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I'm not sold on BtB as a legit handicapper, although he can get hot - he's the hype man/marketer of that team imo...only posts records when he wins, etc. ACL is the real deal though, year after year, full transparency.

those two are absolute dipshits, and this is apparently the only gif on the entire internet according to them.
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Two things can be true at once. For instance:

1. Antonio Brown is sort of a shithead.
2. It is complete bullshit that Robert Kraft (a widower) is publicly pilloried for getting a completely consensual wristy from a masseuse.
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Was going to say what Chase already alluded to. The way Goodman just shits all over the guy who broke KU’s Notice of Allegations story is hilariously patronizing. Call me when the penalties are handed down.

At this point, would anyone really be surprised if ol’ Billy Hoots (there it is Chumps) had access to Goodman’s twitter account?
Richie didn't start Billy Hoots ftr.
When does ESPN finally put Corso out to pasture? They’ve shown compassion and whatnot, but that coot is currently unintelligible.
Walking out of there last week I was told by a close family member I needed to seek therapy. Look foward to getting just as wound up today whats the point of the alternative? Love the ML LFG.
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Can’t help but have some fun with Vol fan.

I mean we managed to steal defeat from the jaws of victory, but they are just get manhandled.

Cats 24-dogs 21.
Bernie triple down on A&M -3.5 to make you money back and the winnings you were due.
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