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Made some Taco Soup this weekend, excellent. The key imo is this Sargento cheese.
* I made a delicious low carb taco soup a couple of nights ago. My family and I enjoyed it, but will definitely check with cricket before making it again. Just kidding cricket, please don't respond. Please. But I really did make taco soup.

I love chili and make regular and white bean chicken chili (my wife's fav) quite often during the cooler months. Taco soup has been added to the rotation.

Speaking of low carb, my weight loss has been stuck at 38 lbs. I'm increasing my workouts and sticking to my diet 100%, but I can't get over the hump. I have increased the weight training a bit, so maybe I'm adding muscle. But at 50, I doubt I'm adding too much. Guess I need to head over to Rogue's Workout thread for some much needed advice.

* wcc, I'm going to make it to 1 or 2 of the remaining 3 home games. Are you coming with me or are the guys on the secret texts correct about you? Let's get this done.
🏀Who will end up being our go to guy in crunch time? By committee or will someone emerge as the late game shot taker? Simply get it down to Oscar, open 3 by Fredrick, Wallace drive or stop and pop? Toppin? Reeves?

Whoever is best at dribbling for 30sec and flinging up a 30fter. Maybe yelling WEAAAAVE every once in a while.
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* I made a delicious low carb taco soup a couple of nights ago. My family and I enjoyed it, but will definitely check with cricket before making it again. Just kidding cricket, please don't respond. Please. But I really did make taco soup.

I love chili and make regular and white bean chicken chili (my wife's fav) quite often during the cooler months. Taco soup has been added to the rotation.

Speaking of low carb, my weight loss has been stuck at 38 lbs. I'm increasing my workouts and sticking to my diet 100%, but I can't get over the hump. I have increased the weight training a bit, so maybe I'm adding muscle. But at 50, I doubt I'm adding too much. Guess I need to head over to Rogue's Workout thread for some much needed advice.

* wcc, I'm going to make it to 1 or 2 of the remaining 3 home games. Are you coming with me or are the guys on the secret texts correct about you? Let's get this done.
Try a 24 hour fast
~Taco soup is an awful invention. They should just call it taco ingredients stirred together in a soupy mixture, and it is definitely not something to boast about.

~Was really hoping to see WCC's analysis of Herro's resurgence last night. Nice game.

~Nice to know Lex is not picking up leaves....unless you know someone, I suppose.

~Had 2 spots scraped and sent for a biopsy....been a so-so user of sunscreen over the years, so will try and do better as should we all. #PSA

Are we really for sure about this "facial recognition software" that Cal is using? This really doesn't pass the smell test. I mean, yeah. Just sounds like typical Cal bs. But if you say so.
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Final Permanent Custody motion set for next Thursday, with cabinets approval and disability social security already transferred to the kids own bank accounts in our supervision as of last month since parents can’t afford child support.

It’s finally going to be over, 18 months involved in a CPS twilight is being lifted.

Let’s pray! SMD!!

Go karts and trampolines and Great Wolf Lodge trips for all!

Sometimes you can’t escape destiny. I mean somewhere in 2019 the lord(if you believe in that fella) must have seen this coming and blessed me with the intuition to start a bourbon company knowing I’d be in need.

Someone was looking out!

Gracias, Amigo
I don't know you from Adam, Krazy.....but I'm going to start telling people I do. Just for the ride on your coat tails. Proud of you, brother.
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- A Kit Kat that has been in the freezer for at least an hour is light years ahead of one you'd open after store-bought.

- IMO, Mr. Mom is Michael Keaton's best role.

- Went to an elementary school to train their nurses on our telemed software and walked by kids outside for recess. Had to smile thinking about those 3rd-6th grade years me and my buddies had that half-hour after lunch: 4 on 4 touch football games (that ended up as Smear the Q-word), trading baseball cards by that metal cage that I guess was considered monkey bars, maybe breaking up with one girl to date another, and then constructing a weekend sleepover with the gang.

- Speaking of grade school, M*A*S*H was THE game. Also, every Friday was pizza and corn day. If we were made to eat that combo as kids, why can't we get that option at chains? Meat lovers with corn on the cob I'd do.

- Our company (health care) went mask less for the first time since April 2020. Unreal how underrated that feeling was. Might sound skeptical, but I literally was in awe when I saw some co-workers that I didn't know before our mask policy without masks. "Holy crap, I didn't even recognize you!"

- A pass line win roll, followed up with 3x odds and 4 and 10 (bets on those hard ways, too) place bets at The Golden Nugget would sound pretty damn good right now.

- That Weird Al movie looks amazing. Daniel Ratcliff as Al? Sure.

One YouTube comment: "Finally, Daniel Ratcliff gets to finally play an actual wizard."

- Early Saturday parlay (using those old school "Football" gambling cards: Miami -10, Baylor -8, Cincinnati -3
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- A Kit Kat that has been in the freezer for at least an hour is light years ahead of one you'd open after store-bought.

- IMO, Mr. Mom is Michael Keaton's best role.

That crisp chocolate crunch with the crisp wafer is perfection. Reese’s are also better with some sort of fridge/freezer time.

- Multiplicity is Keaton’s best role, IMO. I still to this day can’t not lol at #4’s “she touched my pappy, Steve” comment!
Justin’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups > Trader Joe’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups (though it’s debatable) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>x1000
Reese’s cups (room temp or cold)

I know we’ve discussed this before but I just wanted to remind y’all.
Pretty pumped to watch the Blue-White game tomorrow. I assume that the arena in Pikeville will be absolutely electric. If tomorrow goes well, it might be a good idea to start taking Madness to a different arena out in the state every year. BBM is stale to the point that I bet the majority of GYERO didn't watch more than a few minutes unless they attended.

With the injuries to Oscar, Ware, etc, that will give us more opportunity to see the youngbloods go against each other. Wouldn't surprise me to see Collins dominate and get BJW calling for him to start over Toppin (which would be stupid). An interior rotation of Oscar, Toppin, and Collins (if he can play backup center) is as talented as you'll see in modern college basketball. Ware as a hatchet man is nice plus but I hope Collins can take most of his minutes at center.

I'm developing a sneaky crush on Thiero. Hope to see him do work tomorrow.
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