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-I was trying to explain the "dad" thing to WS yesterday. Pretty sure Big A was secretly letting me watch movies like Roadhouse, Rambo and others with gratuitous nudity/heavy violence when I was like 5. He certainly let me take a little sip off his Miller Light about that age. She didn't seem enthused. I assume that's pretty universal. Don't think those playboys were just unintentionally left where a nosy kid could find them.

-I guess if I was on a 2.5 week Birthday bender and maybe a little hungover I can understand a bad Monday decision.

Glad to hear Big Anth raised you on the classics.

Fayette Mall traffic is significantly worse than Hamburg traffic, and its not even close. Learn back roads.

Only tattoo I ever considered getting was military...and that idea went down faster than Anth at the State tourney.
My grandfather had several tattoos from his Army days and he hated them. Must have told me a hundred times over the years how much he regretted getting them. The lesson was not lost. I have 0 tattoos.
Man, I say next to "anti-dad" at the ballgame on saturday. This bozo comes sliding down the aisle with his little 3-5 year old in fn nascar earmuffs. Poor little guy was defeated. Blank face. Dad is whispering stuff to him, and talking to the kid like he was a pwetty wittle pwuppy, and must have asked him 40 times if he "was ok". I wanted to smack Anti-Dad and free that poor child from his in audible hell, but I'm a gentleman. I complicated the poor lil guy on his ice cream come and said a silent prayer.

Maybe he just had guaged ears?

I felt bad for him. At halftime Dad asked if the boy wanted to go see Mr. Todd, an old college buddy of Dad's, and boy flat out said "No". Only word he said all night. Didn't matter. He went to see Mr. Todd and never came back. Poor kid.

Oh and first thing Dad did when they sat down - HEY TOMMY WANNA TAKE A SELFIE?? *tommy ducks head* AWWW CMON TOMMY, SELFIE!

*names changed to protect the innocent
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-Got a Tat on my right shoulder. Need to get it touched up at some point. Easily concealed. Has significant meaning to me. Completely satisfied with it other than my ridiculous random hairy back and shoulders. I have no issues with tats in general. I'd say stay away from hands, face and neck and they can be ok. Seems like they're becoming much more accepted even in the professional work place.

-Great bagel is a good little place. Had to cut that sucker out. Couldn't go in without getting a 3 cheese bagel + sausage and egg + Ale 8. No sense starting your Sunday off with 1300 calories. You want to spot some yoga pants though.. that's your place.

-Ribbon boards in Rupp A+. Wow, what a huge difference something so small made.
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Suck on that Harbaugh. Touch you and your ugly ass sister who married Crean.

Thank you, football gods. Monday just got a whole lot better.

-nothing sicker than Willy's OSU love. Hope he chokes on a buckeye and dies someday.

-never got into star wars. I guess I was playing with other things other than storm troopers and the millennium falcon. Like baseballs and vaginas.

- thinks we are going to make a game of it against Miss St.

-is there anybody in the history of gyero that went from a really good poster to absolutely terrible like PTI. Good thing he was grandfathered in or he would get run these days.

-hey $6.00 hr sandwich shop employee, I know you are trying to complete your check out list to leave, but are you really dusting the neon right above my touching table?

-looking forward to the stories of iron man participants coming down with life threatening complications from the blue algae in the river. My understanding is that systems show up about 1-2 weeks after being introduced.

-anybody climbing Kilimanjaro this weekend? Please let us know if you are OR aren't.
my best posting is years in the rearview mirror.

sae is the new star of gyero, imo. followed closely by richie.
- No tats. You don't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari (or Porche). /boat

- Double eye infection and double ear infection...Wouldn't even need a costume if Halloween were this week.

- Awful, awful sports weekend. Cubs really needed one of those.

- It is a GD travesty that McDonald's all day breakfast menu doesn't offer and McMuffins. That's really the only thing that sets them apart.

- The Drake intro was creepy AF. Uncomfortably so.
Damion Lee is a stud, no doubt about it. Without him they'd be way worse than they're already going to be...they'll make the tournament.

Scotty Thurman was awesome, one of my most "feared" players ever....but he was also on a great team. He averaged 15ppg as a Junior and then went completely undrafted as a 6'6 SG/SF. Not like he as an all time great, never played a single MINUTE in the NBA (no coffee)

...Lee will be a similar impact player, imo -- at least given the amount of shots he'll get.

-Our McD's offers McMuffins on the all day menu.
A FB friend has a dog that has pancreatitis. You would've thought that Satan himself had risen from hell to curse her with this affliction, and that no human in history has suffered as much as she has waiting for her dog to get better. The best part is...there is probably a 100% chance that she is the reason the damn dog has pancreatitis. She feeds that little bastard Sonic, Hardees, McDonald's, Cracker Barrell, etc...every single day. She's one of those "fur baby" people. A complete psycho that seems to genuinely believe a dog is on the same level as a child, and that she is it's mother.

I would never wish her dog to die, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't on pins and needles waiting for it to happen. There is not a doubt in my mind she's more distraught right now than if her husband died, which is both absurd and embarrassing. She is an attention whore of the absolute highest order.
No you don't. This is just something people say to express that they love their dogs, but you certainly do not. Would you rather your dog die or your wife?
Pretty sure BBdK is clear and on the record here. One more reason he can #getpumped #teamgetpumped #saveMrs.BBdK
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Had a dream this weekend I met a talking cat named Furrball and he wanted me to adopt him. Told him I was allergic to cats but he said he was hypoallergenic. Just a really cool cat. Think I was close to going through with it.
How is this not the beginning of an Onion article?

WASHINGTON—A news report that Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan’s private email account was hacked by a high-school student has prompted the agency to refer the matter to “appropriate authorities,” a spokesman said Monday.

The New York Post reported on Sunday that a “teen stoner” claims to have hacked into Mr. Brennan’s AOL account and accessed sensitive files, including his application for top-secret security clearance.
A year ago my (then) 3 year old son went to play at a neighbors house for the first time. He came home about 15 minutes later and explained that he had shit his pants, the shit had rolled down his leg, and that he had left a nice little turd in the neighbors yard. So I walked down there with a damn Kroger bag, found the turd and picked it up, like he was a damn dog or something.
A year ago my (then) 3 year old son went to play at a neighbors house for the first time. He came home about 15 minutes later and explained that he had shit his pants, the shit had rolled down his leg, and that he had left a nice little turd in the neighbors yard. So I walked down there with a damn Kroger bag, found the turd and picked it up, like he was a damn dog or something.

You let a 3 year old run around by himself?
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Think we'll cover the spread, but we ain't winning.

DID YOU KNOW that there have only been 3 upsets during Stoops' time at UK?

Wanna guess what those 3 games were? Haha. Wrong. What a stupid guess that was.

The correct answer: WKU in year 1 (L), USC in year 2 (W), USC in year 3 (W).
Mrs. Reynolds has informed me that we will be getting a dog soon. I have no idea what kind. All I know is that it will definitely come from a breeder, and I will definitely have no say in the breed, sex, or naming of said dog. My guesses are "Something-Poo", female and an old lady name like Gertrude (Gertie!) or Agnes (Aggie!). Oh, and I also know it will be very expensive, eat dog food that costs more than people food, and will get treated better than me. Oh, and I'll definitely like it better than any kids I know.
I can only assume that the breeder will be out of town, thus necessitating an entire trip to bring your new fur baby home?
Centered around an all-black theme for Halloween, the Aggie Nights Primeknit alternate uniform features Texas A&M's "Lone Star Logo" clear-coated seamlessly into the black satin finish of a HydroSkin® helmet from Hydro Graphics Inc. (HGI). This innovative helmet features all-new reflective technology to light up the night. The black jersey and pants are highlighted with silver metallic numbers and stripes with carbon-fiber detailing, while the "Texas A&M" moniker is featured in metallic maroon lettering with carbon-fiber detailing across the chest. Additionally, the Lone Star Logo is also incorporated into the pant stripes, creating a cohesive signature look.



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