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That whole block on Monmouth is full of old school diners where you can get breakfast for $5. (Eberts Meats and Newport Pizza FTW as well)

I swear by Sis’s- my favorite breakfast and it’s like $6 for eggs, biscuits, goetta, pancakes, home fries and a coffee.

Plus, the lady who owns it provided food for my Uncle Davey’s funeral when he passed away a couple years ago. Very kind of her and I’ll never forget that.

And a heavy NewCath connection with all the employees.
HOT TAKE - I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about Skyline or Gold Star don't @ me

In fact

Looks like Moby Dick for lunch today for Father. Rye w/ cheese. Place is awesome -- they filet their own fish, and hand bread every filet to order. Places are a gold mine.

Surprised '73 isn't all over that 'Top Round' place in St. Matthews. First location outside of LA, and they have Provel cheese.

-Cincinnati is terrible.
From Vecenie's big breakdown of all 9 UK players w/ regards to the NBA:

Wenyen Gabriel — 6-9 F, 7-0 wingspan; current rank: 99
I was not a fan of Gabriel’s game coming into college. He floated on the perimeter in high school and tried to play like a 3. He just didn’t have the ball-handling or natural fluidity to do that at the highest level, so why spend so much time trying to develop those skills instead of the ones he would use more regularly?

Fast forward two years later, and Gabriel is one of my favorites in college basketball because of how he uses his constant motor to impact the defensive end. He’s completely changed his game and has become one of the country’s best energy-givers off the bench. Going from someone with hopes of being a primary option to being a valuable bench contributor is not easy, and it shows the maturity level of the forward that he’s accepted this role and made it his own.

It’s no coincidence that Kentucky is nearly 10 points better per 100 possessions on defense when Gabriel is out there, as his activity level allows him to be a disruptive force to plenty of different player types. He’s a good weak-side shot-blocker, a solid pick-and-roll defender who can move his feet and play in a variety of different coverages, and a solid enough secondary rebounder.

In addition, this year he’s added an improved 3-point shot to his repertoire, which makes him somewhat intriguing as a 3-and-D forward. He’s knocking down 40 percent from distance, and hitting at a 57.6 effective field-goal percentage on catch-and-shoot jumpers. But instead of floating out there, he battles inside for position on offensive rebounds and doesn’t try to do too much off the bounce.

That’s a gift and a curse, though. His shot is really his only offensive skill that’s translatable at this stage, as he’s not much of a passer, doesn’t attack closeouts all that well and isn’t a particularly strong finisher. But the 3-point shot as a big man is a great base to build out from.

If Gabriel can add anything else offensively, he has a real chance to stick in the NBA as a role player. He gets lost in the shuffle a bit as the elder statesman (as a sophomore) surrounded by freshmen, but he could end up being the rare Kentucky player who ends up steadily developing his way into the league over the next couple of years.

First mate sandwich and side of pan fried oysters was the go-to for a young cclark. My dad still eats at the one in Fern Creek every Friday. MD's is the most consistent fish sambo in town, with Mike Linnig's being right there.

Just had to pay out of pocket for flights for the first time in 4-5 years. What a sham.

Dated an NKY gal that worked as a Skyline hostess in Ft. Mitchell when she went home for breaks/summer. No complaints on the dining experience there or at GoldStar. Love a pack of oyster crackers with a drop of hot sauce.

These next two Saturday games, with the world watching- these young Cats are going to get absolutely punked. Just see it coming.

Davis and Cousins starting the ASG... what an exhibition game that is going to be for CATS fans.
Thanks GYERO. Torn between fish & chips at DeSha's or about 34 cheese coneys and a chillito from Skyline for lunch today.

Of course, a GLT plus a fried egg and American Cheese at Blue Ash Chili sounds dope, as well.

Skyline it is. I only have time for a drive thru.
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From Vecenie's big breakdown of all 9 UK players w/ regards to the NBA:

Wenyen Gabriel — 6-9 F, 7-0 wingspan; current rank: 99
I was not a fan of Gabriel’s game coming into college. He floated on the perimeter in high school and tried to play like a 3. He just didn’t have the ball-handling or natural fluidity to do that at the highest level, so why spend so much time trying to develop those skills instead of the ones he would use more regularly?

Fast forward two years later, and Gabriel is one of my favorites in college basketball because of how he uses his constant motor to impact the defensive end. He’s completely changed his game and has become one of the country’s best energy-givers off the bench. Going from someone with hopes of being a primary option to being a valuable bench contributor is not easy, and it shows the maturity level of the forward that he’s accepted this role and made it his own.

It’s no coincidence that Kentucky is nearly 10 points better per 100 possessions on defense when Gabriel is out there, as his activity level allows him to be a disruptive force to plenty of different player types. He’s a good weak-side shot-blocker, a solid pick-and-roll defender who can move his feet and play in a variety of different coverages, and a solid enough secondary rebounder.

In addition, this year he’s added an improved 3-point shot to his repertoire, which makes him somewhat intriguing as a 3-and-D forward. He’s knocking down 40 percent from distance, and hitting at a 57.6 effective field-goal percentage on catch-and-shoot jumpers. But instead of floating out there, he battles inside for position on offensive rebounds and doesn’t try to do too much off the bounce.

That’s a gift and a curse, though. His shot is really his only offensive skill that’s translatable at this stage, as he’s not much of a passer, doesn’t attack closeouts all that well and isn’t a particularly strong finisher. But the 3-point shot as a big man is a great base to build out from.

If Gabriel can add anything else offensively, he has a real chance to stick in the NBA as a role player. He gets lost in the shuffle a bit as the elder statesman (as a sophomore) surrounded by freshmen, but he could end up being the rare Kentucky player who ends up steadily developing his way into the league over the next couple of years.

This is awesome, totally accurate analysis from someone who clearly watches Kentucky play.

“ENG is a great shooter” is not.
Skyline is as much 'chili' as Steak & Shake is 'steak'. Love both.

-Looks like KeVaughn Allen busted out of his year long slump at the right time (28 points, 6-7 from 3 vs Arkansas). Hard to believe he's 4th on their team in scoring this season, always loved that guy's game. Dude is (or was) having a Jr year Bogans experience thus far. 37% from the field, ouch

-Which shot are you giving up this year, Chad? Lunch Box?
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We may get punked by WVU on the road, but we’re beating Florida at home.
Unless they are certain to get Green back, and in good form- its going to be tough to beat any decent team. Obviously a healthy PG makes a ton of difference, especially with this group that seems to completely fall apart late in games without him out there.
Pretty excited to hear more white lies from Century’s boy explaining away stupid young adult behavior, honestly. Awesome that the old man, true to form, took the bait, too.

Circle of life atkot.
Pretty pleased that my very intentional “Chili Parlor” seed I planted last night left ole SAE from Waterfall-town nice and triggered.

Nice little pre-lunch perk-up. Think I might buy a French Chew after lunch as a nice treat.
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All of the talk about fish sammiches. Is The Ketch in Lexington not open anymore ? One of you guys referred that place to me about 5 years ago.
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