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Beautiful, I was waiting on this column from someone. Just last night I was googling "UNC / NCAA / backfire", and all variations and permutations thereof, but couldn't find anything.

"Backfire" was the keyword of anything I hoped to find, and Solomon GETS IT.

(^That sounds sarcastic, but coming from me on this subject, you know it's not).
This is where you need to go to get your unc scoop and opinions. Granted they are biased and don't have an affinity for UK. But they hate unc:
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Floating 14K? If that is an issue, then it might be the wrong business.

But guess what? It's a business. We deal with it. Doctors can too.

Missed the point.

People rave about the amazing Canadian medical system. It actually sucks. We wait 18 months for surgery on average when we aren't dying. We have too many administrators who make too much money and cut from patient care. And the government that funds it doesn't pay out legitimate claims for amounts of money that are huge to most people, and tells you they screwed it up but don't apologize or do anything other than tell you that you will get it in 30 more days.

My point is yeah we get free healthcare which is cool based on what you guys pay for insurance. But I would pay for better healthcare than we get.

I'm not part of the how hard doctors have it camp.
Jarred Vanderbilt has to be the whitest name for a black basketball player ever.
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The more I read on UNC the more I'm convinced they gonna get hammered. NCAA didn't drop a new NOA just for the hell of it. And if UNC gets hammered, gonna be damn near impossible not to hammer UL above and beyond their own weak-ass, self-imposed penalties.

Good times!
The W.H.O. would rank the "country of GYERO" #1 easily. Societal wastes of space in the US drag us down in actual rankings, whom IDGAF about, personally. In the other 36 countries we would be treated like the dregs as well, including Canada.
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W.H.O. has the United States ranked 37th in overall health care in 2016, so I'd say there's about 36 other places that would be just fine.
They also say we have 28 of the top 50 hospitals in the world and the top 5 and most of the top 20. Also basically all the top educational medical schools. But you're welcome to fly to any of those other countries next time your family needs a procedure. I've been in hospitals in other countries. No f*cking thanks.
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Countries ranked ahead of the US by the WHO:

- Cuba is 2 spots below us

And that's just the obvious bullshit ones. Having been in a large Northern Italian hospital (Italy is ranked #2), I can confidently say I'd rather be treated at any of the hospitals I've been to in the states. Beaver Dam band aid shack probably isn't representative of the US system as a whole. jmo
If Boone's only charge is growing/cultivating/distributing freaking marijuana, how in TF can you still go to prison for LIFE in 2016? I mean, I get it's against the law but it's touching weed. Fine, couple months in the clink and call it a day.

When they say life, they mean the maximum penalty permitted by statute, but that almost never determines the actual sentence in federal court.

Having said that, the penalties for marijuana cultivation still can be pretty tough, especially if you have a criminal record.

21 U.S.C. § 841(b)(1)(A)(vii):

"In the case of [any person...manufactur(ing)] 1,000 marihuana plants, regardless of weight, such person shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment which may not be less than 10 years or more than life...If any person commits a violation of this subparagraph after a prior conviction for a felony drug offense has become final, such person shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment which may not be less than 20 years or more than life...If any person commits a violation of this subparagraph after two or more prior convictions for a felony drug offense have become final, such person shall be sentenced a mandatory term of life imprisonment without release...."

From the C-J:

"[Boone] was charged with growing and distributing marijuana based on a Kentucky State Police and Drug Enforcement Administration Investigation in which over 2,000 marijuana plants were found on Boone’s farm in Springfield, Kentucky."

Not sure about his priors, but Johnny was in Canada for a reason, and it sure AF wasn't the health care.
Appreciate the info but either way, you grew a plant that naturally grows in the wild. Obviously this is semantics at this point but what does "not more than life" even mean? "We won't assign you to a prison term for your corpse to have to do time in prison..."

I mean, no matter what you grew a plant that many states have completely legalized but here nope. We're backwards and actually dumb about the fact that we'll legalize at some point either way, BUT NOT TODAY. So you sir will go to jail for the rest of your life for a cultivating a plant that is legal in many states. We need these jobs, no reason to make a billion dollars when you can make a couple million on fines and prison time and waste good cops time chasing down a joke of a crime.

I get it, I really do. But that shit is dumb. *

*I don't even smoke weed. It's been years since I have. But I know it's dumb to talk people down over weed.
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