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I am de facto kicked out of my house because my British in-laws are in town for the week and every night my father-in-law cooks meals. For some reason he plans portions as if he is still rationing for the blitz.

After staying late at work last night, I showed up with Wendy's in tow.

My mother-in-law was dismayed because they had ordered pizza with me in mind.. There were two slices left (from a Medium).
What kind of stuff would dudes sell at one of these parties? I honestly can't think of a single thing. Pictures of boobs, maybe?
They actually have/had a company that tried that. "Mancave" or something dumb like that- grilin' stuff, beer stuff, stuff like that. Penn and Teller did one of their BULLSH!T shows on it and the segment on the poor mope who hosted one of those was one of the saddest parts of it, next to the Zija guy.

Bascially the business model was:

"Hey, you guys want to come over for the 'big game', I'll grill a bunch of meat and have a keg of beer?"
"Sure, sounds like a fun activity!"

But in reality wound up like:

"Cool. Come on over. And bring a friend who might be interested in a great business opportunity. And but some stuff!"
"lol nope, but we'll eat your stuff and drink your beer"
I am de facto kicked out of my house because my British in-laws are in town for the week and every night my father-in-law cooks meals. For some reason he plans portions as if he is still rationing for the blitz.

After staying late at work last night, I showed up with Wendy's in tow.

My mother-in-law was dismayed because they had ordered pizza with me in mind.. There were two slices left (from a Medium).
Had some Mormon classmates offer to drive us around to the bars one time. Seemed kind of odd, but a nice jesture. So we took them up on it.

One the ride home their plan was revealed. Full court proselytization press. Guess they figured if we were hammered would be open to suggestion.

It did not end well.
-Huge weekend on tap for Richter. Another loss to Florida could start the tipping point with that fan base. I think UGA wins though but I'm not sure how they will actually score.

-I think we fight hard this weekend but ultimately lose by 10-14.

-Monday night BBall game :confused:

-Bean and I were talking -> what's your loses? Duke.. is that the only non-conference loss? Maybe UCLA or OSU? Can't imagine a team this rough around the edges can make it to conference unscathed. In conference @TAMU, Vandyx2, @Bama, @Auburn, @Florida, @Kansas*. I'm thinking we're 5 loss regular season team.

-Indian Summer in full swing, if all falls were like this I might be OK. Mid 60's though the first 2 weeks of November being projected. Fall back is going to f*cking blow. Sitting looking at 4 straight months of sun going down before 6p = :weary:

-Bill Bryson is amazing. The dude can make a trip to a shitty hotel bar in a desolate Australian town sound like the greatest time in the world. First time reading his stuff. Loving it.

-Assuming the tailgate will be very lightly attended for most of the day. Loving it. I enjoy the big crowds but going to kick back, relax and try to rebound on the gambol.

Man, the amount of idiots out there is breathtaking. Mostly UK and other fans responding to this thinking it's legit. Geez.

-Assuming the tailgate will be very lightly attended for most of the day. Loving it. I enjoy the big crowds but going to kick back, relax and try to rebound on the gambol.

So just one smokey obnoxious pork should suffice?
My Dad recovered some home videos of his family from the 1950's and early 60's from a great aunt who had passed away. He had them converted to DVD and we watched a little of it last night. It was pretty cool. I got to see footage of my grandpa (who died in 1961) that I had only seen pictures of, same for some great grandparents. Also, anytime you see your parents as kids or your grandparents as young adults it's just fascinating, imo.

Holidays, first communions, a New Year's Eve dance, a night inside "the corner store", or bar they operated at Shelby & Goss. Priceless. No audio, unfortunately.

My Grandma, 90 years old next month, sat and watched it with us. She didn't say much but she was GLUED to it. I really can't imagine what that must be like. I mean, everyone she's with in the videos, family & friends, are long gone. Granted, she was surrounded by her son, grandkids, and great-grandkids, but it's got to be bittersweet.

LIFE... enjoy the ride.
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I can pretty much sense her inflection while my phone is ringing at this point.

Why do you always sound so annoyed when I call?

Yea, sorry, I'll work on that. What's going on?


I can tell when mine is mad/upset/frustrated in her texts. No emoji's, quick reply and short messages means a pissed off woman. She thinks I'm crazy, but I bat 1.000 at calling her mood before she gets home.
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I mean, I'm not a college basketball at all, but why does everyone assume were going to lose to Duke? It's a possibility and all but that's the one game everyone seems to have already conceded. What am I missing?
in the all time pantheon of crazy, my ex stands alone. she accused me of all manner of craziness for my texting behavior. it was amazing just how much attitude she could discern from the written language. among my most smartass, condescending, passive aggressive, mean spirited texts were:

good morning
hey there
how is your day
how's work going
what's up
hey cutie
having a good day

any of the above typically instigated a brawl.
I mean, I'm not a college basketball at all, but why does everyone assume were going to lose to Duke? It's a possibility and all but that's the one game everyone seems to have already conceded. What am I missing?

Am I missing something? Does everyone really think we lose to Duke?

I think it's a toss up that early in the year, but will take the Cats because of Ulis.
Weak of you to sit out the last Extrav of the season.

Weak of you that this is the last Extrav of the season.

-My lass is a rapid fire texter. Never, EVER, just get one. My phone will start blowing up like it's short-circuiting, and I know it's her upset about something. And with each reply from me, I'll get 4-5 before I can even finish my text....she sends a separate text for every sentence, maybe for effect, dunno. Drives me nuts.

-I like us vs. Duke, and we'll be favored.

-Georges735, 2033:

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My personal favorite is getting 3 or 4 unrelated yes or no questions in a row that all require different answers.

Do you want to get take out tonight?
Have you talked to your mom in a couple days?
Is our cat going to die?
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I really like Richt and have always been in the @PTI (pti) camp. But, I'm starting to go to the other side. In fact, if they lose to Florida, I can see a Tubby situation happening. Richt bolting to Miami could be a possibility.
I once made the mistake of texting "nevermind" as I was heading into a meeting. It was regarding whether or not to purchase diapers and I thought it would indicate I had already taken care of that.

An hour later I found out I was a condescending asshole who hadn't said anything nice in a week through several non responsive texts.
as I mentioned in the D-League, what UK players did tonight:

Wall - 22 pts, 7 rbs, 6 ast, 3 stl, 5 blk
Noel - 14 pts, 12 rbs, 2 ast, 3 stl, 2 blk
Jones - 15 pts, 6 ast
Kanter - 15 pts, 16 rbs
Knight - 15 pts, 6 rbs, 3 ast
Bledsoe - 13 pts, 4 rbs, 4 ast
Booker - 14 pts, 3 rbs
Davis - 25 pts, 10 rbs, 2 stl, 2 blk
Cousins- 32 pts, 13 rbs, 3 ast
Randle - 15 pts, 11 rbs
Towns - 14 pts, 12 rbs
Goodwin 12ps, 5rbs, 1 ast

That's just stupid. So many former UK guys are legit.
I used to complain to my gay friends similar things about texting my girlfriend, bitches be crazy, yada guys must have it so much easier only dealing with men...

No. They reaffirmed that I was in fact an asshole, and dealing with gay men was probably even worse.
-I don't think anyone is conceding a loss to Duke. I'm just looking at our schedule wondering where the loses are and obviously Duke is a possibility.

-This team has a lot of the growing that 11,13 and 15 needed but having Ulis is such a damn luxury.
-My lass is a rapid fire texter. Never, EVER, just get one. My phone will start blowing up like it's short-circuiting, and I know it's her upset about something. And with each reply from me, I'll get 4-5 before I can even finish my text....she sends a separate text for every sentence, maybe for effect, dunno. Drives me nuts.

Maybe my biggest pet peeve besides pedestrians.

(30 second pause)
"So I have some bad news"
(45 second pause)
"I can't be over at 8 tomorrow...."
(another 30 sec pause)
"I have to do so-and-so and won't be over until like 8:30"

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Maybe my biggest pet peeve besides pedestrians.

(30 second pause)
"So I have some bad news"
(45 second pause)
"I can't be over at 8 tomorrow...."
(another 30 sec pause)
"I have to do so-and-so and won't be over until like 8:30"


[laughing] Yeah, the horror.

My favorite reply, and I use it often, is "take your time", which irks her every single time. I especially enjoy saying this whenever she's heading out on a weekend day with mom or whatever.

"Hey, you care if I hang with mom this afternoon? We'll probably grab lunch, shop, run some errands. If you don't want me to, that's fine"

Me: o_O Sounds like fun, enjoy.

"You sure babe?"

Me: Uhh yeah, I'm sure. Please take your time. :sunglasses:

-What in the world is wrong with Bobby Pope?
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