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Vegas odds on next UofL coach.

If it is Cronin, I guess that would settle GYERO's Cincinnati vs. Louisville debate once and for all.

Oh ok...I guess it wasn't on Twitter, Facebook, Periscope, WatchESPN app, Yahoo!, AskJeeves, etc.
:rolleyes: Feels like I said I checked google and cbs and espn...also I don't tweet because that place is awful. I'll let a bunch of you all follow the 17 year olds and Caliparis children so if they say anything worthwhile you can report back here.
Oh please hire a guy Cal personally despises (with good reason) who can't recruit or develop an offense. Plz.

Don't see them hiring anyone from the Pitino tree though.
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I'd like to see this picture photoshopped with GYERO pictures in the background- drunk Mexican, Smokin' Kid King Llama, SAEYOUNGBLOOD, etc.

From Kevin Zipperle:

"I questioned Bowen's and VJ's and Malik's commitments when they arrived--"Are they L1C4?" Although I wasn't keeping score, I don't recall the first guy chiming in "I agree, why?" No, too many people were happy getting commitments like those other guys get."


I mean, god bless.

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UofL basketball first fielded a team in 1911.

That's roughly 40,000 days ago.

Of all those ~40,000 days, this one is the darkest.

In other words, today, September 27, 2017, is the absolute worst day in the history of the University of Louisville basketball program.

I mean, wow.

That's something.
Shew....its hard to temper my enthusiasm at work because of who I work with. I feel really bad for him because you can see how angry he is. He's pissed because he's saying they cheated to get a dude they didn't even need. He's more worried for his boy which is understandable.

Buuut....its awesome getting inside info in real time. He got a call from DP and it looks like he's going to be the interim coach, depending on interim AD.

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UL will still be a 25ish team this year all things considered. You would think they could get a coach with some kind of experience and not promote David Padgette who has none. But you do you UL.
I don't think they're top 25 at all. One reason these teams always over-achieved just (no pun intended) walked out the door. Their true talent level is a lot different from where Rick would've had them. That tenacious defense will be gone. Unless David Padgett is secretly a motivational and Xs and Os mastermind, this team will struggle. Nevermind all the distractions from this ongoing investigation.

And you're not getting a decent coach two days before practice starts with possibly multiple years of postseason ban hanging overhead. You're not selling that to anyone. You're just not. This is a throwaway year now.
Another tidbit...the President of the 3PL that employs us used to be an executive at Adidas. We were asking about it and he said we haven't seen anything yet. Huge slush fund set aside for basketball players and families.

If you know who I work with, you can probably do a bit of research and see the dudes name.

Good Lord. It's called lack of institutional control. That's a helluva obvious reason to can his @ss. He doesn't have to have participated, he doesn't even have to have knowledge. When you are charged with guarding the hen house, and the hen house burns to the ground on your watch, there's an awful good chance your @ss is going to get canned. Saying, "Oh, I didn't set the fire," or "Oh, I didn't notice any fire" isn't going to do you much good.

To the extent he/his attorney is posturing, that's understandable, though angling for a money grab after leaving an athletic program in shambles shows he has little to no shame. To the extent he is serious about contesting this, he's doing himself and everyone else involved absolutely no favors.
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