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The excursion was my favorite part of the honeymoon, left the all inclusive and went to local shopping market, had authentic food that was really good, got to see some beautiful rainforest like shit, and then we got to jump in an aquafir (sp?) was a good time for me. But we had a small group and I get bored quickly so it was right up my alley.

One of the things I wish I knew how to do was golf. Older I get the more it seems like a great way to spend a nice day, and there are a couple of country clubs by us that would be fun to join but hard to justify without knowing how to golf. Seems an almost impossible task to try and learn now, but there's a top golf opening by my house in a couple months so maybe that's an opportunity for me and my wife.
Golf is way too expensive and takes around 6 hours to play, per Tony. Good luck with that!

Seriously though, it's never too late to learn golf. If that's the main thing holding you back, stop being foolish. Not to mention all the other great things that come along with joining somewhere (Pool, tennis, social, business, pickleball).

Just look at Pope, he just started in the last 5 years really, and he's already shooting in 3 figures on 18.
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Was kind of funny last night at family dinner. The other male guests all play golf, and in fact are going on a big trip this week. Anth started getting a little edgy when we kept discussing playing golf, since he had nothing to contribute. (Ray even mocked him for not playing the last several years)

Anth tried to change the subject a few times, but we just talked over him.
No, the women were having their own side conversation about the new neighbors, home decorating, and how dusty the Schems house was.

The men (except Anth) were discussing golf.
Just wait until you all have a bunch of great stories about your golfing exploits, and retell them more than once per decade.

Anth and *all* his buddies (Ray) will have a field day with that one.
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Was kind of funny last night at family dinner. The other male guests all play golf, and in fact are going on a big trip this week. Anth started getting a little edgy when we kept discussing playing golf, since he had nothing to contribute. (Ray even mocked him for not playing the last several years)

Anth tried to change the subject a few times, but we just talked over him.
Bwhaha. False.

Ray has played 3 more times in the last 3 years than I have. They both were dissing joining a country club and rolling their eyes at you constantly bragging about "going 360."

Sorry you golfers don't get it. It's expensive and slow, all said it takes 6 hours door to door for a round. I'd much rather cycle.

Exact phenomenon I'm talking about from that podcast/delts.
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Bwhaha. False.

Ray has played 3 more times in the last 3 years than I have. They both were dissing joining a country club and rolling their eyes at you constantly bragging about "going 360."

Sorry you golfers don't get it. It's expensive and slow, all said it takes 6 hours door to door for a round. I'd much rather cycle.

Exact phenomenon I'm talking about from that podcast/delts.

Nobody was even talking about joining a country club last night. They were reminiscing on all the fun they’ve had over the years going on their golf trips, and wondering why you watch golf so much but don’t play.

And for the record I was the only Delt there.
Nobody was even talking about joining a country club last night. They were reminiscing on all the fun they’ve had over the years going on their golf trips, and wondering why you watch golf so much but don’t play.

And for the record I was the only Delt there.
Lol. They absolutely were. We talked to Joe about possibly doing it when he retires and we wouldn't do unless we lived on the course. Maybe if you weren't talking over people about "going 360" you would've heard.

That's hilarious.
Rickie might get his soon now that he has decided to settle down with pole vault girl.

- Season 3 of Billions was excellent.

- Westworld has been hit and miss this season.

- Succession has my interest after the first two episodes. Next weeks looked good.
Umm, Joe and I were in the kitchen having a private conversation about swing mechanics when you came in. Sorry he was curious how far I was hitting the ball. I knew you’d blow this story out of context.

Umm, Joe and I were in the kitchen having a private conversation about swing mechanics when you came in. Sorry he was curious how far I was hitting the ball. I knew you’d blow this story out of context.

I haven't taken anything out of context. TS.

I mean you out drove a semi-pro by 50 yards. Right?

The reason I was not talking is because I was rolling my eyes so hard.
It’s Cawood’s friend. I just met the guy that day.

And it’s been well documented and witnessed that 360 happened. Stop trying to deny it.
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It’s absolutely horrible getting out of the house in beautiful weather for 3-6 hour stretches. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
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It’s absolutely horrible getting out of the house in beautiful weather for 3-6 hour stretches. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
I've never said it was horrible in fact the opposite. I've had a great time out there with nearly everyone in this thread. What I've maintained:

1. If I have to choose b/w golf and cycling, it's cycling.
2. It's expensive.
3. I suck and to get better I need to be out there at least 3 times per week.
4. When you play with my group they go off at 10a and require post round beers so from when I leave until I return it's 6 hours and typically longer.
5. If I was gone every Saturday/Sunday from 9:15a- 3p, I'd be single. I also don't get much time with G during the week so I prefer to spend that time with him.

Once G is old enough to golf I'm sure that will all change and I'll pick the game back up with him. But golf guys, keep telling us how cheap it is and how fast it goes.
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Sloot...the kids and my wife did it last summer. They absolutely loved it.

I was playing golf and crushing beers. Probably went 360 a few times if I'm being honest.
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