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Are you absolutely positive you would like to pass on this opportunity to give Oscar Tshiebwe $75,000 from your company's 2024 budget?

He is going to do absolutely nothing for your business; no appearances, no branding, no meet and greets. You and your hard working employees will gain absolutely nothing from this affiliation.

Last chance.
Don’t listen to SAECATFAN. That would be a waste of money.

May I interest you in a self funded gubernatorial campaign instead??
-sooo...on top of Alaska fishing trip in June, I just had a vendor tell me he's taking me to BC in late July...looks like I'm bringing salmon soup to at least one schemgate.
Hold on there Jimmy Houston. Are you allowed to bring a lot back from BC?
- As a single issue voter, I am only concerned if Craft will indefinitely close the schools every time there’s a viral outbreak and/or just a bunch of people feel icky - especially in the Montclair area of Lexington. I’m looking for a real closure hawk to represent me. If so, she has my vote.
No offense, Chad, but F*ck you, you short little c*nt bitchboi f*ckboi loser.
my family is single handedly keeping totinos party pizzas in business. It’s 9:27pm and my 13yo is cooking his second one of the evening.

Can I brag on fb that my daughter got an A+ on her critical race theory test? Will that get any likes??

Nashville this weekend for 11u baseball. Looking for food recs - do they have cheddars down there? Really like a good cheddars. It’s just Ocharlies with a better credit score but it always meets/exceeds expectations.

Whatever happened to catnip?

I’m no political ball but I find Kelly craft to be hilarious. I thought her Jack Harlow tweet was as cringy as she could get but she really delivered with some comedy today. What a kook

My 17yo BIL moved out this weekend after a couple of years living with us. He’s a good kid. Works his ass off, makes incredible grades. But the best part was he could help get my kids to/from practices and other events. Teenage drivers really are a gamechanger when you have multiple kids with events going on every damn night. Really gonna miss that. But now it means my 2yo has his own bedroom for the first time in his life. Little guy is really moving on up in the world.
She’s Al Gore reincarnated.

Friends wanted to go fishing this morning but didn’t actually show up until 10:30. Figured we’d just catch a couple with midday bite but it was the opposite. Probably 45 lbs of filets of bass, crappie and catfish. They’ll be eating good.
Gives a new perspective to “I’m the only hell my mama ever raised”.
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This all went down hill when the proverbial, they, allowed the maid of honor to give a bridesdmaid speech at weddings. "I've known her, all my life.....". The end was near.
JJ Reddick is mad that the Kings "baited" Draymond Green into stomping on Sabonis by pushing and shoving him and grabbing his leg.

JJ, you dense sumbitch, Draymond punched a teammate over a minor comment, he don't need a reason to be an idiot. I swear to god all of these people get on TV, have a few level headed takes (which garners some popularity) and then become experts on everything and lose perspective.
So, Dickinson is going to visit UK this weekend?

Seems to be inconsistent with the trending thought that Oscar was definitely returning.

I really like Oscar, but I'd be lying if I didn't prefer having a big who was able to score inside and out.
I’d prefer the better passer with next year’s team. They both suck defensively. Oscar is the superior rebounder. Dickinson is the better spacer.

I think Dickinson is better passer though so I’d take him.
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I love Oscar and would be happy if he returned, but there are clear red flags and pitfalls if he does come back.

Will Cal use him differently? If he does, will Oscar be cool with not being the focal point of the offense? Will he freak the team out with plane crash premonitions before the tournament?

Again, I'm not saying I want him to move on. But it's not crazy to be a little wary of him coming back.
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