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He sucks so bad at doing the post game - just a goofy MF - cannot believe Bangs puts him on there - get Jack Pilgram or anyone who knows basketball and is not a stupid ass
Dude, just don’t listen. What’s the point of this post Every. Single. Post. Game. Show. that he does? It’s so boring and pointless.
Eh. Who IS good? Two shots and they suck, or otherwise top 5 with a historic defense.

CBB is very fickle today. Who’s good?

Bama. Purdue. UVA? UNC & Duke obviously are VERY good. Who else? I’d submit Kansas, but they almost lost 4 straight. Houston? Baylor? #IUBB? Ok.

I mean. CBB is straight trash. Make the tournament and you have a shot.

Alas, we can’t even do that most likely 🤣😥
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-Never understood why people are so worried about food sitting out or going “bad” so quickly. Some people if you bring home some leftovers and they look at you like, “you want me to put that in the fridge for you 🤨?”

Nope, probably eat it in the next two hours or at some point.

Raw eggs? Every day.
Leave milk out overnight? Good to go the next morning, toss it back in the fridge.
Not completely browned meat? You can eat it no worries, ever had beef carpaccio? It’s legit raw beef.
Yogurt left out? She’ll be fine.

People just toss that stuff.

-Heading back to Lex right now. Only could handle a couple few days in KW without wanting to move back. Not for the people, but for the weather and water/sunrise/sets and lifestyle.

I have a great thing going on Lex though so not too worried especially with the opportunity to relocate to a more desirable area of Florida anyway in Clearwater where they’re wanting to put the next gym. Would LOVE that to happen in about 5 years. Great area.

-Never got to renew my med card so just got some from a pal and mailed it home anyway. USPS is the biggest drug delivery system in America, how ironic.

-Cubs will be awful again so when does FBall start back?

-Super Bowl today, eh? Meh, I’m sure I’ll see some of it. Just like Cal though I’m ready to get home to my dog.

-STL Mardi Gras on tap this weekend with an old hookup from KW, anyone been? Not sure how badly I want to go for a couple reasons.

1) Drinking is a chore lately and the next day not worth it but impossible to have fun basically at a Mardi Gras deal without it.

2) Seen this new gal a couple times and am worried we dig each other, she probably wouldn’t appreciate the whole last hurrah with a random hussy but whatever, we’re not exclusive by any means.

-Also, Delta is worth the extra money 99.9% of the time.

Have a lovely Sunday gang!
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Cal f’n starts CJ over Reeves. He’s a f’n idiot. I’ve said it for two full year, as have many, with any GD sense.
I've said since the Bahamas that I like Reeves off the bench for instant offense. I don't like him starting because over the years I've seen lots of volume scorers like him that hurt their teams because their teammates don't get involved in the offense, so the scorer gets his but nobody else does and it results in losing basketball.

Yesterday's first half is a perfect example - though he scored 15 and shot really well, we were down 10 at the half because nobody else was involved in the scoring. And when people aren't involved in the offense, it's not uncommon for them to be unmotivated on defense as well.

Fredrick is a better passer, better at moving the ball around, talking and telling people where to go on the floor, and getting the whole offense going. Frankly I think the whole team looked lost at both ends of the floor the entire game yesterday, and even when he isn't hitting shots Fredrick is out there coaching from the floor. I think his presence was missed.
I've said since the Bahamas that I like Reeves off the bench for instant offense. I don't like him starting because over the years I've seen lots of volume scorers like him that hurt their teams because their teammates don't get involved in the offense, so the scorer gets his but nobody else does and it results in losing basketball.

Yesterday's first half is a perfect example - though he scored 15 and shot really well, we were down 10 at the half because nobody else was involved in the scoring. And when people aren't involved in the offense, it's not uncommon for them to be unmotivated on defense as well.

Fredrick is a better passer, better at moving the ball around, talking and telling people where to go on the floor, and getting the whole offense going. Frankly I think the whole team looked lost at both ends of the floor the entire game yesterday, and even when he isn't hitting shots Fredrick is out there coaching from the floor. I think his presence was missed.
How did we look against Arkansas with CJ out there telling people where to go and getting the offense going? Did CJ even score?

CJ has a role on this team. Just shouldn’t be starting over one of our best players.
Lol at you guys still trying to figure out lineups. I said a week ago, we’re Popeye, I am what I am, teams not changing, no lineup will change this and John sure as hell isn’t doing anything different at this point in the season or you all just trying to figure out the lineup for the NIT?
How did we look against Arkansas with CJ out there telling people where to go and getting the offense going? Did CJ even score?

CJ has a role on this team. Just shouldn’t be starting over one of our best players.
CJ was playing with a cracked rib. Shouldn't have been out there.

Reeves is great scorer, but his Illinois State team was 13-20, and 5-13 in conference play (in a mediocre mid-major conference) despite his averaging over 20 PPG. He just doesn't make those around him better.
They won’t deny it, I doubt many teams ever have and it’s a shitty look. If we hadn’t been absolute garbage for a few years now it may be one thing but we deserve the NIT. Don’t be surprised when a decent number like Wallace (NBA) and others (portal) say we’re sitting out though.

Yeah it sure is crazy that Kentucky fans on a Kentucky message board want to talk about Kentucky’s basketball team in mid February
Bro, I know where we are. But at this point in the season you are what you are and you're just playing pretend lineups like those people that like to listen to trades that will never happen ( no offense @wcc31 ), what’s the actual point unless you're killing time and/or bored?

It’s like those momos that were arguing whether CRod and Levis would/should play in that bowl game. It’s not going to happen, you’re shouting into the wind.
Cal has been awful since losing Robic, Payne, and even Peavy. Never thought not having those guys around him/team would have been this huge but it obviously has.
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CJ was playing with a cracked rib. Shouldn't have been out there.

Reeves is great scorer, but his Illinois State team was 13-20, and 5-13 in conference play (in a mediocre mid-major conference) despite his averaging over 20 PPG. He just doesn't make those around him better.
Didn’t he score 0 two games before as well? There is always going to be an excuse. If he shouldn’t be out there that’s on him/Cal.

Reeves can hit open shots, create his own shot and hits the three better than CJ. Not to mention he’s much more durable. But Cal’s pet keeps getting the start. I hope CJ does get it turned around. In the meantime, play the best player that gives us the best chance to win.

CJ making others around him better is a figment of your imagination. Unless you are referring to the opponent.
The realistic odds of Cal being fired after this season or "retiring" are what? Less than 1%? Even taking into consideration the big $ world of college football, we basically owe Cal double the amount the highest NCAA coach payoff ever. It ain't happening, at least not this year, and realistically probably not after next year either.

Our only hope is that Dillingham actually shows up to campus and that our guys are too talented to be bogged down by Cal most of the year, even if that's unlikely. Maybe after next year we work out a payoff and he retires or moves on or whatever. He's washed and it ain't coming back. Great run, wish we'd ended up with another title at some point, but the ride is over. If the fanbase gets toxic enough and the embarrassment is bad enough maybe it'd help expedite the process, but as we all know, Cal is a stubborn mf'er so I doubt it.
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Isn't Robic lost in the bottle since losing his daughter? I heard he was showing up to work plastered.
I'd rather have a drunk Robic (or Rod Strickland) than a sober Chin Coleman or K.T. Turner.

I will say this for K.T., every time I see him I think "Man, Danny Manning is looking great for his age."
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This guy is a clown -- and has been for some time.

One recruiting class is not a reason for someone to stay at a job - especially when most of them will be here for a year.

Also, God bless those boys because they are going to have a wild amount of pressure on them next season. It’s basically going to be a “win big or else” year. Not fair to them at all, but that’s the reality.
- No offense, but surely nobody thinks Reeves scoring too much is a problem for this team? As for not “getting his teammates involved…” the less involved Toppin, Livingston, and IMO Oscar are offensively, the better off we are. A Reeves pull up 3 is a better/more efficient shot than 85% of the shots we generate in our half court offense.

- The reasons we were down 10 at the half are myriad. Reeves having 15 points is not among them.

Here are a few better explanations for why we were down 10 at half:

- Our defense is porous and somehow getting worse.
- Toppin and Oscar took 5 long 2s early in the shot clock.
- Wallace was 0-3 with 0 points, 1 rebound, and 1 assist.
- Toppin had an uncontested defensive rebound with a minute left in the half and us down by 4, but pawed at it like a cat trying to catch a ball of yarn, losing it out of bounds. They made a 3 with the extra possession, then we didn’t try to go 2-for-1 and turned it over anyway, then they made another 3.

- A better argument is whether we would have been down 15-20 without Reeves.

- Anyway, I thought it was pretty clear the mistake isn’t not starting Reeves over CJ. It’s not starting Reeves over Livingston.
This isn't because of Chin, Robic, Peavy, KP or any person other than Cal. We're on half a decade without a NCAAT win. Lol. That's unfathomable. We were nearly put on death penalty in 89 and back as a 2 seed playing in the E8 by 92. Tubby never lost in the 1st Rd or missed the tourney.

Unprecedented and unacceptable territory. IDGAF about next year's recruiting class.
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On the recruiting class -- it seems like the talent across the board is way down next year. We obviously have a great class but expecting those guys to come in and be Wall, Cousins, Bledsoe, Davis, Gilchrist, etc may be farfetched.

If Cal returns (and I'm beginning to think there's a faint chance he bows out this year), next year will be the biggest pressure cooker since Joe B. Hall's Season Without Joy. Anything less than a gangbuster regular season and a Final Four next year will just increase the pressure on Cal even more.
How hard should it have been to put in some qualifiers in a lifetime $86M contract for a 60 year old that if you don’t win a tournament game in five years the remaining money on the contract is voided or at least halved?

I never understood why when it comes to athletics everybody offers these guaranteed contracts. There’s no risk on the player or coach at all.
On the recruiting class -- it seems like the talent across the board is way down next year. We obviously have a great class but expecting those guys to come in and be Wall, Cousins, Bledsoe, Davis, Gilchrist, etc may be farfetched.

If Cal returns (and I'm beginning to think there's a faint chance he bows out this year), next year will be the biggest pressure cooker since Joe B. Hall's Season Without Joy. Anything less than a gangbuster regular season and a Final Four next year will just increase the pressure on Cal even more.
Jack Pilgram had been beating this drum for weeks. On the latest “Sources Say” podcast he reiterated that even though they are the #1 class that they wouldn’t be in other years. They even broke down Dillingham’s game, which apparently they went to while in GA, and they didn’t come away impressed. It is sounding like next years guys may be too much alike but I guess it is yet to be seen.
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