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My favorite part was when he said McGee had nothing to do recruiting, but his web profile on UL's website said this:

Didn't the NCAA take a new "Captain of the Ship" stance a while back when it comes to coaches? They may end up giving Turtleneck no choice but to can him.
So no way Jurich/Ramsey want Pitino talking. He's out trying to get sympathy. I wonder if they're even involving him in this. He must see the writing. Conspiracy theory but Ramsey Jurich may be to tied together for just 1 to go. So I agree Rick is taking the sword. Good for him. He's been a lying POS who believes he's bigger than every program he's been at. That Roy Williams sympathy bullshit isn't working on me. Karma is collecting on the past 15 years buddy. Enjoy that legacy and your retirement gig at the mothership. Couldn't happened to a better guy.

Also, did it seem that he was indicating someone other than McGee was responsible? Sounded like it.
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Meiners is a goof, but his success/status is undeniable around here, as 840's signature dude for 30 years.

Wonder what he makes per year, in total with ads/appearances? Beavis? Sloot?
So if Rick does have to take the fall for this what will he be best known for, his legacy? Will it be the incredible job turning UK around and winning another at UL? Or will it be a disgraceful ending due to strippers, whores, and Porcini's?
Meiners is a goof, but his success/status is undeniable around here, as 840's signature dude for 30 years.

Wonder what he makes per year, in total with ads/appearances? Beavis? Sloot?
He has a 700K home in Mockingbird Gardens. He is probably knocking back brewskis with Pitino tonight. Pretty sure he also has a few really nice rental properties. I'd say he makes 350K
He'll be known for the 2 scandals. Period. What's Bobby Knight known for?

If he digs in, and it sounds like he is, could get real ugly over there.

Fun watching the local guys that were bullied come out of hiding and pile on. Amazing what happens when a bully can't throw his weight around.

Terry was trumpeting Rick as late as last night. Saying this is all a lie. All BS.

I just wonder if McGee talks. Part of me thinks he does.
McGee will talk if he's got proof of higher ups being involved. He's got to figure out a new income source.
At this point McGee has nothing to lose. His coaching days are ova. Rick basically said as much today and pretty much tried to distance himself from him. He's burned the most important bridge he had as far as moving up the ranks and if the Floyd St posse try to make him look the only bad guy this could get real ugly.

The more I think about the interview with Meiners today the more I think Rick is in CYA mode. He may very well be the odd man out over there. He kept referencing the "why" aspect of it all which leads me to think they know more than that has been let on.
I have no sympathy for the Louisville media while they play both sides of this to make sure no matter what they are on the right side. Clearly though because of the media coverage being somewhat unbiased for this(at least enough so it's clear there won't be a complete cover up) they have created a save your ass environment. McGee will talk if he hasn't already and more will keep coming. We haven't even got too deep on the BS that's been going on over there, but unless it can be bad enough to get Jurich out somewhat of a coverup will happen.

There is no chance Pitino will let any of his coaching tree to ever come to UL if they indeed leave him out to dry. That little tidbit of not resigning no matter what was directed to Ramsey for sure so UL really has some work ahead to see how far up this is really going before they choose sides.

Bender has openly told anyone who will listen that Pitino is a horrible person and the worst thing that ever happened to him, but honestly he never has mentioned any shit like this or cheating ever!
Humility and gratitude leave your heart and mind open to receive unexpected blessings, even on the heels of disappointment....also whores. ---Rick Pitino
Damn. He really might not survive this. All the local hacks are piling on now. Now I'm curious as to whether or not they have Jurich's blessing to run with all these pieces.
wow when Bozich is going at HOFCRP's ass then he is done. He does have a point though the pressure went up when Cal got here and he had to change something in recruiting.
To me the big question is whether or not Jurich has given the okay for this or has taken a hands off approach and not leaned on them at all. Either would be telling. I just don't have enough faith in those guys (except Tim Sullivan) to go against Jurich. Couple that with Ramsey's statement and they might be ready to put Pitino on an ice floe.
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They are assuming McGee will talk and before they let him tear down the whole program Pitino will take the fall and end up getting some sort of buyout to make it worth it for his ego.

Considering all the former UK greats he has had on that UL sideline I'd be proud of him for doing this and possibly not letting everyone that's been there to be under scrutiny for this.
They are assuming McGee will talk and before they let him tear down the whole program Pitino will take the fall and end up getting some sort of buyout to make it worth it for his ego.

Considering all the former UK greats he has had on that UL sideline I'd be proud of him for doing this and possibly not letting everyone that's been there to be under scrutiny for this.

I wouldn't hold your breath on that. In the past 15 years, he has demonstrated that he doesn't know a thing about dignity or selflessness.

Rick Pitino believes the world revolves around Rick Pitino. The laws, morals, ethics and standards that others must abide by just don't apply to him. As usual, he believes he's the victim in this whole mess.
Matt said tonight that the local media is getting up to 5 times normal traffic. This is way bigger than anything Jurich can orchestrate. Having those numbers equals huge money for those stations that are national conglomerates. That's why they're pumping out several pieces per day. Some of them see an opportunity for awards as well.

As much as those dudes are biased they can't be silent and most of them do have enough integrity that they're not going Demling, Deener, Ramsey fan boy style. I think max is absolutely right. The bully has shown weakness. DeeBo has been hit with the brick, the local puppets are Red stealing his chain back while he's out.

They're all turning on each other. Vanetti and Demling. Ramsey is looking like an idiot. Terry Mieners loves Pitino, jocks him and he absolutely roasted him. Jurich Ramsey vs Pitino. Former players talking. Valvano vs Fan boys and cancer. It's a disaster and only getting worse.

Not fun when you can't push people around, huh?
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