- I got nothing for Christmas, and I couldn’t be happier. That said the Classic NES with Metroid and Zelda has been a lot of fun and my kids might get a chance at it in a few months!
- prepared the Prime Rib for my family’s get together at my moms to help take the burden off my parents who are going through a lot with my Step Fathers dementia setting in.
- Also got a call yday from my sister in Florida that they are flying up because my open invitation to host my adopted fathers family Xmas, after 4 years running, has finally been accepted. When he passed, and then his sister too only 6 months later, a real divide in the family has caused us to not see each other in almost 8 years. So a few years back I started an invitation every year which so far it’s been declined until yday.
My wife’s anxiety is at a peak considering what sent us into a divide. Oh well, can’t wait!
- To won the SEC this year we need 12-4 and maybe just 11-5. Really looking forward to an extremely challenging conference schedule the next few months.