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Those Brazilian steakhouses are absolutely awful and a great way for me to weed out somebody with horrible taste. We asked the front desk girl at our hotel in Seattle if she had any good food recommendations and the first restaurant she mentioned was fogo de chau or however you spell that Brazilian steakhouse and I politely ignored everything else she said.

More than 12 hours without power and I'm getting pissy, no patience for that stuff, can't imagine multiple days, especially trying to sleep in the hot summer night. Puppies sent that seriously sucks.
Don't Know the exact definition of triggered or snowflake, but if you write 5 paragraphs on gyero how you aren't one, but people who say them are, then you are giant thin skinned pu$$y.

This is kind of what I'm talking about. At no point was I angry in what I was writing, and I'm not angry now, I was just stating a pretty basic and obvious observation to anyone who isn't a complete moron. And yet here we are, with you (a) being unable to read two short paragraphs without over-exerting yourself (b) not actually comprehending what I even wrote (at no point was I discussing myself at all, it was a general observation), and (c) calling me a "triggered snowflake" because...why? Maybe you felt TRIGGERED by what I wrote?
Only gripe with KU: communication is key...people are easy to appease if you keep them in the loop, they could've done better. 1st world problems.

I go back and forth on this one. When I lived in the Highlands in Louisville, we had two separate full-week outages (one after Hurricane Ike, the other because of an ice storm). Would I have been happier if LGE said, "here's our plan: you hippy snowflakes ;) in the Highlands who are always SJWing for solar panels and the reduction of fossil fuels, you get your power on last. Got it?" Probably not. But then again, I could have made plans to be somewhere else for the full week had I really known I would be without power that long.
Had never heard of Rally's until I visited my grandparents in Owensboro and, while passing it in the car, my grandpa uttered in a stern, scary voice "if I ever learn you ate at THAT PLACE, you will be in a world of hurt." Then went silent. To this day I have no idea why he hated it so much but man, f*ck that place straight to hell.
Maybe he really hated Seth Green.
50,000+ customers out, very surprised they didn't give everyone a few courtesy calls to let you know when they were going to flip switch back on for your house.

They have an outage map that give you an idea where you are in priority and a text/DM account.

Sucked for everyone involved. Probably difficult to plan for the worst outage in Lexington in 20 years.
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Serious question for those of you who are of means (as in, you have a decent paying job):

Why not just leave town? It’s not ideal, and I know it sucks, but is it the end of the world if you drive up to Cincy or to Louisville for a couple days? Spend like 300 bucks on a hotel ?
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Serious question for those of you who are of means (as in, you have a decent paying job): Why not just leave town?
  • Power out in the summer - suck it up and stay put. It's basically high-end camping, but with running water and indoor plumbing (especially if you have gas stoves for cooking). It's light until 9:30 anyway. And if you have enough windows open you'll get a decent breeze coming through.
  • Power out in the winter - go to hotel
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Serious question for those of you who are of means (as in, you have a decent paying job):

Why not just leave town? It’s not ideal, and I know it’s sucks, but is it the end of the world if you drive up to Cincy or to Louisville for a couple days? Spend like 300 bucks on a hotel ?

If the temps had been in the 90's, we might have. But it was actually a nice little July weekend(/anth) for a change, so it was manageable.

I did book my folks in a hotel here in Lexington for a few days. Went and checked on them last night and they were like little kids in that room. Couldn't wait to show us all the cool features, the kitchenette, etc. Half-expect to find them searching for an arcade game down the hall when I go back later today.
If the temps had been in the 90's, we might have. But it was actually a nice little July weekend(/anth) for a change, so it was manageable.

I did book my folks in a hotel here in Lexington for a few days. Went and checked on them last night and they were like little kids in that room. Couldn't wait to show us all the cool features, the kitchenette, etc. Half-expect to find them searching for an arcade game down the hall when I go back later today.

Completely fabricated.
Serious question for those of you who are of means (as in, you have a decent paying job):

Why not just leave town? It’s not ideal, and I know it’s sucks, but is it the end of the world if you drive up to Cincy or to Louisville for a couple days? Spend like 300 bucks on a hotel ?

Family Dinner, bub.
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