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- Just two more days until sweet, sweet fall.

- Really pumped about this Arkansas game. Feel like I haven’t seen everyone in awhile. SAE, Richie, Geese, etc.- y’all coming?

- Like the fact we have veterans like Quick and Sestina off the bench.

- PTI done swiped the GYERO World Traveler belt from BBdK.

- Toured one of these new age science/tech/design specialty high schools the other day. My gawd. Felt like I was in a college design building crossed with an OTR loft crossed with an Urban Outfitters. Really cool. These kids are coming for our jobs.

- Have a feeling Dontaie Allen is going to end up an all-time favorite for dogdad.
This is a way-too-early-and-probably-stupid prediction but it would not surprise me at all to see Calipari try to turn Nick Richards into a lottery pick and play him way too many minutes through February only to see Montgomery and Sestina develop some chemistry in the frontcourt and be our go-to rotation by tourney time.

And if that happens, Calipari is absolutely doing the right thing. (Despite whatever redass in-game things I will say.)

*IF* Nick Richards ever puts it together and turns into a lottery pick, whoaaaaaa Nelly. This team could be incredible. But that's a big, big if.
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You ever accidentally catch a whiff of a conversation a pair of hens are having- be it your wife and a friend, two co-workers, some random women leaving the gym, etc.? Just absurd, ridiculous exchanges on banal topics that never need discussion. I’m always taken aback when it happens.
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- 15 years of marriage today. Holy . . . matrimony!

- Have read some good reports on Quickley. I think he's going to be the X-factor when it comes to this team's success.

- Heading to the Redneck Riviera Sunday. My best bud's family is joining up with us. Never know how these things can go, but our kids have always seemed to get along.

- Feel like I need a new haircut style. Straight and fine is no way for hair to go through life. Need something cool. I still have a head-full of hair, it just has no pizazz.

- I've noticed that Llama has been recycling some of his old jokes on Twitter. A little disappointing tbh.
Columbia fleece. Nice quarter zip/ vest and I’m set for fall. Can’t wait. It’s still so hot outside! Good thing I have purchased (5) pfg polo’s recently. They’re getting a lot of air time. It’s nice to be killing it again.

No football or baseball this weekend for the Rax family. No clue what I’m going to do. Haven’t had an entire weekend off since February? Might mess around a plant a crape myrtle since we live in climate zone 8 nowadays. Lol, just some horticulture humor.

My 8 year old is planning on going as Marshmello for Halloween. He’s a dj that does stuff with fortnite so pretty on brand for that kid.

Stapleton/Willie Nelson/Sheryl Crow is disappointing for the Kroger field concert. Was really thinking we would get Sturgill/Childers. My god. Can you imagine?? Hottest concert ticket in Lexington history. Oh well.
Meh. Nick Richards has had some moments where he looked like he had some potential. He's largely sucked but Calipari is going to play him a bazillion minutes regardless so it is what it is and I'll at least try to find some silver lining.

But by all means, please continue to snort Afrin and achieve nancy-pant doctorates, dickheads.
Got good word that the announced lineup is only a feint and that the secret lineup won’t be known for a few months
Unless Richards' hands have improved, he's going to continue to be a disappointment. Unfortunately, improving your hands is not something we see very often. Guys seemingly either have good hands, or they don't, and that's just who they are forever.

But if we can just keep our bigs from being a liability, it'll be a fun year. Any actual production or even just solid defense from the 5 spot will be a happy surprise for me.
- Keeneland PPs ready for purchasing makes me giddy. Minus whale buy the whole Fall meet package. Should be an absolutely beautiful opening weekend. Hoping to see the beast that is Bricks and Mortar race in the Shadwell and my early Derby pick, Dennis' Moment in the Breeders' Futurity. Crossing fingers they were entered.

FRIDAY (as of now)
I like Craft Woods (Race 7) as my top bet.
Thinking of Engage (Race 8) as a "long shot." His nemesis, Promises Fulfilled, should be heavy favorite. Switches to Asssumsen who has a pretty good track record with horses after their third race after a layoff. BOL!!

- Underrated Neil Diamond song: September Morn

- Big fan of Total Wine. Spending a lot of time in Lex the next 6 weeks and I'm sure they'll be on my bank statements plenty.

- We need @oldgeryosportstakesexposed. The Freezing Cold Takes Twitter is my overwhelming favorite follow. Middle Class Fancy on IG, for dad, too.

- On the fence with the new 13 iOS update. Not sure about the dark mode, though.

- Noon Saturday 3-teamer
Texas Tech +10.5
Maryland/Rutgers UNDER 56
South Florida -11
Chicago this weekend with the lass. SANS KIDS. Can’t wait. Need a break from UK football and the kiddos. Staying at her sister/bro in law’s condo in the city.

Dinner at some Rick Baylee’s taqueria/brewery joint on Friday and then Saturday we’re hitting up some place named, The Gilt. Other than that we’re wide open with no plans. I’ve always wanted to do an architecture tour. May do that on Saturday. Actually may do some shopping (within reason) as I need some new gear. Hope to hit up some breweries on Saturday afternoon as well.

The weather in The Windy One this weekend is going to be a high around 60. It’ll be nice to experience some fall weather. On Saturday I’ll get up early and go for a run in the city and along Lake Shore Drive. These types of runs with cool scenery are always the best bc I feel like I can go forever.
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Hump Day Randos:

-Nice lil 24 man Golf Trip down to Fairfield Glade last week. What a great/close place & setup for some golf. @parrot did an excellent job as coordinator, as always. My #Hissalot snake proved to be a great addition -- doesn't matter if you're looking & ready, that little sucker will get you every time.

-Dealt/Banked my first Blackjack game, something I've been wanting to do. Nothing huge, $10 max bet - Dealer Hit S17, full doubles/splits/doubleaftersplit available. Still, a little nerve racking, especially when the 3rd hand some dude went in for 10, and Split 8s 3 times...2 of them doubles -- before I backdoored a 21 :joy:. Made out +$230 in about 90 minutes of play. Think that's something I'm gonna try to do at the crib on occasion...gonna invest in the proper setup first tho. Definitely interesting being on the other side.

-Picked up a bottle of Corner Creek 10 today. Anyone enjoyed?

-Is this year the hardest opening starting lineup to predict since Cal's been here? I think so. Hagans, Maxey, and I guess EJ are probably the 3 that are penciled in at this point, but there are many different ways the rest could go, imo.

-Cannot wait for this weekend's cool off, this is just ridiculous. [sick] Also, a little rain would be nice.

-Listening to 'The thing about Pam', Dateline Podcast narrated by legend Keith Morrison. Only problem is I'm still on episode 2 b/c I keep listening in bed and falling asleep -- Podcasts, no matter how good, are a great aid to go to sleep if you're struggling.

-Sprinkled Anthony Davis +800 MVP, and DeAndre Hunter +2000 ROY.

-Beyond happy to have a weekend at home...first in about 6 weeks -- sucks it's a bye weekend though. (although it couldn't come at a better time for the squad). Wife works all weekend, so still sets up perfect for a lazy & relaxing recovery period, feel like I've been going nonstop since early summer.

-Still undecided on Sturgill's album. I like it, and worship that dude's talent, but overall it may be a little fast for me. Can definitely see how this album would appeal to the concert crowd though -- that last track would be a helluva finisher live.

Top 3 after 2 listens:

Make Art Not Friends
All Said & Done
Fastest Horse in Town

-Biscuit Belly coming to Colonial Gardens. Pretty cool little place shaping up for the South End, with Taco Luchador & Union 15 Pizza & Pints already rolling. [thumb2]

-Lol at Jeremy Pruitt. Little 'Bama entitlement going on there? Dude has clearly never watched LivePD or COPS. Warrant is auto arrest.

-Meh on the Kroger Field concert

-Richie has still never stayed in a hotel.

-Happy for the dude StingRay, that's a lot of lbs lost. Guy is as genuine as they come, my kinda fan.

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-ive done the architecture tour from the chicago river before...pretty cool.

Rack. Even better if you do one that takes you out on the lake after the river portion (maybe they all do that, honestly don't know).
Best $7 a guy can spend is getting his shoes cleaned up. Look brand new. It’s rare in life when you feel like you the consumer are ripping a company off.
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