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That's all good and well for most conditions. But when it's 122 outside in the shade, it can easily top 150 on the road. The shade of the car isn't gonna do much in those conditions, nor is having a lot of water. Water might buy you *some* time, but you gotta hope help is on the way or you're in trouble.

I've been there and driven that route, just not in the summer. It's not only hot, it's surprisingly hilly/mountainous terrain.
That's all good and well for most conditions. But when it's 122 outside in the shade, it can easily top 150 on the road. The shade of the car isn't gonna do much in those conditions, nor is having a lot of water. Water might buy you *some* time, but you gotta hope help is on the way or you're in trouble.

I've been there and driven that route, just not in the summer. It's not only hot, it's surprisingly hilly/mountainous terrain.

Dammit... if you can't trust a 1989 hunter safety course video, who can you trust? Well, I still believe the climax in that safety video was accurate: don't call turkeys in while wearing camos and using a red handkerchief to wipe your nose.
Moab 240 or you’re a pussy IMO. A gal won it last year and was like 7 hours ahead of the next person. She’s about 24 and eats crap. I don’t vouch for that lifestyle but she’s amazing.
If you’re as unbelievably stupid as some of these people, you should be ridiculed by every human on earth, regardless of nationality.

If it makes our country look bad, it should look bad. We shouldn’t be putting up with some of this absurd bullshit, regardless of what political team you’re on. If a conservative screams n*gger or wants to arm kindergarteners, or if a liberal wants to abort everyone’s first born, those people should be outted and shunned. If it takes a foreign comedian to do it, so be it. I really don’t see why that matters.

I think stupid people deserve a Rally burger and a coke just like any other red blooded American. Our country, and world, largely run on idiots. They are the heart of America. It’s fine. You need to relax.
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The thing that blows me away about the SBC videos is not that he duped a bunch of idiots in congress that sold their souls long ago...but that their respective staffers didn’t catch this stuff.

Most of these people have political gadflies hovering around them 24/7 and stand as a buffer to the general public and what not. Not one pee-on stepped up and said “not sure about this one boss”?
* Cincinnatian schoolteacher Harvey Lewis is the favorite to win his second Badwater this year. He’s just a week or two past failing to set the Appalachian Trail works record (48 days — I think he finished in 52).

* Saw an interview with that US Rep Joe Walsh. He had an awesome attitude about SBC. He was pissed he got lied to, but also admitted it was funny and he got pwned. I like that guy, as that’s the best angle to take.

* When you pull a guy in the 7th, who’s in the process of throwing a no hitter in his MLB debut, you deserve to lose.

Dilson Herrera, ftw. Literally.

* I’m a pron rut. Throw some names at me, y’all.

* That Kylie Jenner thread about her being a “self made billionaire....”

(sidenote: I hate those people and refuse to watch any of their crappy shows)

Hate them all ya want, they’re taking the media sources they have at their disposal and crushing it. Any of us could be rich Instagram models, too, with enough photoshopping. Or a famous mumble rapper with the right tattoos and dyed hair. So props, I guess, for having the stones and arrogance to put yourself out there and be made a fool of.

-Brandel stepping out of the booth for his first tournament in 11 years to take Medalist honors and qualify for the Sr. Open is damn impressive.

Btw as Hateable as he may be, he's easily the best in the business. Dude is a walking encyclopedia about the game & especially the swing.

-This weather is what summer should be about. :sunglasses:

-Busy (but fun) stretch starts this weekend. Couples Classic, Eli, Club Champ, Michigan, Aruba -- Plan is to look up soon and suddenly it's Fall/ :football:

-Any new murder/mystery podcasts worth a listen? That's my go-to yardwork genre.


-You still hooping, Richie? Let me know when that starts up this fall, I need something to do this winter besides bourbon and gambol.

-I expect to see Travis on many (most) Preseason 1st Team AA lists. Seems like it's been awhile since we had one of those. Wall? Maybe Jones?

-Never had a bad Kirkland Product, tbh. Latest find is their Pesto, delicious/quick add to lunch chicken.

-Anyone do DFS? Amazingly never have, but thought about it at least 100 times. May be worth a free hat, at least:

I get mad at my kids when they read a book over the summer and don’t take an AR test on it YOURE LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE LIKE A DAMN FOOL YOU ARE
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My kids went to the library and then a book store the other day because they know how to read but don’t understand basic economics.
Also, when did schools start this bullshit of "summer reading assignments" for kids? What a load of ass.

Funny... I remember in high school getting those and struggling to even start reading two ~250-page books, thinking it was the end of the world (usually 1 of the 2 was a really good read - the other, some crap like "The Bean Trees"). Current day Wayne thinks 15-year old Wayne was a lazy-ass moron for not reading ~75 pages a week during the summer, rather than having to spend a full weekend cranking it out right before an exam scheduled the first week of school.
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My first and last experience with Tab was visiting my grandma in Lexington and my dad having to pay my brothers and I $10 each to give her a kiss. This was after she sat there for 30 mins hocking loogies into an empty Tab can like it was a spittoon.

I spent that $10 on candy and eventually, therapy.
-Current summer reading: "Sting-Ray Afternoons" by Steve Rushin. Was always a fan of that guy's work in SI. Also reading "Ego is the Enemy" by Ryan Holiday. Better than your average "do better work" book(which is a low bar, admittedly).

-(Standing at my office door) "DID YOU GET THE EMAIL I JUST SENT???"

-Brooks Downing said that 99 percent of the golfers at the Barbasol were gracious, kind, and handled themselves like pros, but that one was a jerk and verbally abusive towards volunteers and staff. BD said he was gonna talk to the PGA about the guy. Would love to know who that was. I'll tell you one thing....Corey Pavin wouldn't pull that crap.

-Haven't seen it mentioned too much in GYERO, but that feature on Lorenzen gave me ALL THE FEELS. I mean, I wasn't that big, but I've been there. I get the helplessness and hopelessness. And I'm glad he's doing it the way that's been proven to be the best long-term solution. Small victories. But it's a struggle, man.

-Hope Chad rallies today. Yesterday he had the posting yips.
-Brooks Downing said that 99 percent of the golfers at the Barbasol were gracious, kind, and handled themselves like pros, but that one was a jerk and verbally abusive towards volunteers and staff. BD said he was gonna talk to the PGA about the guy. Would love to know who that was.

I volunteered and my educated guess would be Nicholas Lindheim.
Can only imagine how abusive he might have been towards the wait staff at Texas Roadhouse/O’Charley’s/Logan’s/etc.
Someone hacked my Gmail at 1:30 this AM, they had my stuff being forwarded to another email. Luckily got an alert that something in my account changed. Couldn't figure out what until I stumbled upon the forwarding tab. Never really thought about identity theft type stuff but I can tell you the last 4 hours have been a stressed filled race. Created a new email and had to go change every account that had any of my CC's or bank info attached.
Huge pain in the ass. Can't figure out how it got hacked either because I didn't get any spam to that account except companies I actually signed up and was a member.

Prayers needed.
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Someone hacked my Gmail at 1:30 this AM, they had my stuff being forwarded to another email. Luckily got an alert that something in my account changed. Couldn't figure out what until I stumbled upon the forwarding tab. Never really thought about identity theft type stuff but I can tell you the last 4 hours have been a stressed filled race. Created a new email and had to go change every account that had any of my CC's or bank info attached.
Huge pain in the ass. Can't figure out how it got hacked either because I didn't get any spam to that account except companies I actually signed up and was a member.

Prayers needed.
Staying off pornhub would be a good place to start with cyber security
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