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Grilling a gator is really just for show. The only good meat is the jaws and tail. Gotta skin that puppy except for the head and claws. Grilling will probably make the meat too tough anyway. Better to just go with nuggets, season with some cajun or seafood spice.
Grilling a gator is really just for show. The only good meat is the jaws and tail. Gotta skin that puppy except for the head and claws. Grilling will probably make the meat too tough anyway. Better to just go with nuggets, season with some cajun or seafood spice.

Thank you, doctor.
Where the f*ck do you get a full gator to roast? I guess you could go murder one and bring it back to Lexington, but that seems like a hell of a lot of effort for a novelty.

It's illegal too; not like that would stop these dudes down here. But, somehow my buddies always find a dead gator at their hunting camp.
Guess I'm late to the party but digging this ESPN Goal Line channel. Had no idea I had it.

No dick fingers tonight please.

MacGinnis splits one down the middle ftw

* The last time we beat Florida, I was 31 years old and my oldest daughter was 1. Hopefully she will now be able to say, the last time we beat Florida, I was 31 years old.

*The USCjr score isn't doing much for my confidence level.

*I wish that there was not quite so much confidence by the talking heads that we will win. I would like very much to tiptoe quietly by the football gods and maybe sneak a win past them.

*Go Cats! [cheers]

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