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Haha already there, just not there maturity wise for sure.
Fast And Furious No Shit GIF by The Fast Saga
Jesus Christ, that is some "It's a banana, what could it cost, ten dollars?" Energy, man. There's some good living left to be done at 50-60. You're ready to bury half of gyero.
Within one month of me turning 50 I got my current job, which is the best job I have had by far in my career, and the Cardinals got themselves embroiled in a whore scandal. 50 kicked ass.
I recall your job - it sounded awesome. Write up repetitive government papers from your house for 7-8 hours, then go walk and crack a beer, and enjoy the nice federal pay scale and benefits. I mean, I’m not being facetious - that sounds f**king incredible, man.
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I recall your job - it sounded awesome. Write up repetitive government papers from your house for 7-8 hours, then go walk and crack a beer, and enjoy the nice federal pay scale and benefits. I mean, I’m not being facetious - that sounds f**king incredible, man.
Yep. Perfect end of the career job after law firm life. Would have HATED it as a younger guy, but perfect way to wind things down. Kind of like the Walmart greeter of law jobs.
F**k yes, man. Do you think you could give me some advice for how to go about arranging such a gig? Obviously I will buy the lunch and three martinis per. Not kidding.
F**k yes, man. Do you think you could give me some advice for how to go about arranging such a gig? Obviously I will buy the lunch and three martinis per. Not kidding.
Just keep an eye on USAjobs. I found out from a tip from a friend. Was probably just months from actually shucking it all for an honest to God Walmart greeter spot. Or becoming one of the cautionary tales in A KLU KYLAP presentation.
Maybe you care to read a No-compete contract that was flung my way 3 weeks ago. These folks expect me to sign this thing… and if I don’t, I’m a dead man walking.

Absolutely, buddy. I look at such things all day. Let me know if you have any ideas on how to best contact each other in real life. I am a phantom, so I do not know.

Also, I’ll give you the heads up that if you say no, probably you need to have other things lined up. Not being a dick - but that’s how those things are laid out there. They are done so by attorneys who know what they are doing. Like me - I am probably responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of people around the commonwealth being subject to those things. Not proud of that.

Drove up to Belterra on Tuesday to cash my Super Bowl bet that actually won ($50 on Jalen Hurts 1st TD at 8-1), and the sports book had no one working that day, and the cash cage said they were not able to cash those tickets, either. No personnel on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, and after 4pm the rest of the week. K.

Strolled through the casino, of course. Lost a little at blackjack, then sat down at a Pinball slot like the won I hit for $4k at MGM Grand. Hit back to back bonus rounds totaling $1,750. Walked around. Sat down at a newer slot. Lost a little back, then hit the "Major" for $1,100. Left with a little more than $2K of house money.

Took the wife back up today. Finally cashed my SB ticket, then played it all away and started digging into the wallet a bit, then hit a $3,750 jackpot on what was going to be my last gasp for the day. Then won a bit more on the the next 4 games and walked out with $4K more of their money.

Moral of the story: F around with my SB tickets and find out.
Absolutely, buddy. I look at such things all day. Let me know if you have any ideas on how to best contact each other in real life. I am a phantom, so I do not know.

Also, I’ll give you the heads up that if you say no, probably you need to have other things lined up. Not being a dick - but that’s how those things are laid out there. They are done so by attorneys who know what they are doing. Like me - I am probably responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of people around the commonwealth being subject to those things. Not proud of that.
I tried to send you a direct message, but it doesn’t work.
Hopefully Ole Hubes has thanked Manek privately & appropriately.

Otherwise, his first 2 years are an absolute dumpster fire. No excuses this year, as his replacement was widely considered a top 3 portal add.

He’s a mess & UNC Twitter is glorious. Also, Caleb Love is horrible. Dude really messed up not bouncing off the fluke NCAA run.

Anybody need a 39% volume shooting (30% from 3) & 2 assist headcase PG?

Not anymore. #CarolinaWay

As a Tar Heel hater, couldn’t have happened much better. Hubert’s fluke hot streak ruined K’s swan song, and likely guaranteed another 2-3 years of him tanking the UNC program.
If I'm buying pizza for a group, it is always exclusively a 60/40 split of cheese and pepperoni. FOH with any requests for veggie pizza, gluten free, supreme, etc.

Whatever people say they want, the cheese and pepperoni boxes are always empty and the exotic crap never gets touched (non GYERO definition, unless you're notorious foodf***er BristolCat).

* Made the mistake of agreeing to visit a house for sale this weekend at the request of my wife. The house was beautiful but about $100k over market.

Now she's planning out about $100k of renovation to our house while still sending me multiple listings a day. All those home improvement shows catering to hens are a scourge.

* I'm still way down on Cal and I don't trust this team but I'll take some spring optimism where I find it.

If there was ever a year for a fluke tourney run, this is it.

War damn Wildcayts.

* Inject the weather from Saturday afternoon in my veins like I'm Rex Chapman and an Apple Store needs shoplifting.

* I wish we had a spring football game. I know there are open practices for fans but I love the spring game as an event and the final bit of football before getting geared up again in late August.
Mercury is already gonna ht 80 this week in the deep south. Its just way too early for this level of heat.

This isnt even taking into consideration the amount of Flonase i'm shooting up these days.

I'm sure Derby week will be filled with rain and highs in the 50's.
Isn’t it because we are replacing/overhauling the field/grass/turf?

I guess it’s better to get it over with now, so that by summer it’s broken in, atkot?

Football guy help me out here understanding, but seems like the NFL can change the field in a week or 2.
Other than little kids, who orders cheese pizza? Is sausage too exotic for you? (Insert your MOM like's Vern's exotic sausage joke here)
I know way to ma y "adults" that still will only eat chicken tenders, cheese pizza, plain burgers, etc. It's really sad honestly, like they'll possibly never try scallops, oysters, burgoo, tuna, venison etc. Like man, what a way to live.
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* Looking at a second straight weekend of no kids' volleyball, soccer or basketball! I think I'll bring my 10-year old to Rupp. She loves the Cats, and it will be her first trip since she was a baby.

* Enjoyed the game the other day, I hope that doesn't upset Chumps. The crowd was great, and the Cats kept responding when they had to. The lead never got below 8.

* Brady, the club and parking passes were money. Thank you, again!

* Went straight from Rupp to Dickmann's in NKY and had a helluva night.

* Speaking of (k)nights, I become an official Knight on April. Any of you other Catholics in the Knights of Columbus? I guess they don't care that I'm Jewish.

* Speaking of fish sandwich season. Can't wait.

* Also speaking of fish sandwich season... 80, have you been down to LBL recently? Gonna make a trip in the next couple of months.

* I have perfected the Wildcat Willy Chicken Street Taco seasoning. You'll have to come visit me to try it. I work that Blackstone like BBdK working Tinder. Pure magic.

* Have a great Monday, GYERO. Kick ass today.

- Aside from the obvious aging in my face/beard, another noticeable side effect from being a Dad is that I’m losing my mind. I’ve never been a “lose my keys” absent-minded type of person but I’m forgetting a lot more these days. In a related event, I showed up at Ruby’s Saturday night for my buddy’s 40th birthday party that happened Friday night. 🤦🏻‍♂️

- New Ruby’s looks incredible, by the way. Nice little shot of juice for downtown with OTR taking over as the main spot for night life.

- So my wife is pregnant meaning we probably need to move. We could do it but my house would be very tight with two adults, two kids, a golden retriever and two cats (FML). Still a shot we stay down in the East Row or Ft. Thomas (what a shitshow that market is) but my God, these new builds are so big and practical (pricing and otherwise).

Really tough to make the argument to myself that building wouldn’t be in the kids’ best interest. I feel like I’m going through the same existential crisis nearly every Dad goes through .Character and proximity vs. The Burbs and practicality. Do I sacrifice who I am for the betterment of my family? Do I cross the Licking and move to F’ing Villa Hills and start hanging out with some couple named Clay and Meg (short for Meghan!) who graduated from Dixie and St. Henry FFS? Or do I overpay some some grandchildren of some estate by $100k for a property that needs another $200k in work because I like the stainglassed windows and being able to walk to Pompilios for takeout?

- I just don’t know about Gen Z. Encountered some dude out Saturday night ordering a round of High Noons at a bar. It’s dark outside and February, son. What the hell are you doing? Feel like Ron Swanson.

- Out of all the liberal progressive PC BS you guys fuss about on a daily basis, the pizza thing is the most legit. Let’s make sure we make Leah and Em happy and order 3 of 5 pizzas with shit like feta and F’ing sliced tomatoes on it, and watch them sit untouched while the pepperoni is housed. And I’ll be damned if I didn’t witness dainty little Em and her pretentious food orders grabbing a slice of pepperoni too. No- you eat the rabbit food pizza YOU ORDERED, Emily.

- As we approach Lent, a little German Catholic NKY heritage for you. Did you know the tiny little river city little stretch of Newport/Bellevue/Dayton had these Catholic parishes and grade schools back up until the 70s:

St. Francis
St. Stephens
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Corpus Christi
St. Vincent
St. Anthony
St. Bernard
Sacred Heart

Not to mention nearby St. Theresa in Southgate and St. Thomas and St. Catherine in Ft. Thomas. That’s a lot of ornery Catholics running around.
* wcc, I see you in Alexandria or Taylor Mill in a beautiful new build.

I'd try to sell you on my hood, but you couldn't handle the mean streets of Brandywine on the Little Miami. Too many X and UC fans for you. 2 new young couples with kids in my cul-de-sac... a UNC fan and a Michigan fan. Touch.

Other than that, they are both pretty cool dudes, tho. The one is all in on all things Michigan.... Lions, Tigers, Red Wings. He's from there so I give him a pass. Plus he is a distributor at Sam Adams is hooks me up with all their products and likes to drink bourbon with me.

The UNC fan is from Baltimore. Naturally. He is more than just a casual fan & knows everything about every recruit, etc. and, to his credit, doesn't think Hubert is the answer. He is opposite of UKO and shows UK the respect they deserve, so I like him.

* White Wayne, I love a good margharita pizza and do not consider that the basic bitch cheese pizza that I'm sure Hank orders for 60% of his pizzas.

It's good to have you posting again. It's a shame you're going to have to go away when Levis gets drafted in the 1st round.
Haha. The pizza problem is real but I can't wait to see what wcc thinks when little Chris decides he is Christina and starts using the women's bathroom and locker room with his daughter/s.
Staying inside 275 is the main play WCC. Anything further is sprawl and you're rolling the dice on your neighbors. Transplants from the Northeast falling in love with how much they can get for their money, no thanks. Jimmy Earl took advantage of low interest rates to buy a house he could not afford in any other decade, now you got to deal with Jimmy and his rusted truck on the lawn, attack dog, and constant yelling at his wife you can hear from 3 blocks away, pass. Taking 10-15 minutes to get to the highway from deep Alexandria or Boone County, and another 15 minutes to get where you want to go, inside 275, is not worth it. But, if you like traffic, chain restaurants and police sirens, have at it!

- Aside from the obvious aging in my face/beard, another noticeable side effect from being a Dad is that I’m losing my mind. I’ve never been a “lose my keys” absent-minded type of person but I’m forgetting a lot more these days. In a related event, I showed up at Ruby’s Saturday night for my buddy’s 40th birthday party that happened Friday night. 🤦🏻‍♂️

- New Ruby’s looks incredible, by the way. Nice little shot of juice for downtown with OTR taking over as the main spot for night life.

- So my wife is pregnant meaning we probably need to move. We could do it but my house would be very tight with two adults, two kids, a golden retriever and two cats (FML). Still a shot we stay down in the East Row or Ft. Thomas (what a shitshow that market is) but my God, these new builds are so big and practical (pricing and otherwise).

Really tough to make the argument to myself that building wouldn’t be in the kids’ best interest. I feel like I’m going through the same existential crisis nearly every Dad goes through .Character and proximity vs. The Burbs and practicality. Do I sacrifice who I am for the betterment of my family? Do I cross the Licking and move to F’ing Villa Hills and start hanging out with some couple named Clay and Meg (short for Meghan!) who graduated from Dixie and St. Henry FFS? Or do I overpay some some grandchildren of some estate by $100k for a property that needs another $200k in work because I like the stainglassed windows and being able to walk to Pompilios for takeout?

- I just don’t know about Gen Z. Encountered some dude out Saturday night ordering a round of High Noons at a bar. It’s dark outside and February, son. What the hell are you doing? Feel like Ron Swanson.

- Out of all the liberal progressive PC BS you guys fuss about on a daily basis, the pizza thing is the most legit. Let’s make sure we make Leah and Em happy and order 3 of 5 pizzas with shit like feta and F’ing sliced tomatoes on it, and watch them sit untouched while the pepperoni is housed. And I’ll be damned if I didn’t witness dainty little Em and her pretentious food orders grabbing a slice of pepperoni too. No- you eat the rabbit food pizza YOU ORDERED, Emily.

- As we approach Lent, a little German Catholic NKY heritage for you. Did you know the tiny little river city little stretch of Newport/Bellevue/Dayton had these Catholic parishes and grade schools back up until the 70s:

St. Francis
St. Stephens
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Corpus Christi
St. Vincent
St. Anthony
St. Bernard
Sacred Heart

Not to mention nearby St. Theresa in Southgate and St. Thomas and St. Catherine in Ft. Thomas. That’s a lot of ornery Catholics running around.
Rack every bit of this. Piece of advice…don’t build a house while the wife is pregnant.

Also, I’ve called people out about the pizza before. F that noise!
Haha. The pizza problem is real but I can't wait to see what wcc thinks when little Chris decides he is Christina and starts using the women's bathroom and locker room with his daughter/s.

I can’t see giving a ish about that ever. Frankly, out of all things to get gassed up about, I find it shocking you idiots give it a second thought let alone making a huge deal out of something that so rarely happens.

And. if that happened, I’d tell her to be extra nice to Christina because it sounds like she’s going through a lot right now.
A cheese pizza from Domino’s is for kids, but I consider a margharita pizza a cheese pizza, and if made well is wonderful.
Heck off kids! Learn to enjoy something more than melted cheese and ketchup on warm bread. They'll figure it out. Sometimes I switch my dog's food and he doesn't appreciate it but he ends up eating it. Kids and dogs are basically equal, surely.
Staying inside 275 is the main play WCC. Anything further is sprawl and you're rolling the dice on your neighbors. Transplants from the Northeast falling in love with how much they can get for their money, no thanks. Jimmy Earl took advantage of low interest rates to buy a house he could not afford in any other decade, now you got to deal with Jimmy and his rusted truck on the lawn, attack dog, and constant yelling at his wife you can hear from 3 blocks away, pass. Taking 10-15 minutes to get to the highway from deep Alexandria or Boone County, and another 15 minutes to get where you want to go, inside 275, is not worth it. But, if you like traffic, chain restaurants and police sirens, have at it!

I’m from outside Alexandria. Those are my people. Was a great place to grow up, still is, but I don’t like being so far out.
Isn’t it because we are replacing/overhauling the field/grass/turf?

I guess it’s better to get it over with now, so that by summer it’s broken in, atkot?

Football guy help me out here understanding, but seems like the NFL can change the field in a week or 2.
That's what they are saying, which is weak. They could do like other years and have it at the practice field, or even at a local high school or EKU.

They'll let plenty if big boosters come to the closed practices, mainly the ones that can purchase beer at games. The other 90% of fans can GGP as far as UKAA is concerned. As I said, they are out of touch with the common fan.
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