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There is a chance the garage door needs to be reset. When used a lot they can come out of track. Just like if you want to handle it manually lift it up then pull the string all the way back toward the motor until it catches.
Anth told us on secret text that Springer was actually largely fake/staged. Keep this in GYERO.

Very funny, Adrian. VERY. FUNNY.

-Cousin was on Springer in the late 90's. It was ridiculous. He took his shirt and pants off thendanced around the stage in some made up lover's drama with 3 other people he'd just met. $500 and a hotel room. He was a exotic dancer at the time. He recently called me about some investment opportunities, probably need to get back with him, they're probably solid.

-2 & 3 are equally hard. Older they get the more you can take your eye off them but the smarter they get. However, they still have no level of reason. Just give me what the f*ck I want when I want it or I'm going to flip the f*ck out.

-4 & 5 are REALLY pretty great though. Just little buddies that idolize you before they start to get loads of friend influence.

-Last night at 8p as we were wrapping up practice. I was in shorts/tee, running around a baseball field, not sweating at all. Could hardly tell wear my skin stopped and the air started. I couldn't help but think, "man, I miss late January."

-So, I'm om audiobook #4. It all comes down to the narrator. Listening to Talking to Strangers by Gladwell and it's fantastic. The production value is so high. I've always loved his stuff. Also enjoyed American Buffalo by Rinella because he did the narration. Tried to listen to a Jared Diamond's book with a very bland vanilla reader and it was f*cking brutal.

-Crazy to Jordan's more popular than ever. G is flat obsessed with getting a pair. Adults wear the 1's as lifestyle all the time now.

-Closing in on my 42 trip around the block. 😖
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It was a great response but it was a failure. Best record in the league and you’re out first round? That’s a failure.

I don’t think they took the Heat seriously and thought they would for sure win. Otherwise, I’m really doubt he would’ve sat out what, 2 games?

Jimmy Butlers response to reporter was better.

Rep: “Blah blah blah for you’re game on Saturday?”

JB: “We play Sunday actually, do your job.”
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Will Levis will Fall Out of First Round - He's Brady Quinn 2.0

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It was a great response but it was a failure. Best record in the league and you’re out first round? That’s a failure.

That's not the way pro sports works. Infinitely more "failures" by your definition, than not. This wasn't an NCAA 16 vs a 1.
This is the first time I actually heard Giannis’ voice. This is prolly the most significant mismatch of vocal annunciation and physical aesthetics I’ve ever witnessed outside of Mike Tyson.
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- There could be a "30 for 30" on the last five days in the Colorado football program alone. What a crazy scene. Will be fascinating to watch how it plays out on multiple levels.

- Time to mute Adam Schefter on Twitter.

- Aaron Rodgers and the NYC media...that'll be fun.

- It was pretty stupid to start watching a new Netflix show right before the NFL/NHL playoffs began. Guess I'll pick it back up in June. At least with a book, I can read a few pages during commercials.

- Any foods y'all begged your mom to buy at the grocery but she never would? I wanted Johnny Reb sandwiches, Goober Grape, and those little individual boxes of cereal. Mom never budged on any of them.
Cokes. Mom wouldn’t ever get them so I only had them at friends house. Glad she did now because I never drink them and don’t like them. Except my XL Cherry Coke when I go to the movies.

Clearly Canadiens she bought were fire though.

Except last night I didn’t get anything during AIR because I messed up and looked at sugar in Cherry Coke. 42g in a 12oz can so that XL I get probably has 200g of sugar 🤦‍♂️.
I mean I knew it had sugar, but I guess I hadn’t looked at cokes nutritional list in forever since I don’t drink them, but when I multiplied it out I was like 😱.

And I used to only go to a movie once a month or so, but taking care of pops I tend to go more often to get out of the house and have been smashing them.
Cause any time you can make the 8th best QB in the AFC the highest paid player in NFL History you have to do it
I really hate all that this " let's out on a show" bs. Who is this aimed at? I prefer the days of watching guys sitting at a table with a bank of phones.
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With that receding hairline Kiper has going there is no doubt that ole boy dyes his hair. No way it is that dark and going that far back.

I’ve maintained all along the Levi’s at #1 was a classic smokescreen. Hopefully he doesn’t slip past 4

lol at Saban sitting there staring into space. He’s standing out there like a turd in a punch bowl.
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