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Meh, it's just another loss to Florida. We've seen them lose to them in even WORSE fashion.

We've got a really good team. Best I've seen in 20 years+ years. It's just the Florida thing.

3-1 with a lot of winnable games left.
I think 2014- where we actually did get screwed by the refs on the play clock- was maybe worse. But this sucks for sure.
Stoops has probably used all the goodwill these fans are willing to give him:

-Big time opponent
-Electric atmosphere
-Play competent football for 3Q
-Turn into a complete pussy in the 4Q

This game and UGA last year were basically the exact same script. He'll be lucky to get 40k butts in the seats next week.

And for good reason, f*ck him...
My biggest issue with this L is that I actually think we were the better team, can't say that in years past.

Man, we shit the bed, in so many ways. Stoops should get credit for a lot, recruiting, bringing us back to respectability...but, damn, there comes a time where you have to play to win. We sat on the ball too often and too early tonight. Leaned on the defense too hard.

Steven Johnson is a legitimate QB, it's time we treated him as such and stop throwing away valuable downs with gimmicks.
Stoops is doing a pretty good job IMO.

I think you all have forgotten the depths that U.K. Football can sink to.

It's sort of been my entire point tonight. Beating Florida is out of the question. The best you're gonna get is to, you know, make them WORK for it.
Stoops is great at assembling talent. Setting up and running a defense. He is piss poor at being a manager of a football team. Im at peace with it. Get us 7 and whatev. Im done getting up for it. Just done.
Oh the center, we really need to hold an open tryout for a center. I lost count of how many times a shittt snap lost the ability for a play to develop.

The best part was when someone said something about his mama and he went crying and hollering to the ref and our QB had to call a TO. That was great.
Play conservative the entire tim you have the lead and settle for field goals then try to get a few extra yards when you’re already in range with 11 seconds left.
We can not step on the field again for all I care, but Mitch better burn those fn CHROME!!! shits.

We wore angelic white SEC uniforms and beat down SC last week, so of course...ENTER CHROME!!!!!
I was a senior at UK the last time we beat UF.

I've withheld foolish hope for most of the past 30 years, but did think we had them in 1993 (before it was much of a streak), in 2003, and in 2014.

Today I went to the stadium to tailgate 2 different times with college buddies in from out of town. Had a game ticket but my wife didn't, and even at kickoff the lowest we heard was $100. So I decided to walk home with her, and watch on TV until they proved to me I should buy in.

Left the house up 17 with 12 minutes left. Walked into the stadium with 6 minutes left. Had complete faith the entire way that we'd either stop them or Stephen Johnson and Austin MacGinnis would win it. Had 100% confidence in Austin's kick, even after the hold. The kick even looked good from where I was sitting and people in my section were high-fiving.

Point is, I usually the share the clown's mentality, and even so, there's not much else more I could have done except wait until the ink was dry on a UK win and was reported in the Sunday LHL.

Even for someone who has learned to know better, this effffffffffffing sucks.
This isn't even Top 10 in the worst U.K. losses I've seen.

Probably not as old as you, and I've seen a shit-ton of horrible losses, but win tonight and we're almost guaranteed 6-0 with momentum and confidence. Real potential for a major bump in the program and completely shit the bed in multiple ways.
We have had some really shitty things go against us lately. Even basketball has had shit karma the past few years.

Still wide awake, fuming, trying to make sense of that horse shit.

Haynes has got to realize that not losing yardage there is a victory. We did the one thing you absolutely cannot do right there, and multiple other time throughout the game.

The most aggravating thing is we've run wildcat sets and had guys left open like that and not even considered having Snell toss it over.

Eddie Gran can go sit on a BBC for that pussy ass play calling towards the end. This coaches seem to have zero concept of momentum and how it affects things.

Oh well, UK football shit in my mouth again. Hope every one of those MFers is still up thinking about this.

That dude spit in Stallings face and the ref that was right there did nothing. Not sure how that's possible.

I genuinely hate this program. I hate it. It causes me to be down way more than up. I kept trying to change the channel, but I couldn't. I wish I could not give AF and just watch them flacid dick their way to a variety of amazing losses and unbearable beatdowns like the Bengals, but I care too much.

Every time this program has a big opportunity it trips over itself and knocks it's teeth out.

Schlarman can GTFO as far as I'm concerned. Last year looking more like an anomaly. If the OL is just ok tonight, we win. But they weren't, they were awful. Maybe stop worrying about getting 9 guys that can play and try to focus on 5 for the time being. How do we not have a center than can snap? Do we not teach that? When it became an issue why wasn't it corrected?
Who the hell is going to read all that? Get back to me tomorrow when you finish.
Just so many blown plays in an otherwise dominating performance.

The four shitty snaps in a row makes me want to spit in somebody's face. The last one cost us 18 yards and also led to a McGinnis miss from 48 versus a money chip shot.

Just truly unreal how we F'ed this up.
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I still can't get over how big of a gash this staff is. Playing with house money up 13 and you completely crawl into a shell on offense.

And how did Stoops NOT call a timeout on the first defensive miscue? The play is unfolding right in front of his fat face. You see that no one is covering a receiver, your D is disjointed, burn a TO.

Never enough targets to Conrad. Guy is open constantly, catches everything in range and always gets an extra 3-7 yards out of a play. We used him twice.

Johnson was executing a flawless performance and our staff neuters him by throwing the ball 3 times in the last 26 minutes of game play. Not until that last drive did they dust off his accurate arm and ask him to move the ball.

Think I ruptured a few blood vessels yelling at the TV after we come out of a timeout with 10 men. Coaching malpractice indeed to let that happen twice on the side of the ball that is your area of expertise.
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