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Pretty nice Saturday- birds are singing, saw some elephants smash some pumpkins at the zoo, gonna settle in for some worry free football, not worried about a whore scandal, fridge full of crafties. that'll do, pig
Man. What's Western's beef with MTSU? Running trick plays, onside kicking it, and going for it on 4th down with less than a minute left in the 1st half, up 40+ when they get the ball back after half.

The rivalry is called "100 miles of hate." Men and women's basketball, are also very heated. The two schools just do not like each other. Been that way for years.
On a whore related note- I've spent time with both my dad and my FIL this weekend and we want to talk about #whoreghazi but can't discuss it around my kids. Seriously if you're a UL with kids over the age of 8 and it comes up (and it will) how do you broach the topic?
You all may be more confident than me, but i stay worried about a whore scandal. Have pretty much since Rondo got Sparks girl pregnant.
Whore scandals are just a natural part of life. They come and go and you can't spend all your time stressing over them or you will get cancer...also aids.
What's Ramsey getting pissy about and threatening legal action about on Twitter? K-Gar? It's one of your boys.
My god that guy is a douche. Blocked me. He'll fail because he doesn't understand what comes with being a shock jock. I can see why he didn't know the difference in jest/gist.

The "I'm going to sue you" guy is the absolute worst person ever. Firmly behind "I'm going to whore out my teenage daughters to basketball players" mom.
No successful lawsuit has ever started with the words "I'm going to sue you." Much more nuanced than that. Learned hand.

Also, whores.
Something softly something something big stick and whatnot.

Arkansas' OL is ridiculous. They would win Thunderdome if that was a sport. Just monstrous.
Mike wrote a clearly hypothetical satire and put something Ramsey could/would say and Ramsey GOIN SUE HIM!!!

He is the biggest tool on the web... Perfect UL caricature
Bill Snyder had to go for it on 4th and 1 and try to get a TD with a couple seconds left... I know kicking the FG to tie was probably the right move, but they were never going to stop TCU again.

Going for it on 4th and 1 in that situation is always the right move, especially in college football with inferior kickers.
[laughing] @ these US Soccer fans.

US Soccer isn't where it should be. Fire Kilingslingsmen!! Ridiculous.

Ummm... I think US Soccer is EXACTLY where it should. Firmly behind the real AMERICAN sports. This would be like UK fans getting all up in arms over Women's Softball.

Enjoy it when nothing else is on and during WC.
Soccer and basketball will eventually surpass football just as football once surpassed baseball, horse racing and boxing as the primary sport in this country. We are probably still 20-30 years from seeing it happen, but it eventually will because fewer and fewer kids will have grown up playing football.
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Well I just saw two pee wee teams hit The Whip and The Nene and the crowd went wild for the synchronized dance moves. Football is progressive.

Plus, Andy Dalton wears skinny jeans.

This game gets it, imo.
Football is suffering a slow death in schools. I live in NW Ohio and at least 4 of the high school teams in my kids High School Athletic Conference didn't field freshman teams due to numbers. And some of these schools have recent state championship runs or deep play-off runs, so it isn't lack of success.

Athletic departments up here are having parent meetings prior to signup making parents sign waivers that the school will not be held responsible for concussions and providing lengthy statistical summaries on both the rate of injury, long term affects of concussions, and football versus other sports. It is great they are being honest, but it is like they don't want to field teams.
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If football doesn't change, it could fall off more precipitously than boxing since you'll need an entire team of poor kids to play it.

Public opinion seems to be shifting much faster than I anticipated. I had the same take about football 3-4 years ago and got ripped to shreds.
The participation numbers aren't that far down from where they were several years ago, but still, that doesn't translate to people watching less of the NFL or college football. Plus, little Clifton Arbogast IV's parents not letting him play JV high school football doesn't translate to less potential NFL talent.

They're still putting a much better product on the field than what soccer can cup with sans the World Cup. Football is really the perfect sport for TV, and basketball and soccer aren't going to change that any time soon.
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