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Dang, I have to be in Louisville for a big meeting tomorrow (one of the ladies is a UL fan, but she's too nice to mess with). Is it acceptable to stream "Outside the Lines" in a Louisville restaurant while my boss, coworker, and I eat lunch before the meeting?
Looks like the Louisville/Katina Powell story is coming up next segment on GMA.
Just read the ESPN article. Louisville is dead.

I"ll LINK IT since you couldn't from mobile.

Five former University of Louisville basketball players and recruits told Outside the Lines that they attended parties at a campus dorm from 2010-14 that included strippers paid for by the team's former graduate assistant coach, Andre McGee.

One of the former players said he had sex with a dancer after McGee paid her. Each of the players and recruits attended different parties at Billy Minardi Hall, where dancers, many of whom stripped naked, were present. Three of the five players said they attended parties as recruits and also when they played for Louisville.

Said one of the recruits who ultimately signed to play elsewhere: "I knew they weren't college girls. It was crazy. It was like I was in a strip club."

One of the other former players, who said he attended the parties as a recruit and player, said McGee "would give us the money, just the recruits. A bunch of us were sitting there while they danced. Then the players left, and the recruits chose which one [of the dancers] they wanted."

And my absolute favorite tidbit...

Outside the Lines reviewed Powell's journals, text messages and phone records and independently confirmed that text messages sent to Powell to arrange the parties came from McGee's cellphone. Further, Outside the Lines has independently confirmed a wire transfer of money from McGee to Powell on one occasion.

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One of the former players said he had sex with a dancer after McGee paid her.

One of the other former players, who said he attended the parties as a recruit and player, said McGee "would give us the money, just the recruits. A bunch of us were sitting there while they danced. Then the players left, and the recruits chose which one [of the dancers] they wanted."

At this point I'm not even sure Rick makes it to the start of the season. That is two separate independent investigations that has confirmed the most damaging allegations she brought up.
This story is amazing. If you do nothing else today, watch this piece on SportsCenter. They are absolutely burying Louisville and she comes off halfway intelligent and very credible.
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The joy of listening to Deener read the story for the first time aloud to his listeners and Billy Reed is indescribable

the book was a hosing from a machine gun to UL's program....ESPN has now done this
[roll] Can't wait to go to the Louisville board to see how they're NOW spinning it.
Anyone from Outside the Lines that has ties to Indiana or UK that they can blame it on?
There's no spinning now. ESPN has former players confirming it happened, former recruits confirming it happened, independent verification of the cell phone records, independent verification of the wire transfer and a very detailed account from Powell and her daughters.

That SportsCenter segment was absolutely amazing. I thought this would get a passing mention somewhere after Monday Night Football and MLB playoff highlights. Nope. ESPN is going Full Tebow with this. They managed to do more damage in 18 minutes than everything else that's come out so far combined.

If you still think Louisville will skate, I highly encourage you to seek out this story and watch. There's no way you could come away with that opinion. I don't think Pitino comes out of this either. This will be his last season at Louisville, if he doesn't have to take a leave while an interim coach deals with this mess, until he ultimately resigns.
High cotton fellas high cotton. Highly encourage tuning into 680. Billy Reed spitting off some great quotes. WHY ISNT THERE VIDEO OF THE ACTS!
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