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It's basically like I said, if you're a TV/Gaming nerd, the cheap Roku TVs aren't going to cut. But for regular people they're great. Haven't had any angle issues with mine as I don't attempt to watch anything from a 60-90 degree angle. My couch is in front of my TV.

-if you sit in dead center in front of TV you are watching from a 90 degree angle, no?
- I don’t care about them tracking our habits either, it’s just kind of a weird fun fact that solves the mystery of the cheap prices.

- We have a 40” TV that I bought as a stop gap in the new house before we moved the tv from the old house. I need to replace it with a 65” now that it can have a permanent home in a new built-in, but I think I need to trick one of the kids into breaking it first. I might just hand them the long swiffer and hope for the best.

- My buddy invited me to his annual Thanksgiving Euchre tournament. Last time I played in it (7 years ago), I was so bad that it was actually good because I confused a lot of people out there. Here’s hoping to winning all those quarters again, somehow - I don’t really understand/know the rules of the game.

- In TV Viewing angle parlance: the perpendicular angle incidence of 90 degrees (normal) is referred to as 0 and then viewing angles are referenced as deviations from that 0 (symmetrically). The 60-90 range Anth is referencing would be looking at it from 60 degrees off-center all the way to the side edge of the bezel 90 degrees.
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I want to be in the market for an absurd 65"+ TV but the only logical place in my living room to hang our TV is between 2 windows so I'm capped at 50".
Big News: In an attempt to further separate itself from John Schnatter Papa John's is changing it's name to Papa Johns.

This may actually be the one that solves racism guys.
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Big News: In an attempt to further separate itself from John Schnatter Papa John's is changing it's name to Papa Johns.

This may actually be the one that solves racism guys.

You should start a business and hire John Schnatter as your spokesperson. Man, you would make sooooooo much money. That guy is pure gold.
This is fantastic. Clearly NOT a Netflix-and-chill hussy.

It was on YOU! 🤣
* Can we talk about how racist it is to use cultural misappropriation in taking a large black man and making a caricature of him as an African bushman?

Hasn't aged well, imho.

Vern --> CANCELED.

* Busy ass glued-to-the-computer day today, so I'm happy AF for the pregame show to start at 2:30, and tipoff at 5pm. Nice little distraction from health insurance and benefits consulting. Actually, just about anything is.

* The lass, myself, and another friend flew into St Louis on Thursday. Drove down to Paducah area and ran the Tunnel Hill 100-miler on Saturday/Sunday. Lass picked up a huge PR, and I managed to finish pretty comfortably, despite barely training for the past 2+ months (move, hurricane, work, etc).

link: results

The race director is a good ole boy that's been in the business forever, from Western Kentucky, and this has become a premier event with several US/World records on the course. Fun stuff.

* Seriously, Papa John is terrible. And I think a lot of people forget he doesn't own the company. The stock has doubled in the 3+ years since he's been dumped as CEO, though.

* <-- pretzel fanboy.

I just don't know anyone in the powerlifting world, so all those social media videos are just totally foreign to me, and fascinating as well. It's got to be the most binary-outcome sport out there, too. Pick a weight, and you either lift it or you don't. That's it.

* Joe Rogan had Snoop on the 'cast this week. Cot damn, he's on the Mount Rushmore of all time cool mf'ers, if he's not number 1. Dude is 50 years old, and is now one of the most marketable celebrities in the world. Doing business with Martha Stewart. Selling soda water and insurance and weed and travel websites and wine and gangster rap.... 🤣

(and wayne hates him, too)

* Speaking of GOATs, I went down a Royce Gracie wormhole yesterday:

I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to get your ass kicked by a scrawny dude with a bald spot wearing a robe who didn't even throw a punch or a kick.

* Jian-Yang (from Silicon Valley) is on a new Netflix Christmas rom-com, and speaks in completely clear, plain English.

SPOILER ALERT: he's not even one tiny bit funny in any way. Just suck it up and be really racist like Vern. It's way funnier.

* A level 4 travel advisory from the CDC means "very high," and they just added Czech Republic, Iceland, Austria, and a couple others that all have higher vaccination rates than the US.

That 98% effective promise is wearing off pretty quickly.

* Other than drxman, who would be the most likely GYERO poster to buy front row tickets to the next Brass Against show?

(DuckDuckGo it, if you're unfamiliar)
You've said that to multiple people at yet I can't name a single thing about you from the 15+ years I've been posting here. I THINK you use to be known as KSRTerry and GYERO consensus is that KSRTerry sucked.
Been here since day one, buddy. Long before you. Have always loved the original GYERO gang. That consensus thing must include a bunch of folks who are stuck in group think. I’m not. I love all y’all. And miss my old Kentucky home.
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