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Meh, the "questionable" sites never got my real email. Was my 1st thought though...
To ensure the Cavs remain a playoff contender they extended Kevin Love on a 4 year 120M deal.

That’s the kind of stuff that should get you fired immediately.

Meanwhile they didn’t think it would be worth it to offer Cousins half that.

As predicted the house is a no go, and since I refuse to move while kids are in school, soccer, basketball etc it’s at least until Xmas before I revisit the moving idea.

So anyone got some good investment/startup ideas?
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I mock my wife for still using an AOL email address, but I think she's on to something. No one's interested in hacking that shit.

Still have my hotmail account that I created roughly 21 years ago. Nice to use when signing up for things that you know will get your address sold/shared.
I’ll tell you what, man. It’s pretty much an all out war on plastic bags and straws these days. Has your city gone full nuclear yet, or nah?
Posted about this months ago. Key West is banning all that in govt buildings next year and everywhere else the year after.

No one needs either of those things. Easy thing to cut out. That being said, if you use a straw I’ll cut you.

Lurker on here once got kicked out of the BETA Club presidential race for giving away Tab cans at the convention in Louisville because Tab was a part of his name. Pretty reasonable...
-Belle's has switched to corn syrup stars which brings up a whole new set of issues. Now we have GMO laced straws. This is all a ploy by Monsanto to take over plastic industries to make up for the organic movement.

-Didn't read unless I was forced as a kid. Book Bee, not for me. Sports books and Guiness only when book fair showed up.

Read a lot now. Highly suggest Boys in the Boat.
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Wodie, Vern & whomever else...

Yes. There will be hooping available this fall at Christ Church United Methodist. There’s a Monday night group & a Wednesday group. Starts at 6:00 & usually goes until 7:30 or so. I’ll keep ya posted.

Vern, you’ll be fine as long as you don’t pull a 73 & charge at me with a tackle from the other end of the court. Dude lost his marbles for a moment. Even his teammates tried to settle him down some. No 40 something year old needs to employ Bill Lambieer tactics during a church run.
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I've seen that 73 a few times. Miss that guy. Sunday at the Eli, 105 degrees, 2 hours sleep, cigar breath, hungover as hell, down to my last 2 sleeves of balls and 73 so furious he's throwing clubs and calling Sue to drive 4 hours with 3 kids to pick him up at the turn.

I believe that was the same day 73 was legitimately angry at 80 for standing in his peripheral vision when he teed off on a hole. [laughing]
I ain’t scared......would anyone like to watch me blow my other Achilles? I have no problem signing waivers first.

Rob I got 3 laptops man, if you need one that bad I’ll donate to your next political run.
I'm down!

Sorry we are full, maybe try the Portland boys club.

I have an elderly neighbor, lives alone, has some Alzheimer's. Our garbage service picks your trash up from the back of your house, but leaves the empty can at curb. Once a month he calls me telling me the Muslims stole his trash can again. I swear he is harder to troll than snowflake Chase.
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