get on with hoops, so take your miserable comment and STFU.

Outside of a couple of lightning in a bottle years, Stoops has been avg at best, and his SEC record speaks for itself, as does his second hafl collapses. Throw in his lack of decorum in the community and I wish he was on the first train to wherever.

Take your preaching elsewhere.
So, if you're keeping score at home, 97% of Americans (anyone who is black, a person of color, indigenous, asian, pacific islander, lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, two spirit, allied, jewish, or muslim) need to be protected from the historic rise in hate and violence against their respective communities. Stay safe out there.
That’s actually like 45% of Americans.
Not what I said. I said Edwards is decent on the ball and Reed is very good off of it. Wagner, Reeves and Dillingham can’t stay in front of anyone

We give up a ton of points bc we aren’t able to stop penetration, have no rim protecter and ball watch. It’s ok to me though bc we can score in bunches. So I am good with it

But no one on this team is a good on ball defender except Adou and sometimes Edwards. Reed is great at getting steals off ball and does have insanely quick hands
Reed is a better on the ball than off the ball because he can stay in front of his man, fights through screens which allows the bigs to not have to switch and has quick hands to get steals as evidenced by his 3.2 steals per game. Off the ball he ball watches too much allowing his man to get open. You should probably watch all the action on the floor and not just ball watch like our guys do. 🤣
What the hell is he eating on campus that has him this sick? It's not like Croatians are the Aztecs when Cortes showed up.
They are absolutely settling for mediocrity....see the contract extensions, the resurrected Stoops lovefest for beating UL, the chance to play in another bowl game for being mediocre (people see the 7 wins...not the consistent losing seasons in the SEC)

You're really bringing up coaches from 30+ years ago? Are you that desperate? It isn't a good look.

I have followed this program for as long or longer than most on here, and the young pups are easily bought with the glitz and glamour of suites, ribbon lights, social media, the chance to rub elbows b/c of their NIL ties, etc. They have very little to no blood spilled, and simply want the season to end and get on with hoops, so take your miserable comment and STFU.

Outside of a couple of lightning in a bottle years, Stoops has been avg at best, and his SEC record speaks for itself, as does his second hafl collapses. Throw in his lack of decorum in the community and I wish he was on the first train to wherever.

Take your preaching elsewhere.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Hopefully we can get a day of remembrance for what you've endured.
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-Consistent seasons of 7+ wins plus an occasional 10 win season (lightning in a bottle) is actually EXACTLY what we are looking for if we’re being reasonable. Anyone thinking we’re going to win 9-10 games regularly have no clue how college FBall works.

-That Big Z eating here is total BS. I left America and lived in a third world country called Al-Mesr (Egypt for you dumb white Americans) for 3 months and ate EVERYTHING there and never got sick once.

Some of the pale, sickly, vegan-looking Ivy League college kids definitely got sick but they probably hadn’t eaten anything but pheasant and quail so they weren’t ready for pigeon and street meat.

-Goes without saying, but UKO will be shot by highly trained snipers on site if he gets within 500 yards of Rogue Day festivities.
* Had a tough time finding a dog sitter for this weekend, as we really need someone to stay in our home with our dogs. We've paid up to $100/day for that service. That truly shocks me. As a married man who lives with two rowdy ass dogs in a fairly small house, if ANYONE needs me to stay at their place for a few days, particularly if you're going to pay me hundreds of dollars, I'm all freakin in. Just for the peace and quiet, if nothing else.

Just an FYI: I would reserve the right to eat whatever I want, drink light beers without passive aggressive comment, masturbate freely in the open, and work from home in my pajamas. That's my rules.

Seriously can't believe this isn't easier to find someone.

Try Trusted Housesitters - I use this from time to time to visit family in Florida.
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* Had a tough time finding a dog sitter for this weekend, as we really need someone to stay in our home with our dogs. We've paid up to $100/day for that service. That truly shocks me. As a married man who lives with two rowdy ass dogs in a fairly small house, if ANYONE needs me to stay at their place for a few days, particularly if you're going to pay me hundreds of dollars, I'm all freakin in. Just for the peace and quiet, if nothing else.

Just an FYI: I would reserve the right to eat whatever I want, drink light beers without passive aggressive comment, masturbate freely in the open, and work from home in my pajamas. That's my rules.

Seriously can't believe this isn't easier to find someone.

When I lived in Lexington my then GF worked as a vet tech at Richmond Rd Animal Clinic. We would pet sit for their clients, mostly wealthy, all the time. It was great. Got to stay in these really nice houses, they always left the fridge stocked, most liquor cabinets were open for business and the sex was usually better than hotel sex.

Along those lines I saw a sign yesterday for people that would come to your house and put up your outside Christmas lights. Im at the point where I really don’t like climbing ladders or even more so getting on the roof. Perfect example of finding an underserved niche and filling it.
So Elon Musk shares a video on twitter that isn’t exactly pro Israel, gets called an anti semite (lol), loses some sponsors, and now he is parading around the holy land with Nostradamus I mean Benjamin Netanyahu learning “the truth” about what is really happening over there

With that being said Jesus of Nazareth is the son of god.

Majority of Jewish people hate Christian’s and Jesus Christ in general.
* I never put anything past the Cardinals, because they're one of those teams where everyone seems to get better just by virtue of playing in St Louis, but their starting rotation actually looks pretty awful next season.

* I'm still completely dumbfounded by the Vince Marrow situation. Had no clue there was anyone who thought any less of him other than being a total badass. Blew me away. I can't remember another coach at UK in my lifetime that was beyond reproach to the extent of Vince.

* Matt Jones' explanation of Saturday night just makes too much sense. A&M guy more or less makes the offer (although it's not fully approved by the board), Stoops says he'll take it but needs to get his ducks in a row first, and his list of needs is never really met (assistants coming along), so it falls thru.

* Wishing Ray Davis nothing but the best at the next level. I think he's got a really good chance to be very special in the NFL, and very few people will have deserved it more.

* The internet has completely robbed us of the Black Friday chaos videos. People standing in 7 degree temps at 3am, fatasses sprinting thru the Wal Mart door at the speed of a Special Olympic hurdler, full on riots breaking out over limited quantity items......#'merica.

* This game tonight it going to be fun AF.

* Book list this week....

- San Fransicko (Michael Schelleberger)
- Bravo Company (Ben Kesling) **shoutout Sayre School**
- Bad Blood (John Carreyrou)

* I've just come to the realization I'm a non-fiction guy. Always have been. Pretty rare I ever really get into a fiction book and enjoy it. Most of the time I get halfway thru, don't have any idea what's happening, nor do I give a s*** about any of the characters.

Non-fiction it is.

* 70-something parents --> they ask for my Christmas Wish List earlier and earlier every year, and every year they explain to me how backed up UPS gets, and that if you don't put in your order by late November/early December there's no way it's getting to you on time.


So, if you haven't bought all your Christmas gifts yet, just give up and start planning ahead now for 2024. Words of wisdom.

* Lot of hate going on in the country right now. First, Black Lives Mattered and we had to stop the hate against the blacks, then of course we expanded that to protect BIPOCs (black & indigenous people of color). Then, AAPI hate was on the rise -- Asian American and Pacific Islander (gotta be extra careful to help out all those Pacific Islanders). And who can forget that drastic rise in violence against the trans community, and better yet the entire LGBTQIA2-S+ community at large? Now we're seeing a catastrophic rise in violence against Muslim Americans, and of course against Jewish Americans. Check social media -- it's literally EVERYWHERE.

So, if you're keeping score at home, 97% of Americans (anyone who is black, a person of color, indigenous, asian, pacific islander, lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, two spirit, allied, jewish, or muslim) need to be protected from the historic rise in hate and violence against their respective communities. Stay safe out there.

* Had a tough time finding a dog sitter for this weekend, as we really need someone to stay in our home with our dogs. We've paid up to $100/day for that service. That truly shocks me. As a married man who lives with two rowdy ass dogs in a fairly small house, if ANYONE needs me to stay at their place for a few days, particularly if you're going to pay me hundreds of dollars, I'm all freakin in. Just for the peace and quiet, if nothing else.

Just an FYI: I would reserve the right to eat whatever I want, drink light beers without passive aggressive comment, masturbate freely in the open, and work from home in my pajamas. That's my rules.

Seriously can't believe this isn't easier to find someone.

-I’ve got dog sitters here that will do it for $65/day and stay the night. Got the contacts from my people at the dog park, but they both are WFH.

Can the people you’re asking go to work and then come back? If I had to stay there and not work I wouldn’t do it for a hundo either.

-Yeah those commercials, “Did you know Jewish (or pick your minority) hate crimes are up 438% since August?” No, no they’re not. Unless it went from 4 attacks to 17 or something.

Otherwise you’d expect a bunch of white dudes on every corner hurdling rocks at anyone that had dark hair.

-Morgan Wallen will be here in July! Sweet!

**looks at ticketmaster** $250 before fees for the highest row in Raymond James. Anything lower is basically $600.

FOH and who are the morons paying these prices so they stay this way? Everyone just don’t go to a few of these or wait for prices to be forced to drop. This $500/show shit is absurd and I won’t be part of it, no sir.
So Elon Musk shares a video on twitter that isn’t exactly pro Israel, gets called an anti semite (lol), loses some sponsors, and now he is parading around the holy land with Nostradamus I mean Benjamin Netanyahu learning “the truth” about what is really happening over there

With that being said Jesus of Nazareth is the son of god.

Majority of Jewish people hate Christian’s and Jesus Christ in general.
I’m SURE you know this but Jews don’t think Jesus was the messiah nor the son of God.
  • Wow
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Don’t know the going rate for a babysitter these days but we have to pay $30/hr for someone to come over and watch 3 hours worth of movies when we are gone.
Per Cubelic and McElroy, via KSR, Eli Cox took over defensive coverage recognition duties ~4ish games into the season. I've suspected that Leary just didn't have what it takes between the ears to operate a pro-style offense, and this just confirms it for me.

I think we probably need to put as much emphasis on making the offense more college QB friendly as we do on finding the right QB. Even Levis looked pedestrian-to-bad about half of the time, and he's now looking like the 2nd best QB from the class.
The worst part about going back to work after a few days off is that i'm not first to send the best memes out on IG right now. Others have beat me to at least 3-4 that shouldve been mine. Tough beat.

Wouldnt mind a joyous win in Rupp against a top team tonight. Probably going to be a hell of a scoring pace... youngins will need to figure out how to produce at the end of games... tough matchup, coin toss , imo.

Saturday night was pleasant enough to have the windows cracked a bit, and a lot of neighbors were watching outside on patios- you could hear the contrast of emotions- the good screams, and the bad ones, up and down the street. A bit surreal.

Made zero purchases on Black Friday, outside of getting a hell of a deal from Amazon on dishwasher pods. (80% off). We agreed that this first of the year disney trip was supposed to take care of Christmas but I know I have to get *something* for my wife.
I know a guy who works at top level at STAR-X. He eats, sleeps and drinks the job. Bought an apartment right outside of the campus to rest his head.

Musk wanders in and apparently knows everything and progress on every project…. And gives direction on every technical aspect of the work.

Supremely next-level genius.

He’s weird? no shit. Most genius folks are a bit idiosyncratic.
I know a guy who works at top level at STAR-X. He eats, sleeps and drinks the job. Bought an apartment right outside of the campus to rest his head.

Musk wanders in and apparently knows everything and progress on every project…. And gives direction on every technical aspect of the work.

Supremely next-level genius.

He’s weird? no shit. Most genius folks are a bit idiosyncratic.

He has touching autism FFS. How people continue to say he’s weird without mentioning the fact he has AssBurgers is hilarious to me
Along those lines I saw a sign yesterday for people that would come to your house and put up your outside Christmas lights. Im at the point where I really don’t like climbing ladders or even more so getting on the roof. Perfect example of finding an underserved niche and filling it.
I've always taken pride in taking care of my own lawn and doing DIY handyman work around the house, but damn if it isn't more and more of a pain in the ass with each passing year because I'm just getting too old for that sh!t. I paid someone to paint my house and do some mulching and landscape work this year. Wasn't cheap, but it was money well spent, and it looks so much better than if I half-assed it.
The dude bought back every persons’ right of freedom of speech for $44B.

Pretty significant historical figure in real time.


There's no way you can follow Twitter since he's bought it and actually believe what you just posted. That site still suffers from all the same nonsense it did under Jack Dorsey and Company, it's just done from the standpoint of someone with different social/political/world view beliefs and motivations. Their new CEO was previously NBC's head of ad sales, for god's sake. I like Elon Musk a lot more than that insufferable doosh (and even bigger weirdo) Jack Dorsey, but nobody is saving free speech for all humanity. GTFO here with that nonsense.
All I know about school is that I'd rather be stuck in LA or NYC 5 o'clock traffic than private school pickup line traffic. I'm surrounded by private schools in my neighborhood, and going anywhere around 3pm is a nightmare.
Elon Musk is just a really strange dude. He also seems to post/tweet/etc about 1,000 times a day, so if you want to read too deeply into his social media thoughts, be my guest. Seems like a waste of time.
I’m SURE you know this but Jews don’t think Jesus was the messiah nor the son of God.

PTI: someone with some influence read a lot into his tweets which is why he is on the apology tour in Israel

Rogue: yes I do know that. I also know that a large portion of them will glorify satan just to spite Christian’s and Jesus Christ. I wonder why we see so much satanic symbolism in music, movies, big corporations. Who head these industries? They shove it in our face because their hatred of Jesus is so heavy
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