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Good Lord. It's called lack of institutional control. That's a helluva obvious reason to can his @ss. He doesn't have to have participated, he doesn't even have to have knowledge. When you are charged with guarding the hen house, and the hen house burns to the ground on your watch, there's an awful good chance your @ss is going to get canned. Saying, "Oh, I didn't set the fire," or "Oh, I didn't notice any fire" isn't going to do you much good.

To the extent he/his attorney is posturing, that's understandable, though angling for a money grab after leaving an athletic program in shambles shows he has little to no shame. To the extent he is serious about contesting this, he's doing himself and everyone else involved absolutely no favors.
hot take.
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I think just promoting Padgett is a good way to handle it. Get an idea of what your sanctions are gonna be, eat this year (self impose postseason ban maybe?) and then have a full on coaching search once all the other stuff is sorted out. OSU did the same thing when Tressel got busted, had Luke Fickell coach and then kept on as an asst when they brought in Urban Meyer.
Ok, from where comes this sudden Cardinal radio talking point that Anthony Davis was this ---><--- close to committing to Louisville before "mysteriously" choosing UK? I've heard it twice the last couple days.
Imagine being Ray Spalding; you go to your hometown school, Freshman year you’re banned from the postseason, Sophomore year is back to normal, Junior year your coach gets fired the week before practice starts, and Senior year you may not have a team.

All because your teammates got whores and money.
My old man is convinced Cal is going down. He's analyzing Cal's face in those pictures in DC and is convinced Cal looks worried. I think he's still jaded from the Florida loss on Saturday and can't just be happy about this. 70 years of Kentucky football will do that to a man.
There will be arguments proffered that UL waived the right to enforce a morality clause because nothing was done up until now, which is great because it will end up costing UL more money.
I mean sure there's cause for concern but if they (the Feds) implicate UK it'll be along with Duke, UNC, etc.

Basically law enforcement is digging into a scheme the NCAA has ignored and profited from for years. A real question will be can they afford to enforce it now?
Kevin Knox seemingly dropped in our laps. Would that be cause for worry?

No. We had recruited the kid hard for two years. He didn't fall in our laps. His parents kept mum and the analysts were wrong.

Louisville didn't even recruit Bowen. He just up and committed out of the blue.

If anyone fits a similar mold, it's Wiltjer.
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If this does turn out to be damn near all-encompassing, and the NCAA will have a hard time enforcing it then I would think UL will escape further sanctions.
If this does turn out to be damn near all-encompassing, and the NCAA will have a hard time enforcing it then I would think UL will escape further sanctions.

Are you F'ing drunk, trolling or stupid?

* no offense
UofL is done. Will be made an example of. Arizona is f'd too, and nobody seems to be talking about them that much, might ruin the promising career of Miller.
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I just assumed that it's been SO bad at Louisville that nobody has gotten around to Arizona. From what I've read they're screwed.
Had the best first date of all time last night. Chick I've kinda known for a year or so that owns a personal training studio. Walked over to her house to pick her up with intentions of going out to a brewery. Ended up chilling there and having a few beers. Got up to leave around 10:30 and got really dizzy. Laid back down and started sweating like crazy, then eventually went into the bathroom to throw up and pass out on the floor for a bit.

I rallied and got back on the couch. She played nurse for me, and also did a little dry humping. Got a little stinky pinky as well. Fell asleep and walked home at 5am.

I'm basically just waiting for an emai that says I smell like beer and farts, to which I can remind her that her P stinks.

Had the best first date of all time last night. Chick I've kinda known for a year or so that owns a personal training studio. Walked over to her house to pick her up with intentions of going out to a brewery. Ended up chilling there and having a few beers. Got up to leave around 10:30 and got really dizzy. Laid back down and started sweating like crazy, then eventually went into the bathroom to throw up and pass out on the floor for a bit.

I rallied and got back on the couch. She played nurse for me, and also did a little dry humping. Got a little stinky pinky as well. Fell asleep and walked home at 5am.

I'm basically just waiting for an emai that says I smell like beer and farts, to which I can remind her that her P stinks.

A meet cute from the pages of a Hollywood script.
Miller was a product of the shady Pitt teams of late 80's. Bobby Martin was a controversial recruit switching from Nova I think. Charles Smith from CT, lot of rumors. Jerome lane, etc. Roy Chipman recruited a few but left mysteriously slightly alluding to recruiting game.
Miller was a product of the shady Pitt teams of late 80's. Bobby Martin was a controversial recruit switching from Nova I think. Charles Smith from CT, lot of rumors. Jerome lane, etc. Roy Chipman recruited a few but left mysteriously slightly alluding to recruiting game.

Umm so was Calipari...
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Alabama just announced a full review of basketball operations and accepted an administrator's resignation. Interesting.

I think this would be a great time for Cal/Kentucky to announce a full review of all Kentucky basketball operations and procedures. Put out a press release, maybe even say it's directly related to the current FBI investigation. Get Louisville fans all hot and bothered.

Then come out about four hours later and say "We checked everything, we're all good."
I will give the new UL president some points for growing a pair but when a university president gives an employee an itemized list of demands and that guy laughs and tells the president to have a coke and a smile, well...
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Yesterday before all the news broke, I walked out to my car to see some fatass push his shopping cart into my driver's side door.

Ol' Catlanta almost made the news. He chirped a little but pretty sure he was shitting his pants because he correctly read the situation that if he even considered for a second of bowing up, I was going to beat him with a gallon of 2% milk.

All fired up and groggy from no sleep, Louisville Louisvilles, I didn't do something I can't undo and life is good.

But are you f'ing kidding me, why the F would you push your cart and leave it on someone's car? Probably my favorite part was him trying to Pitino me saying he didn't do it when we had the only two cars in the vicinity and oh yeah, I WATCHED YOU DO IT YOU FAT PECKERWOOD HICK.

I'm a little drunk so disregard what I just posted if you don't mind. K thanks.
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