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I'm really surprised Cal hasn't brought up Sharpe yet. I'm sure that will be an end of season excuse to enrage the fanbase.
So you're still in the anger stage of grief. I flew past that and landed at acceptance. You should try it...

The majority of my post was a shot at Cal. I'm sure you know that. But if it makes you feel better to pick a slap-fight with me, I can't really spare a single f*ck to give. Take your weak personal pot-shots and shove 'em up your ass.

If you want to stay mad, direct it the right person. It's not me...
I've felt for some time now that Cal doesn't care anymore. If he quits, he gets no money. If they fire him--he gets paid. Paid big time. So he's just riding this out.

There's no way a coach at this level wouldn't have the self-awareness or the ability to fix what is glaringly obvious in their play in all facets of the game. He doesn't care.
I've felt for some time now that Cal doesn't care anymore. If he quits, he gets no money. If they fire him--he gets paid. Paid big time. So he's just riding this out.

There's no way a coach at this level wouldn't have the self-awareness or the ability to fix what is glaringly obvious in their play in all facets of the game. He doesn't care.
That libtard would quiet quit.

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I've felt for some time now that Cal doesn't care anymore. If he quits, he gets no money. If they fire him--he gets paid. Paid big time. So he's just riding this out.

There's no way a coach at this level wouldn't have the self-awareness or the ability to fix what is glaringly obvious in their play in all facets of the game. He doesn't care.

I don’t think so. I think he just doesn’t have the answers and I think he’s in a bad place right now.

If it weren’t for the class coming in - both in talent level and personal connection- I think he’d scoot. Still might.

Cal’s stubborn but he’s a sensitive guy. He’s a HOFer watching his legacy circle the drain at a dream job.


Wolken is a dweeb, but there’s nary a lie detected in that article nor any cheap shots at Cal, which is amazing considering the source. Guess when the facts are glaringly evident, even he doesn’t have to stoop to pettiness to make the point.

And sadly we’re stuck for the foreseeable future with this corksoaker. Good times!
I don’t think so. I think he just doesn’t have the answers and I think he’s in a bad place right now.

If it weren’t for the class coming in - both in talent level and personal connection- I think he’d scoot. Still might.

Cal’s stubborn but he’s a sensitive guy. He’s a HOFer watching his legacy circle the drain at a dream job.

He's completely overwhelmed by the demands of this job. Fourteen years is a long time in the pressure cooker of UKHC.
Wolken is a dweeb, but there’s nary a lie detected in that article nor any cheap shots at Cal, which is amazing considering the source. Guess when the facts are glaringly evident, even he doesn’t have to stoop to pettiness to make the point.

And sadly we’re stuck for the foreseeable future with this corksoaker. Good times!

Yeah it was a pretty straightforward column. No real knife-twisting or even much opinion.
Cal may desperately need an antidepressant or something. He seems to be all over the place mentally/emotionally. Or some weed? I might send him a box of gummy treats.

I agree with BBdK and others who have pointed out that he is not right mentally. He is a totally different person than he used to be. Glaringly so. That *typically* doesn’t happen if mental/emotional health remains relatively constant.
Just fire him for cause, make up something. Force him to fight you in court for the $$. That alone will reduce the buyout bc he will eventually settle. Maybe $.50 on the $1.

But I want him to be fired. None of this “mutual decision” shit.

And after Mitch does it, fire him too.
Just fire him for cause, make up something. Force him to fight you in court for the $$. That alone will reduce the buyout bc he will eventually settle. Maybe $.50 on the $1.

But I want him to be fired. None of this “mutual decision” shit.

And after Mitch does it, fire him too.

No, F that. What kind of POS wants their program to operate like that? We’re not Tennessee and the dude won us a championship.

Trash post.
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