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Don't disagree with what you re saying Wayne, but football is a numbers game. Superstars still need at least a team of 22 players to practice. As little Toby never gonna start quits playing Da'Quan the stud loses a practice body. Hell there are several varsity teams in the area with probably no more than 18-20 kids dressing varisty games now.
Football being the perfect sport for TV is a dumb position to take when projecting 20-30 years out. Sports will be exclusively live streamed by then. Guess what works well for a paid subscription? A sport that doesn't have built in commercial breaks; soccer.
Actually it was kinda refreshing watching some of the soccer game in between 4 hour college football games. The soccer game flew by in comparison.
FTR, I don't even like soccer and haven't watched five minutes in my entire life. I don't even pretend to be a fan during the World Cup like everybody else does.
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We need to start recruiting Appalachia, and KY in general, harder if they produce the best football players. IMO.
Top 3 entertaining sports.

1. Basketball/Football
3. Bicycle races

What kids?

Suburban and or upper middle class... Sure.

Inner city... No. Jerome ain't playing soccer and never will regardless of what white Millennials think.

Lord willing we have kids and one of them is a son I want my kid playing football or basketball. Teach that son lessons of life that can be taught by those 2 sports and expose him to kids from various backgrounds. Most soccer kids are upper middle class to affluent.

Football is the ultimate team sport and places an emphasis on the value of toughness.
Football is the perfect sport for gambling is why it will be king for the foreseeable future. Not just your traditional betting on games, but the fantasy aspect, too easy to keep up with and too easy for cross country dork who never played a real sport in his life to think he is Chris Mortenson when talking about what defense he is playing this week.

Good soccer is actually a fun sport to watch, would take it over any other sport other than basketball and football, hope it does take off in the States because I think the season will help bridge the sporting gap between the end of NBA playoffs to the beginning of college football for me.
Hell there are several varsity teams in the area with probably no more than 18-20 kids dressing varisty games now.

Yet there are hundreds of HS age kids in these same areas at home playing Madden on a game console.

When trying to project what sports we may find entertaining 25-50 years from now, it's imperative you do so with the understanding that technology, more than any other factor, will determine how we're entertained, and by what.
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Rolls eyes at Richie. Soccer ain't golf or racketball. Plenty of poor kids play soccer. Plenty. You just don't know any - well, because you don't know any poor people. I agree, no poor kids from the Pendennis club play soccer.

Refusing to let your kid play soccer is just dumb. Marcus let him play something he might be good at. No GonnaStart? kid is going to get a basketball scholly. And playing on a soccer team doesn't teach values like team work, hard work etc? That's just silly. It's a physical team sport.
Soccer is a rich sport, just look at all the 3rd world countries that DOMINATE the sport. (Yes, I know America is different)

-My future puppies will not be playing football, that's for sure.

Every kid I know or grew up with played soccer as a child, myself included. It's the ultimate "entry" kids game where they can exercise, run around, and play without knowing WTF they are doing -- then eat their orange slice and get a high five from dad. Mission accomplished.

Once they got actual skills they realized it was boring & sucked, so they chose something cooler. That may change at some point, seems to be (according to Soccerdad1973) -- but I hope not.
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Just watched a dominating team of 10 yo Blacks/Hispanics from KC take a team of JERKs to the woodshed.

Once the big money comes to soccer in the US watch out. And it is coming.
And here we go...[sick]

Soccer sucks compared to real sports, about time you just deal with it.

In the meantime, enjoy waiting on your BIG MONEY!!!! to help out your cause.

PS - Good luck to your chosen Euro Rooting interest of the day. Puppy Scent, I know it's very important to you. [eyeroll]
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Top 3 entertaining sports.

1. Basketball/Football
3. Bicycle races

Nah. I'm not getting pissy that people don't watch cycling or that Team Cannondale-Garmin isn't fielding a truly competitive American TDF squad. I have no problem with people not watching and I don't care about its relevance in the states. Just an obscure sport that coincides with my favorite form of exercise.

I watch about any sport. Golf, NASCAR, cycling, marathons, XGames, full mid season baseball games, a little tennis.

I'd like to see Rugby make a push here.

I think 20 years is a little short on the football timeline. Maybe 50.
Dennis... Growing up my dad made me play Pop Warner football for a years for a team made up of mostly black kids in Berrytown, a poor black community. We won state and even had a few kids go on to play major D 1 football. Tendai Charasika played at UL & Jerrod Hayden started for UT's national championship team in 98.

Up until that point I was very sheltered. I was exposed to kids from very tough backgrounds and the only way this was possible was through football. Also made me tougher.

Also played a few years of AAU ball coached by former UL greats Derek Smith, Darrell Griffith and Tony Branch. Most of my teammates were brothers from the inner city.

Playing soccer would not have enabled me these type of experiences bc most soccer players I knew growing up were from upper middle class to affluent families.

Can tell you that 20 something years later the dynamics have not changed, at least here in Louisville. Inner city blacks
don't give a rat's ass about soccer. They play football or basketball.
I have zero clue what's going on in rugby, but it's fun to watch. Are there actual rules?

<------ used to WORSHIP watching Lacrosse on my grandad's oldschool satellite dish. Porn, too.
Richie addressing people he's arguing with by name in proper Letter form is my secret hatboggan...even though he didn't quite do it there, which is kinda strange.

-My mom was apparently way ahead of the curve in terms of being "scared" of football. I absolutely was not allowed to play, no questions asked or entertained. :cry: Pretty much just dominated smear the queer instead and focused on basketball & baseball.
I assume there are rules in rugby but I don't know any of them. I have a general understanding of the goals. Cricket is the one that gets me, fun to watch by I don't have a damn clue what's going on.
Charasika(sp?) was a damn legend in Louisville. What a freak. I think he won state in wrestling all 4 years and may not have ever lost on top of being, I assume, an all state/UL RB.
Tendai was an unreal running back and wrestler at St X. He originally played football at Stanford then transferred to UL.

Dude was a genetic freak. We were like
11 & 12 years old playing Pop Warner and he was so strong & fast he literally could not be tackled almost every time he touched the ball.
Up until that point I was very sheltered. I was exposed to kids from very tough backgrounds and the only way this was possible was through football.

I'm no Lousville expert.

But, isn't the raison d'etre of Lousiville's entire public education system set up to mix kids from different backgrounds?

I thought bussing (and latent racism) was the reason the private school system is so strong in the topographrical wonder town.

Football is pretty cool in that it can allow a family to "check that box" with as little interaction with untouchables as possible in a completely sterile, controlled environment. It forged some real badasses on the right side of the tracks, no doubt.
Up until that point I was very sheltered. I was exposed to kids from very tough backgrounds and the only way this was possible was through football.

I'm no Lousville expert.

But, isn't the raison d'etre of Lousiville's entire public education system set up to mix kids from different backgrounds?

I thought bussing (and latent racism) was the reason the private school system is so strong in the topographrical wonder town.

That is accurate. Bussing is why my uncles all went to catholic schools.

Football is a great sport and I love watching it. Just too dangerous, as we're seeing right now. I'm not talking about the instant danger. Not sure how anyone can argue against that.

Going to push for golf, running, swimming, baseball or soccer.
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The odds of your kid getting seriously hurt in football until he's playing on the high school varsity team are minuscule. Yeah, there are the exceptions, but I was in a 12-year old soccer tournament where in the girl's division a goalie was killed. Freak accidents happen.
- I'm just not there yet with basketball. Think it's a combo of football, the Wisconsin loss & being so ate up last year with the possibility of going 40-0 that I am still emotionally flat.

I'll watch the practice tonight and I'll eventually get there.

- Should we be concerned about Skal? Know the buzz is he will be fine but why haven't they declared him eligible yet? We are a couple weeks out from our first game. This needs to be done by now.
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