To make my wife mad, I say “lesbiamus” instead of “gay” when referring to a gay woman. I never say “she is a lesbian,” I always say “she is lesbiamus.”What are the best socially acceptable perjoratives these days?
To make my wife mad, I say “lesbiamus” instead of “gay” when referring to a gay woman. I never say “she is a lesbian,” I always say “she is lesbiamus.”What are the best socially acceptable perjoratives these days?
Bike assembled, wine in hand, Vacation on, about fought my 4 year old nephew because he tried to ruin Santa for George. Nice little convo tomorrow to remind folks just because you're not raising your kids on Santa it's a dick move to ruin it for everyone else. Going to teach the little dude a few cuss words to settle the score.
Our family will never have to deal with child handwriting sleuths as we (correctly) have the Santa gifts unwrapped, set up, and ready to play - in front of the wrapped presents.To be fair to the parents, my 10-year old asked my wife a few weeks ago if Santa existed. She laid out a pretty good explanation as to why there is no way he could be real, plus she recognized my handwriting on a gift to her sister from “Santa”.
My wife told her the truth, and then went into some big explanation about the meaning of Christmas, and why it so important not to tell anyone else as they may still believe. My daughter agreed and went on her way.
Not 24 hours later my wife gets a text from my daughter’s best friend’s mother asking why my daughter is telling her kid that Santa doesn’t exist.
Our family will never have to deal with child handwriting sleuths as we (correctly) have the Santa gifts unwrapped, set up, and ready to play - in front of the wrapped presents.
It’s still real to me, damnit.
My parents still have never told me the truth about Santa, I'm guessing they assumed I heard from kids at school...but the subject has never been brought up.
What’s the difference.
Probably last year for Elfie and Santa at our house. 3rd grade, just turned 9. Can't see it lasting next year.
Won't be near as much fun.
This reassurance brought me a lot of Christmas joy. Merry Christmas, Wayne.Well of course, but I got the middle child an iPad and set the home screen to “To (my daughter), Love Santa”. Oldest daughter’s a little quicker on the uptake than I thought.
Silent Night via candlelight is always.
Merry Christmas!
Just got a NES Classic from mom. Best gift since getting a SNES in 1991. #Blessed
Was just saying the same thing at a family get-together last night. Our service did it in German and English last night. I've also maintained for some time that Christmas Eve has a better feel to it than Christmas day. Hard to explain.The Clown can’t hold back tears during a candlelight singing of Silent Night on Christmas Eve.
I doubt there is a more jaded/cynical person in this group than yours truly but I’m powerless against emotion when it comes to that.
Hope everyone has had a very merry Christmas.
UPDATE - After 3 effing hours (not kidding) a winner was me, but only after mom got home and convinced him I was serious. Little shithead is the most stubborn person I have ever known. It’s actually admirable in a way.Did this once in either 1st or 2nd grade over vegetable soup. Sat at dinner table for over 4 hours. My parents gave up when they got too tired and went to bed. Proud day for my stubborn ass.
I asked my wife to get me the Donkey Game game for Switch, because my brother, dad, and i used to play Donkey King Country a lot as kids - and we host Christmas, so it would be fun to play with them today.Just got a NES Classic from mom. Best gift since getting a SNES in 1991. #Blessed