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Heck off kids! Learn to enjoy something more than melted cheese and ketchup on warm bread. They'll figure it out. Sometimes I switch my dog's food and he doesn't appreciate it but he ends up eating it. Kids and dogs are basically equal, surely.
This post is the height of stupidity with a nice dose of hubris.
Willy, I'm sorry you're a fatneck with limited reading comprehension who can't understand the difference between ordering pizza for a group and ordering pizza individually. When ordering for a group, you order more cheese pizza than pepperoni because there are always rubes, vegetarians, and/or picky eaters who will only eat cheese.

Also, I don't order cheese for myself that often but I ain't mad at it either. Noted pizza authority Dave Portnoy refers to cheese as the gold medal slice for a reason.

Top pizza orders when I order for myself:
1. Meatball and banana peppers
2. Salami/pepperoni, fresh mozzarella, and olives
3. Taco
4. Sausage and mushroom
5. Margherita
- Well a win is a win, but I hate that we are hanging our hat on 2 Tennessee wins when they missed easy layups in the first game and had key injuries the second.

- Until we step on necks in the 2nd half and stop actually losing the 2nd half, I am not sold.

- Thank you Calipari for making me worry about Quad 1 and 2 wins for the first time in my life....EVER!!

- Wheeler out for the year rumors? CJ has missed more games than he's played since he's been here. Rarely remember players missing multiple games unless they had a serious injury.

- Nobody moves the golf needle like Tiger.

- Hurry up and get here baseball season.

- This Asbury thing really seems amazing.

- Homeowner in my hood shot and killed someone who broke in his house last night. My goodness people are crazy. Or on drugs. Or drunk.
@wcc31 - here's some friendly advice. Move out to the suburbs. Character is roughly translated to "limited closet space and crappy bathrooms". Besides, it's probably best to fight the culture war from afar where you can still feel like you're doing the Lord's/Ta-Nehisi Coates's/Greta Thunburg's/Pete Buttigieg's work without having all the negative externalities of those changes impacting your kids' education.
Isn’t it because we are replacing/overhauling the field/grass/turf?

I guess it’s better to get it over with now, so that by summer it’s broken in, atkot?

Football guy help me out here understanding, but seems like the NFL can change the field in a week or 2.

UK had the spring game at Georgetown College one spring when construction was ongoing at Commonwealth Stadium. Seemed to work out okay.
* Looking at a second straight weekend of no kids' volleyball, soccer or basketball! I think I'll bring my 10-year old to Rupp. She loves the Cats, and it will be her first trip since she was a baby.

* Enjoyed the game the other day, I hope that doesn't upset Chumps. The crowd was great, and the Cats kept responding when they had to. The lead never got below 8.

* Brady, the club and parking passes were money. Thank you, again!

* Went straight from Rupp to Dickmann's in NKY and had a helluva night.

* Speaking of (k)nights, I become an official Knight on April. Any of you other Catholics in the Knights of Columbus? I guess they don't care that I'm Jewish.

* Speaking of fish sandwich season. Can't wait.

* Also speaking of fish sandwich season... 80, have you been down to LBL recently? Gonna make a trip in the next couple of months.

* I have perfected the Wildcat Willy Chicken Street Taco seasoning. You'll have to come visit me to try it. I work that Blackstone like BBdK working Tinder. Pure magic.

* Have a great Monday, GYERO. Kick ass today.
I have another set of club passes and parking. Heading to the Grizz/Nuggets game. Let me know if you want them for this weekend.
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-Colonoscopy/endoscopy this morning...all is well (couple of non threatening polyps getting sent off for tests). I was assured they used different scopes.

^anyone over 45 needs to do this, colon cancer/esophageal cancer is no's fast.

No joke... lifetime risk of colon cancer is 1/23 for men.
- 1 in 5 of people who get it is before age 50
- 30% of the diagnosed are under 55
- Averge age of diagnosis is 68
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@wcc31, if you want a revamped ye olde house out in Kenton County 3 minutes from 75 that totally doesn't have raccoons in it, HAVE I GOT THE PROPERTY FOR YOU

But seriously my husband and I just signed a contract to build because there's absolutely nathan on the market. What is there is either a) built circa 1980, renovated in 1999 and not since or b) a shitty early 2000s build that desperately needs significant updates or c) one of a or b and a property that's been inherited and the kids haven't done a damn thing and just want to dump it. I didn't really picture myself as a suburbs/big development gal, but it's by far the best option for the money right now in NKY.

I also have a painter who is very reasonable if you need some work done at your house before you sell. Lives out in Augusta across the street from the Clooneys and got my house redone in a day and a half. I also have a snaggletoothed animal removal guy who definitely didn't come to our house for the third time in a week today to get a varmint.
- Well a win is a win, but I hate that we are hanging our hat on 2 Tennessee wins when they missed easy layups in the first game and had key injuries the second.

- Until we step on necks in the 2nd half and stop actually losing the 2nd half, I am not sold.
We were missing 2 of our top 6 as well.
Just got a letter “hi we’re the so and so family and we want to buy your house!”

I’ll periodically get spam texts like this too. Need to come up with a number but otoh moving is the worst.
Just got a letter “hi we’re the so and so family and we want to buy your house!”

I’ll periodically get spam texts like this too. Need to come up with a number but otoh moving is the worst.
We had a next-door neighbor who was an elderly widow- that just recently passed away- and during the housing wild west a couple of years ago when people were paying obnoxious amounts over-inflated values, I got a couple of phone calls from agents basically asking "we know your neighbor is older- can you give us any insight on her health?"

I was always just like...
- Russ joining the Clippers! Popcorn is ready. I know he, Paul George and Kwahi are past their prime but they can still flat out play some ball and it isn’t like all these other teams are young either.

Except the Grizz who literally did nothing for a run and don’t have the right mix.

- Monday with no school for no reason…..ok, of course we start it with 2 kids vomiting from 1a-6a causing me to fall back to sleep at the worst time and oversleep on a day I was hectic with important stuff.

- 13YO first golf lesson and apparently papaws clubs being old means they aren’t graphite and my son “struggles” turning the club on his forward motion because the clubs are too heavy.

Back in my day my old man would have called me a pussy and bought some $30 dumbbells. Today I got quoted a $700 set of clubs.

I’m really not digging this new world we’re raising.

- Gold Standard aside, I’m actually feeling positive about our role in the postseason.

I mean forget about USC and Georgia possibility of laying an egg and tell me who you are scared of?

Our “style” bodes well in the tournament and our horses can play. I’d feel a little more comfortable with a GD Harrison on the squad tho, Aaron that is!

- The NBA all star game is a joke compared to yesteryear.

Everything does not have to be an event either. The halftime show taking longer than the super bowl halftime is horrible, and the pregame picking of teams should be the “captains” at half court picking and then playing if you want the playground feel.

- My 11YO called craving crab legs and wants me to take our 9 person household out to eat for that tonight.


But I will buy $50 worth of crab legs and crab cakes to cook at home with corn on the cob and mashed potatoes!

Pretty excited actually!
Just got a letter “hi we’re the so and so family and we want to buy your house!”

I’ll periodically get spam texts like this too. Need to come up with a number but otoh moving is the worst.
Had a dickhead realtor recently let me know that he had a buyer looking for exactly our house at a bit more than we could probably get on the open market. It was a Sunday and the guy asks for pics and goes so far as to ask about setting up a time for the buyer to view the house. I put him off for a few days so I could contact my realtor on Monday to take over.

Then homeslice drops the line of "Well the buyer already has a realtor so can I go ahead and list your house?"

What you can go ahead and do, cochise, is suck deez nuts.
Was searching when the next season of Narcos was going to air - and was absolutely crushed to find out the series is over. I mean I’m gutted. That show was my favorite show, possibly of all time. And I don’t really know the chapo story - was hoping they were getting ready to do a deep dive into it. I mean damn.
If I'm buying pizza for a group, it is always exclusively a 60/40 split of cheese and pepperoni. FOH with any requests for veggie pizza, gluten free, supreme, etc.

Whatever people say they want, the cheese and pepperoni boxes are always empty and the exotic crap never gets touched (non GYERO definition, unless you're notorious foodf***er BristolCat).
Rack. 100 percent, the absolute truth.
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- I think commute time is the most important factor. Get that established and start weighing schools (community heuristic) next, IMO. Then move onto BS like the style of house (I like the pretend colonial house, and my wife prefers the pretend English garden house, but her mom prefers the fake Spanish house. Etc.)

- The first architecture firm I worked for in Cinti had (has) everyone on non-competes so I left before I had to refuse to sign one. One guy ended up quitting and commuting to Columbus for a year. Yikes.

- Had a fun DADyero moment at Cracker Barrel on Sunday. After paying their bill, a nice young married couple (that had been seated next to us) came back in the dining room to compliment me on being “a really good dad.” They had overhead me joking with my two oldest as we waited for our food. Unfortunately, my wife wasn’t there to receive a compliment because the toddler had lost his patience and she had taken him out to the car to drive him around for a bit - we asked the waitress to bring her meal wrapped to go and the kids split her glass of orange juice.

It was the “You Are Such a Good Dad” song IRL.
As a Tar Heel hater, couldn’t have happened much better. Hubert’s fluke hot streak ruined K’s swan song, and likely guaranteed another 2-3 years of him tanking the UNC program.

Your frogginess is admired, and expected. You all drink the Cal kool-aid despite getting reamed yearly without so much as the common courtesy of a reach-a-round. Doubtful any SEC team makes it past the first weekend of the dance, and UK is still unlikely to get that W to break the NCAA streak of suck. But enjoy, regardless.

And for your morning coffee...


-Colonoscopy/endoscopy this morning...all is well (couple of non threatening polyps getting sent off for tests). I was assured they used different scopes.

^anyone over 45 needs to do this, colon cancer/esophageal cancer is no's fast.


actually great reminder

i had one set up but after i resigned i had to
cancel the medical appt & await re-emergence to the flock of insured peoples

It was either that or go the perilous way of off-market medicine and practitioners - talking mountain shamans with exacto knives and bourbon here

PS - STILL enjoying the UT win
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Want to thank the Cats for making wearing UK gear here in Knoxville a bit more enjoyable this year.

I should give thanks for getting to witness the
slow & steady erosion of 3 brothers confidence and poise during both games

The rhetorical screams they flung at the walls
...."How have we beaten AAAANYONE" --- "WHY

THAT was the best, Smoky
Thanks, babe

and we ALL know UT isn't making a deep run
Sweet 16 IF they get a favorable match up
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