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Maybe this is a moot point since it is contract vs non-contract employees, but I often wondered if a regular employee at UofL would have a case if there were fired for something morality related, after UofL kept Pitino and hired Petrino?

You mean like this guy?

This athletic scandal bombshell is diverting attention from a host of ongoing issues beyond just the general governance issues between the Board of Trustees, the University Foundation, and top administrators like President Ramsey. Remember, the Human Resources Vice President was fired in December and has fired a retaliation lawsuit, the University just lost a retaliation lawsuit (Banker vs. University of Louisville Athletic Association), and I have filed a request with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to reopen my 2011 complaint based on violations of policy by the University related to the American Disabilities Act, the material facts of Banker that relate to my claims about University misconduct, and other recent University revelations, as well as issues with the EEOC process.

I won’t begin to speculate as to the reasons Coach Pitino was treated differently than I was, or whether he actually was required to take a mental health exam, as that is for those who made the decisions to address. I will say that had we been treated the same, the possibility for avoiding a lot of institutional misconduct in both cases, could have been avoided. But institutions today seem to make decisions based on two primary considerations: public relations and potential threats of legal liability, and the answer to the question of our different treatment is likely found there. The right purpose should be to find the truth, follow the law, and act honestly based on communicated institutional purpose based on transparency.
This is an excerpt from the coming book, “The Amazing, Troubling, Inspiring, and Unbelievable Idea of the Greater Decisions Corporation” aka “The Evolution of My Employer-Assisted, Mental Insanity in Creating Revolutionary Greater Decisions to Change Our World” aka “Confessions of a Black Educational Activist Injured to Become a Race Conflict Veteran, who Rose from the Ashes into a Diversity Investment Specialist”

I'm no editor, but you may want to rethink that title.
Things Guilty People Say for $100, Alex.

I do not fight these accusations by others but rather turn the other cheek.
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So she sued KATINA, not the university, Andre, Rick, Tommah, or anyone actually responsible for creating the circumstances that tarnished UL's reputation?

Sounds like a UL grad.

And she's dealing with Larry Wilder. The MF'er might have passed out drunk in his neighbor's trash can a few years ago, but there's a reason that so many municipalities and high profile clients still come to him when they need something.

Motion to dismiss, motion for attorney's fees, and motion for sanctions in 3...2...1...
Did she file this lawsuit pro se or did she find some dingleberry attorney to represent her? If so, that attorney is about to have a very bad time.
Captain Suntan thinks that all this hoopla will cause Rick to focus real hard and turn out a really great team.
A couple of issues. One was already noted, in that they didn't fire him over does that make it an argument in his favor if they tried to enforce it now? As far as the violations, the whole notion of supervision of assistants vs how could he know everything 24/7 makes it a ambiguous. Either way, resign/fired, they would work out a settlement. It is rare schools don't pay, regardless. Hell, didn't we pay psycho Gillispie $3M to go away?

Maybe this is a moot point since it is contract vs non-contract employees, but I often wondered if a regular employee at UofL would have a case if there were fired for something morality related, after UofL kept Pitino and hired Petrino?
I think you mean "mute point."
So the Terminator comes back in time to kill Sarah Conner before she gives birth to John Conner. The Terminator ends up getting destroyed, Cyberdyne finds the microchip, which ultimately leads to the creation of the super computers/robots in the future. So the only reason the Terminator exists was b/c Cyberdyne found this microchip from the Terminator sent back in time from the future.


Oh yeah, and John Conner's dad is from the future, and was only sent back in time to fight the Terminator. And John Conner tries to erase his own existence by preventing the future war, which is the reason his dad was sent back from the future in the first place.


The part that still pisses me off is why the T-1000 asks Sarah Conner to call for John at the end when he can easily kill her and do it himself, which he ends up doing anyway minus killing her.

F'ing James Cameron.
FUN FACT - Bar passage rates in 2015 were the lowest in nearly 25 years, continuing a recent trend. Lawyers are genuinely getting dumber by the year.
So she sued KATINA, not the university, Andre, Rick, Tommah, or anyone actually responsible for creating the circumstances that tarnished UL's reputation?

Sounds like a UL grad.

And she's dealing with Larry Wilder. The MF'er might have passed out drunk in his neighbor's trash can a few years ago, but there's a reason that so many municipalities and high profile clients still come to him when they need something.

Motion to dismiss, motion for attorney's fees, and motion for sanctions in 3...2...1...

I dunno. It may be more fun to drag everyone else into it to indemnify her.
Buddy is selling 4 Bourbon Lounge tickets to Breeders Cup for face, if anyone is interested.

They've put a big ol' tapestry or bunch of pictures or something up on the fence surrounding Hole in Downtown to hide its glory from any visitors in town for the Breeders' Cup. Pretty sure they'll still notice.
Considering the pictures are completely see through in daylight, they'll definitely still notice the hole.
HOLE IN DOWNTOWN UPDATE:They've put a big ol' tapestry or bunch of pictures or something up on the fence surrounding Hole in Downtown to hide its glory from any visitors in town for the Breeders' Cup. Pretty sure they'll still notice.

They're actually historical state and local pics. I think Hunter S. Thompson even made it on there.

I suggested a bunch of darkies all happy, merry and bright, but it was ignored.

Considering the pictures are completely see through in daylight, they'll definitely still notice the hole.

It's see through because it's printed on 13oz mesh banner material for temporary outdoor use.
What is the latest on the hole? I'm not downtown that much anymore, didn't really look like much has changed sans banner material.

City still pursuing making them fill it in?
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