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Several teams organizations have extended last call thru the 8th inning to make up for the lost sales.

Not sure if they have yet in Cincinnati but I’m sure it won’t take long once those dominoes fall.
No cutoff in the GYERO man seats
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So demoralizing to see these guys battle and outplay a terrific Braves team for most of the innings in this series, only to watch the Dollar General Store bullpen eff up every night.

Before the game I was texting a Brave fan friend and he asked for a prediction on the number of strikeouts between the two starters. I said 20, and they ended up with 19. In only 11 combined innings. And then of course the bullpen comes in, gas can in hand, and immediately sets the mound on fire. Gonna ruin this team, although they’ve been fun to watch.

Anth/Pti....any other Jeremiah Johnson types on here.....ever hiked in Sedona? Heading there in Nov and figured why not ask the experts?

Devils Bridge and the Birthing Cave are iconic and extremely Insta worthy.

The former is very easy, the latter does require a bit of scrambling.
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*Professional golf tournament officials are going to have to start putting guys on the clock on thursday rounds to set the tone for the rest of the event. If baseball can benefit from a pitch clock then golf can be sped up to a normal rate of play too. Guys taking minutes to aim-point their putts is silly.

*Jodeci never got the respect they deserve.

*Found a good groove as a solo dad this week while my wife is making that corporate pharma money in Boston. Keep the trains running on time, Carry an emergency squeezer always, over-prepare, practice how you play, etc.
*Re: Boston- there is a boston marathon bombing documentary on Netflix that I will check out... I was overly invested in that saga. Dont think I did anything at work for days while we watched and waited for those guys to get caught. On the trailer one of the Watertown cops talks about how he just kept shooting the older brother- but bullets just didnt phase him. Hatred and adrenaline and whatever else they were taking was some serious sh*t.

*Have been struggling to find time for golf lately, but seem to always have a new pair of shoes in my cart. Its the targeted footjoy emails. Shit should be illegal.

*Latest rewatchables pod was on Indecent Proposal. Demi Moore was the center of my universe for awhile. Just had it.

*Week 4 of bathroom reno. Finally starting to put it all back together. Will be nice to not live in a construction zone.

*Taxes can get pumped
Was in Boston last week and our duckboat tour took us right where the bombs exploded.
Eerie as hell.
So the lunatic I've posted about pulled up in front of our elementary school this morning on an ATV. He had two hand guns strapped on his waste and a backpack loaded with god knows what. He did four loops around the school on his ATV stopping to just stare at it. Then he headed over to SMA and did something similar. Police said unless it's a threat they can't do anything.

I don't know, perhaps a heavily armed 55-year old shirtless lunatic staring at my kids' school should qualify as a threat.
So the lunatic I've posted about pulled up in front of our elementary school this morning on an ATV. He had two hand guns strapped on his waste and a backpack loaded with god knows what. He did four loops around the school on his ATV stopping to just stare at it. Then he headed over to SMA and did something similar. Police said unless it's a threat they can't do anything.

I don't know, perhaps a heavily armed 55-year old shirtless lunatic staring at my kids' school should qualify as a threat.
I see that idiot all the time. Absolutely a few screws loose and would be prime candidate to get "red flagged" if such a law existed in KY.

Is it illegal to possess a weapon near a school or does it have to be on school grounds?
18,000 cows exploding/burning...18,000. What a mess.
Dairy Cows. Price of milk going up.

"The speculation was probably what they call a honey badger, which is a vacuum that sucks the manure and water out and possibly that it got overheated and probably the methane and things like that ignited and spread out and exploded and the fire,"
  • Wow
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So the lunatic I've posted about pulled up in front of our elementary school this morning on an ATV. He had two hand guns strapped on his waste and a backpack loaded with god knows what. He did four loops around the school on his ATV stopping to just stare at it. Then he headed over to SMA and did something similar. Police said unless it's a threat they can't do anything.

I don't know, perhaps a heavily armed 55-year old shirtless lunatic staring at my kids' school should qualify as a threat.

Lil Mez ain’t hurting nobody.
He makes $730,000 this year, and is scheduled to become a free agent in 2028.

If you were wondering, the two highest-paid players in MLB, at $43 million per, are Max Scherzer (2-1, 4.41 era) and Justin Verlander (DL).

Bringing up players like Nick Lodolo are how small market teams like the Cincinnati Reds win.
Also, it’s the IL you inconsiderate jerk. Calling someone that can’t play a sport because they’re not able to, doesn’t mean they’re disabled, even though it’s the definition of the word…
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Good call on Jodeci, Clark.

I mean…

My high-school gfriend and me both broke up and got back together in my car at the hangout spot park listening to that song. Preceded to have like great 30 sec make up sex with my sub woofers blasting that back half of the song. I was that nerd yes. It was great. I knew she cheated but she was out of my league. I wasn't letting that go till it was gone.
My high-school gfriend and me both broke up and got back together in my car at the hangout spot park listening to that song. Preceded to have like great 30 sec make up sex with my sub woofers blasting that back half of the song. I was that nerd yes. It was great. I knew she cheated but she was out of my league. I wasn't letting that go till it was gone.

I did, down my subwoofer.
It's so weird, it seems like he plays in slow motion or playing on a sand court, and gets anywhere he wants. Such a unique game, loved watching him here.
Not saying their games are similar, but it's kind of like watching Bird.
He looks slow, because it is apparent, he's seeing what is going to happen before anyone else, and doesn't have to rush/get out of control.
I don’t get too bent out of shape about recruiting budgets…whatever it takes to get the guys you want.

However, it is absolute foolish the budget to field a 85 man team is less than the budget for a 12 (and we only usually fill 10 or 11) man team.

Jesus, I don’t even see how it’s possible to be honest.
Mitch is a f’n idiot. We got mediocre results in both and paid around 18 million for it.
I don’t get too bent out of shape about recruiting budgets…whatever it takes to get the guys you want.

However, it is absolute foolish the budget to field a 85 man team is less than the budget for a 12 (and we only usually fill 10 or 11) man team.

Jesus, I don’t even see how it’s possible to be honest.
I mean, according to a couple of dudes on HoB, Big Blue Madness is counted as part of the “basketball recruiting budget.” That’s gotta be a huge chunk of that.

I’m really not bent out of shape or even slightly concerned about this and think it’s kind of weird people are. Mitch is a goober and maybe Stoops has had to push harder than he should have for some stuff (practice facility), but there’s 0 indication whatsoever that he doesn’t have everything he wants or needs to succeed here.
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