Maybe he thinks Cronin is at UL and not Mack well I for one am not gonna correct him‘I know you did, I know you said what you said. I’ve heard it from enough people, but I want you to understand one thing. Yes, I am the type of guy who can come in at the last minute and take any player I want from you. You can spend your whole life recruiting a kid and at the end of the day, if I want him, I’ll get him. If we want him, we’ll get him. Don’t ever get that confused. Be appreciative every time I don’t come in and get your guy. Don’t accuse me of cheating when I do.
‘I didn’t say–‘
‘Yes you did say that. And it’s fine, but just understand, nothing stupid went on. It’s just that I’m me, and we’re Kentucky and we can come in and get that kid whenever we want.”
-Tucker hinting we may add more to this class? Hmm... the only possibility I could think is Wiseman and contrary to conventional wisdom he seems set on next class. Who else?
Really looking forward to all of the #hot #takes re: attorney/client privilege from non-lawballs.
In most cases yes but only on boards like GYERO, not as much on the national boards for obvious reasons.Attorney/Client Privilege covers communications between lawyers on message boards, just like this one.
So, it appears Diallo is gone and Gabriel is likely history as well. That leaves us with...
Based on?
Be HUUUUGE if they could sneak in there to win 0 to 1 games against the Rockets. Boy oh boy what a ride!I feel sick...