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What's the stuff about a song and pen ink? I didn't listen to the interview and don't follow any Louisville media on Twitter.
What's the stuff about a song and pen ink? I didn't listen to the interview and don't follow any Louisville media on Twitter.
allegedly her journals are all in the same color ink

He said the LHL conducted a scientific poll in 1988 or 1989 and found that the majority of those polled felt that Kentucky should clean house and fully investigate all issues with the program.

They didn't call our house.

but I don't know if I buy the "if UK didn't cooperate they would have gotten the death penalty"

That's them saying, "We just effed your program, but we could've went ATM." Truth be told, two things that saved us, was hiring CM Newton, and them not being able to tie in anything with the first inquiry into the major case, or, we'd been a repeat violator. Still, we were lucky..we let Manuel play, knowing he couldn't spell his name.

Couple years later, Auburn (who had a great scheme in place) was hit just as hard, and they were into much deeper shit than we were. AD Pat Dye basically served up the basketball and tennis programs to protect what they were doing in football. But, there again, if it wasn't for the President of the University, they would've received much harsher sanctions. In reality, they were out from their five year window, so no repeat violator status involving the football program.

I mean, I guess if you were looking to poke holes in her story- her claiming a song was playing a year before it was released would give some kind of hope to those looking to discredit her.

But you know what they dont seem to address? The proof that multiple players and recruits admit to having dirty sex in a dorm with hookers supplied by a coach.
I mean, I guess if you were looking to poke holes in her story- her claiming a song was playing a year before it was released would give some kind of hope to those looking to discredit her.

But you know what they dont seem to address? The proof that multiple players and recruits admit to having dirty sex in a dorm with hookers supplied by a coach.
Exactly. So her timeline was off and she wrote the journals all at once.

Did she f*ck players and recruits for money? That's what the NCAA is looking at, not if YC dropped Racks in 2010 or 2011.

The lines I keep going back to and both investigative journalist said the same thing. They were skeptical about the information and reviewed it that way but everything they investigated and vetted lined up. The couldn't discredit anything. This has been vetted by 2 separate entities and an outside forensics firm and all has aparently been confirmed. Think ESPN would just run with this if they found inconsistencies?
Movie started out well. Then you got a hunch about what happened, and then the movie kept going. And going.

Affleck's sidepiece tho
- This MAY have to be the year I start watching more NBA during the regular season, if only because damn near every game features multiple Wildcats. It's insane. Watched a little Wolves-Lakers and three Cats are on the floor- Randle, Towns and Prince.

- Speaking of, nice debuts from the two above- Randle 15p, 11r and Towns 14p, 12r. Towns is going to be a star. He pulled a step back 19-footer last night that was sick. And I may have been sleeping on Randle a bit. Considering the way he attacks the glass and the fact his two main question marks- ballhandling and outside shooting- are there and easily improved with work, he may turn out pretty damn good himself. Definitely has that Laker swagger already.

Thoughts on Randle: NBA Player?

- Had a dream last night that the Bengals POUNDED the Steelers on Sunday, then ended up wandering down the road and hitting up two old friends I haven't much talked to in years. Dreams- smh lol

- [laughing] @ Ulis constantly challenging Briscoe. I love it.

- People point to K's USA work as the reason his recruiting has entered Calipari Territory of late. Not it. Most has to do with Capel. He's probably the best recruiting assistant in the land.

- "Gone Girl" was terrific. And Rosamund Pike and Emily Ratajkowski...:scream::fire::eek:
Think ESPN would just run with this if they found inconsistencies?

Yes, because ESPN is in cahoots with UNC and Duke to knock UofL, the new kid in ACC town, down a couple of notches. And notice how she was suddenly appearing on The View, a show on ABC, which is owned by Disney, who also owns ESPN? Don't tell me that's a coincidence. At the very least, ESPN is behind some of this, and it may go all the way up to Mickey.

The above is an actual theory presented by a UofL fan I know.
Louisville Fan Paranoia is pretty hilarious. They don't realize how far off the radar they really are. They truly believe ESPN, Indiana and all other basketball media is out to get them.
how much longer does wcc have to date this chick before all of his friends annoyingly drop a "YOURE NEXT" blast on him every time someone else gets engaged? it's close.
how much longer does wcc have to date this chick before all of his friends annoyingly drop a "YOURE NEXT" blast on him every time someone else gets engaged? it's close.

I won't have to worry about that with most of my buddies as they are guys and guys don't pressure their friends to get engaged. HOWEVAH, considering the HEN culture of GYERO, I'm sure I'll be getting it from you bitches soon enough. :thumbsdown:[poop]:confused:
-Chad's mention of Capel is why I wouldn't mind Cal bringing Pastner on board if/when he gets tossed at UM and Payne or Barbee move on. He was known as an ace recruiter at Arizona and Memphis as an assistant, but just hasn't panned out at Memphis as a head coach. A Capel-esque trajectory, and he and Cal already have a relationship. Would be a good fit, IMO.

-I still think there's a 10 percent chance, but Daniels saying that UK had made up some ground with Giles, and then tweeting this morning that UK having four Top 10 players(Giles, Monk, Fox, and Gabriel) was a "legitimate" shot, I'm wondering if there might be something there. If Cal stops in to see him or his mom any time after the Duke trip, I think we'll know something is up, even if it's still a reach.

-Still weird to hear Harold Reynolds as a lead analyst during the World Series. Just doesn't seem right.

-Speaking of announcers, are there any that are as consistently solid across the board as Dan Shulman?

-As much as I hate the Versailles Road traffic, I still really like the buzz around the city surrounding Breeders Cup. Wish Lexington had gotten more of that New Circle Road mess taken care of before now, though. Not a great look.
-As much as I hate the Versailles Road traffic, I still really like the buzz around the city surrounding Breeders Cup. Wish Lexington had gotten more of that New Circle Road mess taken care of before now, though. Not a great look.
Not to mention The Hole.
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-Watched a ton of NBA the last 2 nights. The game is so much purer than the college hackfest and grind ball. Also love seeing how well our guys are doing.

Wall with the game winner last night...:sunglasses:

Think Randle will be a much better pro than college player. He won't be camped out in the paint non stop with his back to the basket. The pro game is so much more open and he will benefit from operating in space.

- 2 plays from Briscoe really stood out to me the other night. At one point in the 1st half he had it on the wing, saw the opening & took it to rack.. The savvy part of the play was when he recognized Skal coming over from the weak side to attempt a block he laid the ball so high off the glass that Skal couldn't get it. Two points. That's park ball/city guard savvy.

Also liked it in the 2nd half when he took the pass on the baseline, recognized Humphries standing under the basket and didn't hesitate at all.. Took right to Humprhies' chest drawing contact for the foul.

This kid can get to the line a ton. He has to hit a high clip of his free throws.

Like his competitive swagger. Just keep playing the next play. Won't let anything phase him.
-Speaking of announcers, are there any that are as consistently solid across the board as Dan Shulman?


As far as the Cal/Pastner relationship goes, I thought I read somewhere it may have soured a bit over the Barton recruitment. Or am I off on that? That was a weird deal, IIRC.
- Texted BBdK that Briscoe reminds me of Slo Mo a little. Obviously completely different players, but just in the way he surveys the court and looks like he's in SLO MO.

- Shulman's among the best in the business- up there with McDonough.

- I don't mind Reynolds. He's like the Greg Anthony of MLB broadcasting.
Guys like other guys to be just as chained down and tied up as they are. This includes getting engaged/married/having kids. We just want everyone to have as little freedom as we do. It's not fair or right but that's the bones of it.
modern day tough guy loves to talk about millenials and their lack of toughness, work ethic, aspirations, etc. they may have a point, but yet those same bozos complain loudly enough to get freaking halloween moved to a different day.

it's too cold outside
it's raining
it's too late to be out on a school night
the season finale of the voice is on
we should move it to fayette mall
my vagina hurts
it's too dangerous

parents these days. good heavens. don't make em like they used to. bunch of entitled, spoiled, everybody gets a trophy, hipster, liberalized, fascist, self aggrandizing communist hippie queers if you ask me.

i say we just cancel the whole gd thing and you can just sit indoors wearing a helmet all night.
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