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I remember walking through the hallways of the Swamp last year full of hope and confidence...lasted about 8 minutes into the game. Realized we were going to get trounced. Even their fans were bored and leaving early.
Genuinely curious here, who TF were you waiving at there Strokin'?

Had to be someone pretty memorable who was in attendance since it was profile-pic worth, like Coach Cal or maybe Obama?

Also take any and all pregame negativity and shove it up your pee-hole. We'll have plenty of in game redass tomorrow i'm sure... enjoy the lead up and daydream about scratching this 30-year itch, homies.
I remember walking through the hallways of the Swamp last year full of hope and confidence...lasted about 8 minutes into the game. Realized we were going to get trounced. Even their fans were bored and leaving early.
If you genuinely had any optimism going into that game about a team that had lost at home to Southern Miss the week before being the team to break a 29-year losing streak, on the road, I'm not sure whether to admire your blind optimism or be concerned for your sanity.
Chad, someday you'll be bringing your kid(s) around and they'll need naps and all our kids will be grown out of it. I think Maxx or Century Cat or someone mentioned this several years ago.
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All I remember from attending that Florida game in 97 was getting the worst gd sunburn I've ever gotten in my life and being effing miserable the entire following week. Jesus Christ it felt like the sun was 300 feet above Commonwealth that afternoon.:eek:
I used to think Strokin' could have been my long lost, genetically luckier brother until he dropped that mozzarella take.

Our opinions were so similar until then. Now I don't know what to think about anything anymore.
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If you genuinely had any optimism going into that game about a team that had lost at home to Southern Miss the week before being the team to break a 29-year losing streak, on the road, I'm not sure whether to admire your blind optimism or be concerned for your sanity.
Well I was at the UT game where we broke the streak and it was my first time in the Swamp so I was pumped.
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I remember back in September of 1997 when the #1 Gators came to town.

I was there and recall it being the drunkest I have ever been in Commonwealth; and it was hot AF. We had a screw your breakfast before that game, and a brash young freshman pledge WD went shirtless before the Gators even got a lead to the shegrin of the actives. Went home with a Chi O at half, but passed out the moment my head hit the pillow in Blanding III. But that was a day game; at this thing's at night. Still probably won't get laid; less of a chance of us beating Florida.
A season full of phrases incorporating the word "quickly" into the sentence.
We've always gotten a kick out of this. Not out of a young woman being murdered, of course, but that some people avoid Aruba because of it. That would be the equivalent of me saying I'm moving out of Lexington (about the size of Aruba) because someone died here last month.
Lexington is a city in the United States, under the rule of law.
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