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If PTI complained about Duren's age it would actually be the first time he would be correct about him being younger than average college freshmen. He'll be 17 until late November. Difference with Duren is he looked like this as a 16 year old.


Getting Duren and bringing Mintz back, which seems inevitable if he can make money at UK, would put us at 13 scholarship players. That doesn't seem like a Calipari game plan.
I know "INSIDERS SAID OMG" and all, but I just can't see Jalen Duren playing college basketball. Even at UK with NIL opportunities. He's going to get a seven-figure income to play ball somewhere next year, not to mention endorsements.
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-New crush: Laura Harrier. Shew...

-REK's "Dreadful Selfish Crime" holds up nicely. All of his stuff does, though.

-Headed to Owensboro this afternoon for a visitation. Quick turnaround, unfortunately. My favorite Ky town.

-Buddy whose Mom passed is 47. We're neighbors and have spent a lot of time over the years drinking, playing golf, sports gambol, etc. His daughters are close with mine.

The generational differences always crack me up, though. He's a horrible texter, generally difficult to reach, no social media, kid's diets are pretty much exactly what we ate growing up (lot of Kraft and Chef Boyardee, sugary cereal, donuts, etc.). He has no real care about much outside of his work, family, friends, and maintains a general malaise about almost everything political or socioeconomical. The only way you can offend him is if you cross someone he cares about and then he turns into a junkyard dog. Loves music, weed, booze, golf, and dancing. Great dude to have in the friendship circle for all of his Gen X traits mentioned.
-Speaking of that, finally throwing those piece of shit DeWalt impact and 18v drills in the trash, and upgraded to a Variable Speed Bosch. Feels great. Matches my super handy 12v that was actually more powerful than the DeWalts.

-We have a little Sandlot summer thing going on with a few of the families that didn't want to commit to travel ball. 1 afternoon per week. Tons of fun for the little dudes. Get to work on fundamentals and no stress. Be nice if we get enough to have some scrimmages. Fall ball coming up next. That was always my favorite league as a kid.

-Food take carryover, I've been getting fancy with my steak orders when out at our bi-weekly fancy dinners. Blackened, topped, different cuts. Feel like it switches things up from the steaks I cook at home the other 5 nights a week. Going blackened again Friday for the Qtrly Meetings.

-Really craving a McD's Coke now.

-Some hate them but I've come to love the half dozen or so random ass text chains I'm in. Get out of a meeting and 36 missed texts later. Gotta keep them muted though.

-Speaking of that southern area, got a fishing trip down on the river in the near future. Cain't wait.

-I was a Soph/Jr in college when my parents were my age. Still freaks me out a bit.
I read somewhere that he's progressing "ahead of schedule". Kinda figured he might start getting some intermittent snaps around mid-season? Haven't heard an expected return date from anyone in a position of knowledge.
As a kid growing up in Lexington, off the top of my head….

Fancy dinner:
- Guisseppes
- a la lucie
- Columbia Steakhouse
- Coach House

Very successful chains that were super popular:
- Ocharleys
- ChiChis
- TGI Fridays
- Logan’s Roadhouse
- Outback
- Applebees

I mean, that’s about it. Pathetic.

Dining has turnt up BIG TIME in 30 years.
The footage of that apartment building in Miami collapsing out of the blue in the middle of the night is absolutely horrifying.
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The generational differences always crack me up, though. He's a horrible texter, generally difficult to reach, no social media... Great dude to have in the friendship circle for all of his Gen X traits mentioned.

I get it.

I'm 43 and might care the least about tech/phones/social media/etc of anyone in my circle. I have an Iphone that's probably 10 years old and only have that because the wife makes me. Even then, I turn it off... a lot. I just feel zero pressure to stop what I'm doing just to text someone back immediately (which is ok because I don't receive a good chunk of the texts sent because of the old phone).

I'm not a doctor. I don't need to be available 24/7.
JJ Weaver was sprinting like a horse months ago. That dude is gonna be ready.

Stoops got shit rolling on the recruiting trail and the weight/training room. We're doing whatever it is the big boys do, and damn it feels good.

The dude second from the that Trevin Wallace?

Another option is to eat dinner at a place that doesn’t exclusively serve steak.

Welcome to 2021 where you can go to a place that is known for their excellent beef, and order something that is not beef.....and still a very good dish. Not sure if places like this will make it or not, but a novel concept.
kid's diets are pretty much exactly what we ate growing up
So did you put on that COVID 25 all the while eating healthy foods? Or is there a separate dad-stash?

For the record, my wife is apparently in your bud's generation as my kids diet's are 66% junk. I cook the dinners though, so that's the 1/3 healthy part.
SAE described me perfectly except for the kids eating junk food part. This is my only social media and would not have a clue about 95% of current events if you guys wouldn’t post it here.

Mexican last night after aquatots. It’ll be an act of god if I manage to not stuff myself on the free chips and salsa before I get the food. Doesn’t help that the only time I go to one of those places I’m starving. Not sure why they give those out for free though, seems like a lot of wasted potential revenue.

Seems the Paloma has caught on. Been my favorite summer drink for years and it looks like every place has them. Get a few dipshits still mixing it with grapefruit juice but for the most part I don’t get weird looks ordering it.

Loving the incredible weather every Tuesday thru Thursday and then rainy Shitty weekend. 🙄
SAE described me perfectly except for the kids eating junk food part. This is my only social media and would not have a clue about 95% of current events if you guys wouldn’t post it here.

Mexican last night after aquatots. It’ll be an act of god if I manage to not stuff myself on the free chips and salsa before I get the food. Doesn’t help that the only time I go to one of those places I’m starving. Not sure why they give those out for free though, seems like a lot of wasted potential revenue.

Seems the Paloma has caught on. Been my favorite summer drink for years and it looks like every place has them. Get a few dipshits still mixing it with grapefruit juice but for the most part I don’t get weird looks ordering it.

Loving the incredible weather every Tuesday thru Thursday and then rainy Shitty weekend. 🙄
We do aquatots here in Sarasota. Where do you go? I was surprised to learn they are a fairly large Franchise
Don't worry about me though, playboy. I'll come out to your public pool and show Mrs. Dougan my progress anytime.

The lifeguards in our private pools wouldn't notice a drowned Big Barry in the shallow end for a full shift, but they're actually quite effective keeping out the riff raff. Two forms of ID plus an address validation are required this year apparently.
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To be fair I own like 6 different screwdrivers of various sizes and quality and I couldn’t tell you where or when I bought any of them.
The most shocking thing to me is that Mags felt the need to call Shannon to ask where to buy a screwdriver. I mean, wow.
I mean, I may or may not have seen an X-ray of somebody who “misplaced” a screwdriver in their rectum recently…

Not saying it was or wasn’t Matt.

PSA: Don’t stick screwdrivers in your butt. It doesn’t end well.
So $1500 bribe to get people to go back to work? Arsonist Fireman at it again.
I really try not to reply to political posts on Twitter, but Mags has me hot. The state of manufacturing in this country is f**ked because we can't get people to go back to work. The effects of where we are at will take years to repair from delayed and damaged supply chain issues.

Dems wanted higher minimum wage, but the reality is with the lack of workforce available, businesses are paying more for employees than they ever have. I know of many jobs that are for general labor or high school grad level jobs paying well above the proposed $15 per hour minimum wage, yet they aren't being filled. Benefits, signing bonuses, additional vacation days.... nothing seems to move the needle. I know, let's give them $1500 so they will get a job for the minimal amount of time to qualify for an additional $1500 of free money, then back to the couch. Let's' tax the shit out of everyone who works so we can keep supporting those who don't want to.

Unemployment isn't a bad thing and is there to support people and families when they are between jobs, not what its became which seems to be another form of disability payments.

I can't tell you how many times we schedule a job interview with a prospective employee and they never show. If we schedule 6 people for in person interviews, 2-3 actually show. (For $17-$20 starting out jobs with awesome benefits)

But at least they checked the box for "trying" to get a job.

Sad times we are living in.
So $1500 bribe to get people to go back to work? Arsonist Fireman at it again.

AND JCPS just gave away $5k to every single teacher for what they went through during the pandemic. You mean the 1 whole year off they got while still being paid? Yep sounds rough.
Between no evictions, welfare, unemployment etc etc, the Dems are just flat out PAYING people. Not even hiding shit anymore.
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