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-Looks like we are losing some shrubs as well. Our landscaper (Mr. Jeff, who Is awesome. H/t to @B Rax again on that rec years ago) is doing maintenance this week and figuring out what can be cut back and what has to be replaced. The nandina's are starting to bud so that's good. But our tall boxwoods under the basketball goal are brown as can be. That's not gonna be fun to replace.

-Did everyone see Mrs.‘s Cal’s post the other day with video of John walking Palmer in the doggie stroller? Wish I had been jogging by at that time and I would have gotten a selfie for you all.

-As @anthonys735 said the other day, vacation was nice, but it’s really just a trip when it’s with small kiddos. Everyone had fun though and we are already planning next year.

-First Communion coming up for G. My Southern Baptist grandmother may be rolling over in her grave, but she’ll be alright. This scrapbook he has to complete is quite the task.

-Our 16 year old dog, Clyde, went to the rainbow bridge last month. He really was the best dog. It’s so strange not having him around. He was having so many mobility issues at the end… couldn’t walk on the hardwoods (so we had a mashup of cheap washable Amazon rugs all over the house) or get up and down the steps without help. He was in PT twice a week, got acupuncture, did the hyperbaric chamber. It all helped him last 16 years until he was just too tired. I only made one social media post about it though. Feeling like I'm cheating him out by not posting each day like @PTI (pti) 's cat parent friend.

-I found out I am on call for 6+ months for US district court jury duty. If I didn’t have young kids and a job, I think I would like jury duty or at least find it interesting. And I recognize I'm lucky to live in the same city as the court. But geez... 6+ months. I got kids! I got the initial notice when Clyde was still alive and was trying to figure out how to get it postponed because I was his primary caretaker and couldn't be gone for more than a couple hours or else he'd be stuck on the floor or have had an accident that required a bath. Do judges like dogs?

-Condolences to all of you who knew someone in the tragedy on Monday. How awful. I can’t bring myself to watch the body cam. Prayers to that young officer and his recovery. And to everyone. It’s just so overwhelming. My sis works right around the corner and was down there Monday morning.
Blue Ribbon Basketball Yearbook was the GOAT.

My subscriptions:
competitor to CatPaw that I can't remember the name of
Metal Edge
Boys' Life
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Just finished up the landscaping proposal for our new build - hopefully the last overage of this god forsaken house I’m going to build. LOL. Pretty sure no one would even believe the price WITHOUT GRASS. That will need to be seeded by 5 different breeds due to the conditions of my property (mature trees are in the back). I’m not even a yard guy either, good grief. Don’t build a house.
We lost our nandinas, but our boxwoods made it. We don't have any, but apparently the laurels were massacred. Thousands of them in Norton Commons will need to be replaced.

I generally like mature trees, but two mature maples have turned our front yard into nothing but roots. Might as well put down gravel. If it were up to me, I'd probably rip them out, but Mrs. CMD likes the shade.
Maybe she has to spend $30 million in 30 days to inherit $300 million?

We don't have any, but apparently the laurels were massacred. Thousands of them in Norton Commons will need to be replaced.

Every single laurel in the neighborhood is dead. I had like 25 of them - and other than the cost of new landscaping I couldn't be happier that they're gone. Those plants suck. We're replacing them now with some plants that actually look good.
Mr. Jeff is the GOAT - I still stay in touch with him. Super guy. It’s been 9 years since I gave y’all that Rec 🤯 time absolutely flies.

I’m still sick over that guy digging up my crape myrtles. One was an absolute specimen. Don’t usually see them in that good of shape in this climate. I treated that thing better than I treat my dog.

The house I bought had a small crape and it appears to be dead. I was planning on replacing it with a few Natchez anyway.

I’ve yet to see a Laurel in good condition after the December cold snap. Those things are right on the line for our hort zone but they usually survive our winters. Sad!

(4) middle school baseball games this week and a tourney this weekend + actual spring weather = time for a snuscation. Might even finally break out the Weber this weekend and have a couple ice cold beers. It’s been a while.
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-wife and daughter want a cat. As wife is very allergic to normal cats...we're looking at the little hairless ****ers. I was skeptical as they are creepy looking as all get out... went to a dinner party where the host had 2, they were great cats.

^told them that if we get one I'm calling it Chris Rodriguez, they think I'm kidding.

The only good thing about a modern house cat is that they’re soft and pleasant to pet. A hairless one seems to defeat the purpose.
-Lawn guys are just stoned at least, coming from a guy that worked for a lawn service in the summer one year.

-Has walk in closet but no mature trees. 😢

-I basically just need a weed eater for my front yard. #poorANDuglyandstupid

Backyard is basically sage (I think, the oriole stuff blooming now), have a dog as did the people before me. Fenced in backyard and don’t care what it looks like.
Current annoyances:

~ People who insist on posting "that's a feature, not a bug"
~ People talking louldy, in their car alone and using their hands. Who in the hell are you talking to at 8:15AM that you haven't already talked to? (it's always their mother, by the way)
~ People who can loop a conversation into hot topics no matter the current conversation (sex, politics, religion, etc.)
~ People trying to FAAFO but never actually finding out. It's rude out there these days.

Current enjoyances:

~ Righteous Gemstones
~ Yard season is upon us
~ Gummy/beer screen porch season is upon us
~ Boat season is on the periphery
~ Starting jiu jitsu with my 9 year old
- Oldest finally found her college home after a long process. An absolute roller coaster for the past year or so, but she has found a place she loves, a great school, and will be able to go there debt-free. Can't ask for more than that. Felt weird buying the whole family some new school merch, but seeing her excitement was a real thrill for ol' Dad here. Pretty proud.

- There will never be an NBA player like Udonis Haslem again. Undrafted, signs with his hometown team, spends TWENTY YEARS with that same team, and yet never an All-Star. Just an amazing story, and speaks so much to the culture that Riley/Spoelstra have created.
I drive a lot for work and actually prefer to be on the phone at all times. If I don’t have a work-related call I find a baseball friend and call them up to gossip about travel baseball. Podcasts as a last resort. Only listen to music in the evenings. Idk why.
HATE being on the phone personally. I can’t do other things that I could do texting. Talk to mom and a couple gals on the phone that’s it. FaceTiming is even worse although I get why people do it. I have one gal pal that only FaceTimes so I deal with it.
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Also do most of my talking in the truck driving. Lost time otherwise.

Only FaceTime my kids.

I used to love texting, but EVERYONE prefers machine gun texts it seems so I literally only text if it’s like an email situation and your response triggers me to remember something, or I know you can respond in a short and concise way.
I drive a lot for work and actually prefer to be on the phone at all times. If I don’t have a work-related call I find a baseball friend and call them up to gossip about travel baseball. Podcasts as a last resort. Only listen to music in the evenings. Idk why.
Are you black?
Current annoyances:

~ People talking louldy, in their car alone and using their hands. Who in the hell are you talking to at 8:15AM that you haven't already talked to? (it's always their mother, by the way)
As a guy who commutes 70 miles a day, the driver talking to someone at 6:30 in the morning always perplexed me. I need coffee, music or news, and no one bothering me as I gird for the Bataan Death March of the day to begin.

Back in to parking space guy is moving up the charts.

The McDonalds menu has not changed in 50 years. You should know your order the minute you arrive at the intercom.

Consulting gal. Value proposition. I stop her and say, we don't talk like that here. In English please.
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