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-I know it was a school but did Christian Academy Louisville even have sports back in the day?

My senior year there was 1999, and that was the first year at the big campus off Shelbyville Rd. That was the first year for football. The first team had like 19 guys and lost every game except one, they beat Moore's JV team. The guy that caught the hail mary pass to win that game used to tell me stories about those guys learning the basic rules. Apparently in one game the punter (who was also starting QB and played some CB as well) was told by the coach to punt the ball out of bounds. He takes the snap and proceeds to turn 90 degrees towards the sideline and punt the ball directly out. Looks like they've come a long way since then.
We went to a basketball "classic" at CAL back in 2007. Bunch of scrappy white boys that played borderline dirty. We had a guy get tossed there because he felt like he kept getting cheap shots, but our guy was a turd, really. I was an asst. at the time so I had to go back to the locker room with him and rip him for about 30 minutes. So, CAL gave me that opportunity, which was nice.
That timeline would explain it. Graduated in 99. Just strange seeing them as our new biggest rival.

-Yeah the Ramsey stuff is hilarious. What a douche. Tweeting insults at Sullivan at 3am on Friday. Par for the course with that dude.
If a player gets mega bucks, like Anthony Davis supposedly did, it is hard to believe the coach doesn't know. If a player passes classes he shouldn't or didn't, or tests, there is no way the coach doesn't know as he is supposed to oversee those things. If a player constantly shows up in furs, mega expensive jewelry, drives expensive cars or always has a bunch of money, there is no way the coach doesn't know or at least shouldn't know.

A bunch of guys attending a party that supposedly has "bad females" and "activities" going on for one particular night, after hours, -- come on. The cannot be with them 100% of the time -- at night, on every weekend, etc. Girls are allowed in dorms -- hard to stop it then. Without putting monitors in every room how is he supposed to know? And since the dorm is partially regular students, Rick has NO control over the entire dorm -- let alone what goes on away from the dorm.

Do you know what your child does every night if they are a teenager? Guaranteed you don't -- no matter how much you think you do or have great kids. They are going to have sex, experiment with drinking or possibly drugs, run around with some "questionable" people -- it's life. Otherwise no "good" family would have a kid that is involved in an unplanned, unmarried pregnancy, or a drug case, or a DUI, or a shoplifting or any kind of stealing etc.
MasterDrew or whatever is some UL fanboy who seems to be on the same acid trip that UL Sheriff is on. He's a Louisville Man through and through who is digging in disbelief.
Sorry about your luck....

Neil for landing on the moon
Barack for becoming the first African American President of the United States
1980 US Men's Hockey team
Berlin Wall's destruction
Nelson Mandela for beating cancer a few times and spending a quarter of his life wrongfully imprisoned before ending apartheid

...but the University of Louisville Men's Basketball team under Hall of Fame Coach Rick is the greatest successes in the last 50 years.
I have neither the time or capability but to keep up with the Louisvillle scandal, a twitter feed similar to "Kentucky Stole My Fish" with the more ridiculous assertions, accusations, denials would make for great reading for years to come.
Good lord. Don't get me wrong, the Louisville scandal is not on the level of the Penn State scandal, but this environment and mentality is the exact kind of fertile soil that shit needs to grow. Oh, something bad happened? Give me every shred of evidence you have so I can question every possible aspect of it, starting of course under the assumption that my school did nothing wrong, and that Rick and Tom are honest and morally outstanding men, and working my way backwards from that conclusion. It honestly is f***ing creepy at this point.
I'd say that mentality is getting ready to be checked. Until now it's just been reinforced that they don't answer to anyone. That's the main difference in UK vs UL. We've had our ass kicked by the NCAA enough times to keep us in check. Those asshats have floated by too long without any checks and balances.
Epic Recovery Saturday:

Gym Done ---> Home, and don't plan on leaving. [smoke]


-West 6th Oktoberfest.

-Smoked Wings working now -- Jalapeno/Provolone/Bacon-Wrapped Chicken thighs, grilled zucchini/corn succotash later on for early dinner.



-Dateline/Affair/Homeland nightcap

-In bed by 10.

:fire::fire::fire::100points::100points::100points: (Happy Birthday Pope. As much as your birthday celebration means to me, we just couldn't make it) #neededthis
The problem is their newer and younger fans have never experienced any type of checks & balances of their program to gain proper perspective of things.

As a result they don't know any better. Plus, 99.9% of their fans have never left the city of Louisville so they don't have to deal with other fans putting them in their spot and anything that UK fan says won't be taken seriously bc of the rivalry.
Good lord some of these UofL fan/blogger/media personality takes blow Davis=Henson out of the water in their levels of shear ludicrous stupidity. One of the greatest success stories in the last 50 years:

Louisville Man=Bill Gates

also whores
:fire::fire::fire: take: LSU wearing their absolute best uniform combination today

If anyone sympathizes with what USC is going thorough it's LSU. It's likely they'll need the same thing done for them again at some point.
Baylor has 52 & 400+ at halftime. [laughing]

I took Kansas +46 inside a $5 parlay, and basically lost in the first half...LOL

I know Baylor is Baylor and Kansas is ALL TIME bad this year, but damn...45 point halftime lead in a BCS conference game is just nuts.

Man. What's Western's beef with MTSU? Running trick plays, onside kicking it, and going for it on 4th down with less than a minute left in the 1st half, up 40+ when they get the ball back after half.
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Another horse just got put down on the Keeneland track. That's 3 in a week. If it keeps up at this pace, Breeder's Cup weekend will be a nervous time for Keeneland and the sport in general. They don't need an American Pharoah getting euthanized on national television.
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-Those LSU uniforms are just ridiculous. Almost too much. Best uni in the game.

-Touching Oklahoma and Big Game Bob trying to ruin my day. This is the time of year when CFB gambol gets tough. They lose and it's a bad week for Anth thanks to USC and OU.

-Bye week bliss.
Man. What's Western's beef with MTSU? Running trick plays, onside kicking it, and going for it on 4th down with less than a minute left in the 1st half, up 40+ when they get the ball back after half.
I don't have a clue, but I like it.
Man. What's Western's beef with MTSU? Running trick plays, onside kicking it, and going for it on 4th down with less than a minute left in the 1st half, up 40+ when they get the ball back after half.

Goes back to their old OVC days when MTSU used to run everybody there for a while.
Eaves is a Denny guy. They see this as the opening to oust the guy who cost their coach his job. I bet there's a long line of Louisville guys from the 80's and 90's who still have absolutely no love at all for Rick Pitino.
UL should leave that SI article alone. Picking a fight with a respected writer over an ancillary piece trying to connect dots is not a good idea. That'll get the other writers all up in arms and taking that stance, some are already hinting at it. Just going to do is get that sucker more views and more people saying, "wow I didn't realize all that." No one is going to care that SI has the swimsuit edition so they're obviously hypocrites.

I'd keep to focusing on the problem here, not inviting more people too look.
Baylor has 52 & 400+ at halftime. [laughing]

I took Kansas +46 inside a $5 parlay, and basically lost in the first half...LOL

I know Baylor is Baylor and Kansas is ALL TIME bad this year, but damn...45 point halftime lead in a BCS conference game is just nuts.

In High school, took Houston -70 against SMU. We covered by double digits if I remember correctly. I can remember Kansas State in the late 90's covered 11 or 12 in a row with Michael Bishop.
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Baylor has 52 & 400+ at halftime. [laughing]

I took Kansas +46 inside a $5 parlay, and basically lost in the first half...LOL

I know Baylor is Baylor and Kansas is ALL TIME bad this year, but damn...45 point halftime lead in a BCS conference game is just nuts.

Baylor had 2 coaches (one being Art Briles son) suspended earlier this year for recruiting violations. It was reported this morning that the Kansas coaching staff may have been the ones that turned Baylor in. Kinda surprised Briles took his foot off the gas in the 2nd half.
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