*I'm trying hard to believe these women on their "assault" claims, but I can't. Waiting years to finally come out and say they were aggressively pop kissed make my sheeeeeeeeit meter go on high. Should have said "no" or "just left", really.
*Clap back, throw shade, Hold my beer, woke, and whatever else the kids are saying now days is awful. Eat shit, youth of America. /oldassman
*Saw the Globetrotters last night for the first time. Kids enjoyed it, that's about all I have to say. We did Imp's after the game. It's been at least 15 years since I've been. Got the meats with extra cheese...damn good. Big fan of the personal pitchers too.
*Good win Saturday. Darkness is becoming my favorite player on the team. His hustle is off the charts and I can't believe what I'm about to type...I'm actually surprised when he misses a 3 when his feet are planted. If you would have told me he'd be one of our best outside shooters, I'd have said we were Fuqed.