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I'm all in on that take too. June has been mostly pleasant for a few years and it seems like we get at 1 or 2 90 degree days in early October every year now.
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Lately, September is worse than August. Have maintained in recent years that our weather calendar has kinda "sprung forward." For the same reason, it's almost May and still freezing.
2019 was especially absurd. Remember the Florida game being in September and highs in the 90s and being on the lake and in the water on an early October weekday I took off at the last minute based on the forecast. Absurd.
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The only things keeping August from being the worst month are the start of college football and fantasy football drafts. January and February have no comparable redeeming qualities.

Definitive month ranking:
1. October
2. December
3. June
4. May
5. April
6. November
7. March
8. September
9. July
10. August
11. January
12. February
Piggybacking off the earlier Levis betting post, a reddit post allegedly moved the Fan Duel line from +4000 / -1200 (Levis/Young) to +850/-400. It's now back to +800 / -1400. Some fools definitely lost some money.

Would be brilliant if it was a plant from someone at Fan Duel.

Considering I live 45 minutes from where the Panthers play, I'd definitely become an honorary fan to see Levis succeed.
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- hashtag, climate change

- My daughter has been straight wearing us out about T-Swift tickets. There is an unreal level of self-consciousness a 15 year old teenage girl can put you through. No being on this earth will try to make you feel like a worthless, uncool, unethical, ill informed, burden of social embarrassment more than a teenage girl. She's ruthless and relentless. So some of y'all have that to look forward to.

- July is hot as hell, but it's a great month. It's probably the month with the least responsibilities. Don't sleep on it!

- I heard it once said, "If you can live through February, you'll live another year."
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- hashtag, climate change

- My daughter has been straight wearing us out about T-Swift tickets. There is an unreal level of self-consciousness a 15 year old teenage girl can put you through. No being on this earth will try to make you feel like a worthless, uncool, unethical, ill informed, burden of social embarrassment more than a teenage girl. She's ruthless and relentless. So some of y'all have that to look forward to.

- July is hot as hell, but it's a great month. It's probably the month with the least responsibilities. Don't sleep on it!

- I heard it once said, "If you can live through February, you'll live another year."

Can we form a GYERO group to help us survive?
I have a 15 year old daughter as well.
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Working for a company based out of AZ and 3 hours behind us, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard one of them say “it’s 5:00 somewhere” on a meeting with participants all over the US.
Lately, September is worse than August. Have maintained in recent years that our weather calendar has kinda "sprung forward." For the same reason, it's almost May and still freezing.

April 2022 avg high was 65....April 2023 avg high to date is 70. People are mistaken avg temps due to the fluctuation (80's last week) when there hasn't been a drastic change at all. It is typical April weather we see each year.
Some in/out shitdohs:

- Thought the Ric Flair pod was a little underwhelming. Not bad but could have been much more. I'm sure Wynn can give us an update on the Woochew gummies.

- 11 yr old classmate of boss's daughter off'd himself. Bullying and I guess not knowing how to deal. Tragic.

- Hot weather > cold weather. Sure you can add layers but if you're a FL puss boi that gets cold anytime it's near 60 then you've already learned how to cope with the heat. Golf early and A/C or pool thereafter. Not that tough to hack.

- Baseball games could be under 2 hours and still be boring. It's background noise. 4 hr nail-biter in the post is a fun watch. Bonus if it irks the purists.

- One of my guys is a 72 year old retired engineer that is an estimator for us. This man would have Ghandi smashing plates of meatballs with the 20 question game he has to play on the most simplest of tasks. Love the guy but he's taking years off my life.

- All praise be to the inventor of daytime vape THC.

- Passed by this kid that just flipped his car and was sitting in the median of the interstate holding his pup. They looked safe and no tarps but still got to me to see that little, terrified pup and kid just WTF'ing the moment they're sharing of life. Mine got extra treats that night.

- BIL seems all ready to go up there. Hoping to get back to the Bluegrass for the first time since I was 15. Finally got the wife to understand I would rather go to a FB game than Rupp again. Thanks again, Cal.

- Stay safe out there. People are already crazy AF and it's not even hot yet.
-The newest, worst one is every female ever saying, “Living my BEST LIFE!!!!” I know a girl that for that tattooed on her leg. I wanted to ask if her leg was a permanent IG post.

Or “blank HITS DIFFERENT.” Both are terrible and overused.

- @catlanta33 yeah totally agree. When I first moved to Florida my skin would get these little red rashes anywhere I had creases, elbows, wrists, etc because I wasn’t used to the heat and sweating all day.

Quickly (1 year), got used to that and now I hate the cold. Hot will always be better than cold and I used to love the cold.

-Dying a slow death of boredom sitting at the house with the old man.

**Quickly checks movie listings for the next movie.**

Mario at 8:20. Touch it, I’m getting out of the house.
- My daughter has been straight wearing us out about T-Swift tickets. There is an unreal level of self-consciousness a 15 year old teenage girl can put you through.
I don’t know how much the tickets are going for, but since it’s reportedly $1500 I’d be interested to know if you gave her $1,500 and said that she could buy the ticket or keep the cash what would she do it. $1,500 as a teenager is a TON of money.
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I’ll post again to reiterate: I just don’t get it. I totally realize Swift is the top concert this year, but $1500 is pure insanity. How in the world did that show get so crazy? Where did all these people suddenly come from that were willing to sacrifice a mortgage payment for the greatest night in the history of the universe?

So weird.
I’ll post again to reiterate: I just don’t get it. I totally realize Swift is the top concert this year, but $1500 is pure insanity. How in the world did that show get so crazy? Where did all these people suddenly come from that were willing to sacrifice a mortgage payment for the greatest night in the history of the universe?

So weird.
Had a friend who went to it in Tampa and bought tickets on the street before the concert for $50. I think part of it is speculation.
Yeah. If she comes to town I’ll just scoop up a ticket for $50 instead of $1500. Sounds way easier.
Yeah. If she comes to town I’ll just scoop up a ticket for $50 instead of $1500. Sounds way easier.
The point was that A LOT of people thought that they were gonna get $1K+ for their tickets in the secondary market and to their surprise it crashed hours before the concert. Especially if the economy continues to struggle.
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I’ve been tracking bc I made an unfortunate promise.

Same day tix are $250-500 last minute online. Sure you can do even better at the buzzer.

Clearly 50K people aren’t dropping 4 figs on her nightly. They panic, put greed aside, and drop…Just gotta hold out.

It’s still ridiculous. And tbh, it’s Similar, albeit on a lesser scale for ANY popular concert these days.

Cheapest ticket for Lil Wayne in Rupp Sunday was $350 until today. Everyone trying to cash in on suckers…
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The NBA Playoffs are just so damn good. Booker is playing out of mind right now with 41 points and 1:00 still left in the 3rd.

Bonus points for what seems like every night of the week in the 1st Rd you get to see a former Cat in a featured role for their perspective team. Not to mention 5-7 nights per week of the best show in all of sport with Shaq, Barkley, EJ, Kenny and Co….The NBA on TNT/Inside The NBA.
Spent half a day yesterday on a rototiller prepping for a new blackberry patch at the farm. Better than any workout at the gym I've gotten.

The boy is in the thick of baseball right now. Finished practice last night and watched the end of the game next to the cages. Perfect evening at the ballpark.

Lots of downward pressure on the dollar. If the greenback gets replaced as the world reserve currency, things will get ugly quick here in the US.

If you don't have your yard looking good right now, you suck.

Ten days until Derby.

UK players killing it in the NBA. Sort of bittersweet to me.

Turkey season is in. Need to get out there and pretend to hunt so I can get some nature therapy.

BLTs last night, still a little early for those perfect tomatoes.

Building a new Spotify playlist. It will be the perfect country and western collection of tunes for all occasions. I've named it "if that ain't country"

Enjoy the weather today my fellow GYERO-men/women
Played in a fundraiser scramble on Monday after one of the guys in our group handed out some gummies on the range. I've enjoyed the smaller mg amounts before, and I probably should've asked more questions before just hammering it on top of a few beers and continuing to day drink throughout. I have no clue how many mg's it was, but it was more than I was prepared for. I dont really recall the details of the first few holes. I do know I topped my first shot off the tee and that probably wasnt even my worst swing of the first hour.

Imagine every swing thought you've ever had in your head and all of a sudden you are thinking of every basic instruction you've ever heard, only to barely be physically able to address the ball. Our first 9 holes we were -1. In a scramble. We also had a guy playing persimmons that he said were an anniversary gift in the late 80's. His putter was two-sided and he had an unopened sleeve of Professionals in his bag. A ball that I dont think has been produced since the early 2000's.

Also nearly won a goddam Bruce Pearl Autographed ball mistakenly bidding on it at the silent auction because it was right next to a week at a rental house in 30A. Everything was just scanning a QR code and entering a bid amount. Luckily I was able to convince them that by no means did I intend to bid $2000 on a basketball.

Microdosing only from here on out.
Part of me wishes my kids were into baseball since I actually played and know a little bit about it, but it just never took. Youngest tried it and was pretty good at it, but he thought it was boring. Different strokes, I guess.
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