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It is hilarious that the California bill specifically prevents athletes from signing with a different shoe company than the company sponsoring the school.

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Better get one last thing in then regarding fake news - the Mueller report clearly showed that the media was pushing a hoax. Wikileaks showed they take their marching orders from the Democrat party. They get their morning talking points and all repeat the exact same thing that Democrats are talking about, etc..

How can you not question everything they report? Chase?


I suppose frowning on Don for using the power of the Presidency to solicit a foreign country's interference in an upcoming election is something one might ignorantly use to justify their vote against him; but, those idiots would be voting based on various fake news agencies from around the world.

Typically, when Chief and UKO are in agreement on something, I’ve found it’s usually best to just accept that they are correct. Years and years of posts have confirmed they are very reliable.

Isn’t it the executive branch’s responsibility to enforce the laws? I mean, if we’re looking at corruption and collusion, they got WAY worse material on Biden and his son from when he was a sitting VP...How much time and money on the Mueller probe? If this ain’t worth a bet, I don’t know what is.

Keep it fair and balanced wildcat friends.
Must be nice, because the amount of talent is unbelievable. I'm on the very last street so I have to go walking to find it. Worth it.

May stroll to Karem's tonight for a beer and sammich.
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Tell Brad hi f he’s working the bar and ask Jordan - who is usually cooking - how Rioux is. She should be about 2-3 mos old now. Female Rottie. Great looking pup.
- So, what’s everyone’s favorite brand of fleece?

- Any good Halloween costumes for the kiddos this year?
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Boxed growing up, Chad. Dont write checks....

Actually, I'd be out of breath with the quickness. Throw dirt in your eyes and DDT! Old and fat.
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I’ve been up with a sick child since Saturday night so I knocked out all of Succession season 1 quick. I like it but man, it seems like there could be at least one person that has a couple redeeming qualities.
Cincinnati’s getting a Hard Rock Cafe so EAD, Louisville, Lexington, Paducah. Eat a big one.
Spring Break 2000 I headed down to Panama City Beach with my crew from Rafferty’s. I rode with my boyfriend at the time and we drove separately so we could stop in downtown Atlanta to eat at a very special place... Hardrock Cafe.

G is currently slated to be Jay, the blue LEGO Ninjago.

Can’t wait to see wcc and the Mrs. soon. Beef Sammies for everyone! Win the damn game, Wildcats.

Who is in for Vegas? I’ve got BBdK, Beans, my cuz Travis, Superlurker and her soon-to-be husband. Anyone else?
- The number of people who think other people give a shit about their opinion on anything - political or otherwise - never ceases to amaze me.

- I don’t normally drink bourbon on Tuesdays, but damn it feels good tonight.

- Bowden is going to make some incredible, heart-racing plays, and he’s going to make some incredibly stupid plays. Just hope the former outweighs the latter. I think they will, and he gets us to 7 wins. I’m also an idiot, because UK Football.

- I want to see Hagans, Maxey and Quickley on the floor at the same time as much as possible. Know it won’t happen like that, but I can dream.

- Can’t figure out what is up with our O-line. Should be a top-four unit in the conference and they’re playing like the dog shit I stepped in while chasing my one-year-old through the yard tonight.

- One of my hatboggans is checking the website of the Herald Leader, Mountain Eagle, etc. and seeing what the political corruption story du jour is. Such fabulously crooked shitheads throughout our Commonwealth. This was a good lede from today:

“A former Jackson County treasurer who stole $161,000 by writing checks to herself from county accounts has been sentenced to three years and nine months in prison.”

I mean, that’s pretty audacious. If she had stopped at like, $125K, she probably could have gotten away with it. Hogs get slaughtered, folks.

-Anyone see this bourbon storage facility approved in Jtown? All containers basically with a big fancy showroom.

Somewhat of an interesting concept.

- I feel like pay for play will lead to the baseball rules. It will grow out of control and this will accelerate the NCAA to protect its product and push the NBA for comparable rule.

- playoff baseball is supposed to be a little chili out, this doesn’t feel like the playoffs yet.

- I think Bowden wants to play QB, and always did. I’m pretty hyped he gets a bye to figure things out and a pretty reasonable first opponent and then no expectations for UGA. Do your thing kid!

- 4 out 5 top 5 ranked teams are SEC teams. Time to go with an 8 game playoff yet?

- I know I’m in the minority here but UK basketball just doesn’t get real to me until January. I hate not playing IU, I’m not a fan of the first game of the year being Duke/KU/MSU, and I assume we no longer play UNC either unless in a tourney? And no fun early season tournaments ever?

For as cocky as Cal can be that is the only thing that really even bothers me.

- I was hyped to be apart of the Colonial Gardens makeover, which is awesome BTW, but I’m even more hyped to be apart of a hotel in Bardstown over the winter. >< this close to finalizing plenty of work excuses to be in bourbon City this winter!
“Lynn Bo” will be the second coming of Antwaan Randle El by the time we kick it off again.

I’m skeptical, but at this point, I don’t see how it hurts to give him a shot.

It’ll change the narrative/get fans excited, and as for taking our best receiver out of the game; who gives a F$$$? We dont have anybody to get him the ball anyway.
North Face and Marmot are my preferred winter attire.

Jake Owen, didn’t know much about him, but he might be the coolest guy in the world. Great show.

Excited to visit our nations capital.

Red meat. Fake news. Who knew?!?!

Salute to Sloot on the hot beef sambos. My
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