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I think I'm more shagari alleyne. Weird gangly freak that people like to stare at and mock, but occasionally I'll have a good post/tweet and people will tell me how great it is that I exist, but literally moments later it's back to throwing things at me and howling at my appearance.
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- So, is the Louisville Truthers' stance that McGee is dating this uglyass 40-year-old prostitute or just giving her $$$ out of the kindness of his heart? What a crew of morons.

- Appreciate the MKG call, paintrain.

- This is why I hate non-denominational super churches. Well, one of the reasons, at least. Bragging about their "do-gooding" in the media, just like the pharisees. Every church does good, but they don't make a production out of it. The Crossroaders up here are the worst.

- Can't believe the B-W Game is tonight. :eek: :grimace:

~Not thrilled with the last few football outcomes, but can’t say I’m surprised. Still at least year away, but still have a chance to have an above average year. #BowlGame

~ Dad’s Favorite Sandwich Shop is on point. For anyone that hasn’t tried it make it a priority for lunch.

~ I had full intentions of going to the UCLA game, but kind of thinking about bagging it and going to see a real game in Chicago vs Duke. Tough to pass on that game as it gets closer. Need some good cheap seats tho.

~ The lack of buzz and excitement for the start of UK basketball is just baffling. Even I’m not feeling it. Weird. I guess the complete downer of last year’s finish has everyone feeling a little melancholy.

~ Our 14yr old lab is enjoying some of her last days. It could be weeks or months, but she has a cancerous tumor on her back leg and a heart murmur so bad it could go at any time. She’s had a couple scares in the last few months, so we are trying to enjoy her time as much as possible every day. Our first baby.

~ I honestly can’t believe my Royals have made back to back World Series. Last year was so magical wasn’t sure if they could do it again. Targeting a series clinching game for KC to go back & see them in the WS. Timing wise Game 6 would work out PERFECT!

~ It’s really cool driving around Lexington this week and seeing everything set up and on showcase for Breeder’s Cup. The weather Friday/Saturday is looking perfect for late October. It’s going to be a zoo around Lexington this weekend.

...starts tonight. [cheers]
the Deener NBA baby momma thing wasnt even the most supifying stunning thing on his show this morn.

from my brief listen for 10 minutes, he had that old high school coach Lloyd Gardner on. And dude teased he had news, that if the 5* forward commit King signs early with UL next month, he will be bringing his HS team into a special game with the King of the Bluegrass tourney.


And then was too dumb to realize how corrupt and sleezy this sounded, then bragged that the deal would be the most money he has ever paid out to bring a HS team in for his little dog & pony show. While at the same time bemoaning how corrupt summer basketball camps, AAU, and 'guardians' were for the college basketball recruiting process! And defending UL & Pitino as being victims in their scandal and in no way due for any kind of NCAA punishment or firings! Oh but him paying out big bucks for a UL recruit's high school ONLY IF the kid blindly foolishly signs up to join the Titanic is JUST FINE.

The lack of self awareness and prospective in this town among those people is truly amazing.
[laughing] @ Paintrain. That's a throwback, BBBD style post. While I HATE Cam Mills, because he was a prick at basketball camp. The only player/coach in 3 years that was a prick to 10-12 year old kids.
When nothing new comes out for a few days they start to rationalize everything. So when the next bomb drops they'll be back to defeat then gradually start working back to rationalizing it.

[laughing] @ Paintrain. That's a throwback, BBBD style post. While I HATE Cam Mills, because he was a prick at basketball camp. The only player/coach in 3 years that was a prick to 10-12 year old kids.

Have always heard that about Mills.
careful, boys. the mills family is harrods hill royalty. along with myself, of course. black mike. euge. fireman wade of occasional 630am fame.

all of the mills family is good people.
If you'll notice, everyone has "always heard that" about every single white UK kid who's ever played here.

Nope. Just Ford and to a lesser extent Mills. Have heard good things about our other crackers including Wiltjer, Sparks, Sheppard, Padgett, etc.
They can rationalize it all they want.

They're still discussing WHORES in the middle of football season, on the cusp of basketball season. WHORES.
my boy steve calipari used to go to hvac camp back in the day. always told me anth was a real prick. don't shoot the messenger.
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* [laughing] Paintrain bringing it. 99/100 for leaving me off. I was hoping for a Ramon Harris comparison. Sigh.

* Saturday's game was miserable. Even more so for me since I was battling a stomach bug.

Nothing makes watching your defense get gashed every other play even worse more than chopped peanuts and hot sauce shooting out of your ass at 312 MPH. Thank you, Pad Thai.

Actually missed work yesterday. Still not 100%.

* Homeland with a fantastic episode this week. Eek.

* Do Boat and Chief get a special stock/hot tub discount for making > 30 posts per hour? Slow it down, fellas. We don't need your opinion on everything.

* We will get destroyed Saturday. I'll be shocked if we keep it within 24. :bomb::boom::cry:

* Derek Willis with 9 bigguns tonight.
Last weeks Homeland > this weeks Homeland.

Blow it out your ass Willy. :boxing:

Started watching Damages last night. Pretty solid imo.
^ same writers/producers at Bloodline.

-Lass went to Cal's Clinic again this year with her wildcat friends. That's a pretty cool deal. Maybe not so much for Sloot who has that access year round, but for your average girl -- pretty awesome. I know my wife & Ms are like little kiddies out there getting pictures with Cal & all the players.

Plus, I get me a wodie signed Ball every year by the entire team/staff. :fire:

Also, word is Anth is a little jelly of his wife's crush on Ulis. [eyeroll] ...hell, I even have a slight crush on the little fella.
Seth MacFarlane is owning Today on NBC right now. Damn, guy can sing. Sounds just like Sinatra. WTF?
I can't remember a show in which I despised the main character as much as I do in Homeland, yet still loved the show.

Please f*cking die.-------------->
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-I don't care for "Family Guy" or pretty much anything else he's created, but Seth McFarlane is a super-talented guy. Put out a great CD of old crooner songs. Something Richie would probably enjoy.

-Dad's Favorites is always a good call.

-Two likeable teams, two likeable fanbases, looking forward to the Series. As usual, don't care who wins, as long as it gets to a Game Seven.

-Think Matthews is the eye-opener tonight. Will shine in that looser format.

-Chad, I agree with your comment about that church, IF they intentionally went to the TV station to get pub for it. But if the station heard about it and came to them, you can't expect them to be like "NO COMMENT". But you're right about people/churches who do that stuff and seek out the publicity for it.
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